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High Grade Dysplasia with Ulcerative Colitis

My gastroenterologist told me today that my most recent colonscopy biopsy results showed high grade dysplasia. He said it was possible that it could be from the inflammation, so he has changed my meds around and will do a follow up colonscopy and biopsy next month. He has already told me that if the results again show high grade dysplasia, I will have to have my colon removed.

I have had active UC for over 25 years, and I kind of knew this day was coming.... I just hoped it would happen after I was in my 50s (I turn 46 next month).

What I'd like to know is whether anyone on here has had this, too, and which surgical option you chose. My husband is VERY supportive and couldn't care less if I had to wear a bag for the rest of my life, but I feel that I am too young. I'm very frustrated and confused right now. Any info folks can offer would be much appreciated. Thank you!
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Nuts....especially walnuts.....put nuts in your salads but they have to be raw nuts...from the health store.
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Lizz....what natural remedies have you experimented with if any? Colon health is directly related to regular diet. Inflammation tells me acid and acid in your system creates so much havoc and is created by so many foods it's rediculous!

You should try a diet full of serious green leafy raw vegetables, carrots with the skins on both cooked and uncooked are good for you, cabbage, beet greens, kale, swiss chard, bok choy, turnip greens, PARSLEY but parsley must be eaten raw. Garlic....raw grated garlic, lemon, honey and olive oil dressing. Eat Only the potato skin with a little real butter and sea salt. NO FRIED FOODS!!!! No fast foods....only whole grain breads from a health store or made at home from whole ground grains. NO PROCESSED wheat flour! NO SUGAR for the first 30 days and then only HOney....agave syrup, Stevia powder or 100% pure maple syrup. No Processed meats and no dairy! NO RED MEAT...in fact....NO MEAT for the first 30 days then only a little fish for the next 30 days. Eat home prepared legumes, 15 bean soup mix without the seasoning packet. Use sea salt, onions and garlic, green peppers and curry, cumin or chili powders to season with.

Your disease is ENTIRELY dietary my friend. If you can do something about it now....you might not need surgery AT ALL!!! Look into health colon cleanse herb capsules at your local health store. All it is is a wide variety of spices and herbs most people desperately need but NEVER get these days. No danger....but you will need a lot of water and don't go too far from a bathroom for a few days until your body can manage to adapt to the new, healthy routine.

BUy a friggin juicer and then juice....everything! But make certain the produce you buy is stamped organic and focus primarily on carrot juice....lots and lots of carrot juice with your enormous salads. You will get better...it will take some genuine time and effort but you will get better...without surgery most likely....certainly not as radical a proceedure as you are currently considering! Egads!!! Raw garlic is key.....stock up on garlic and use it.
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