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hi i have a problem of constipation since i was little i am 22 years old and yesterday when i went to the bathroom i have blood come out it was bright red and it hurt passing through could there be a chance that it is colon cancer?i see my doctor next week but i am so scared
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You are right to seek a consultation with your doctor since rectal bleeding is never normal..  At 22 years old it is very unlikely that you have colon cancer since this usually occurs at age 40+.

Unless your doctor can 100% reassure you that the cause of the bleeding is one of the more minor reasons (eg anal fissure, haemorrhoids etc) I suggest that you ask for a colonoscopy as the test that should provide the maximum reassurance.

Good luck

PS - for a summary of possible causes, you might like to type in rectal bleeding to yahoo/google etc and click on one of the many explanatory websites that will emerge.
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Hi again - as a further thought to your posting, I would suggest trying a high fibre diet to try and minimise your constipation problem naturally.

Try not to be sucked in to ever-increasing doses of laxatives since, if your colon eventually becomes "inert", then the likelyhood of the "final remedy = surgery" becomes more relevant.

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327138 tn?1217459241
hi! i'm female, almost 43 years old. about 11 years ago, from a carnivorous diet, i shifted to becoming a lacto-ovo vegetarian, precisely because of my fear for colon cancer, as i have been constipated ever since i could spell the word. i just went back to eating chicken 2 years ago (i still avoid pork, beef & seafoods, i consume mostly fish) when i got serious with my gym membership. ... anyway, i noticed that regular workout, a high fiber diet, plus supplementation were key factors in helping me fight it! ... 3 years ago, my mom was diagnosed with colon cancer and another female cousin had that one too (she passed away just a few months after diagnosis, she was only in her early 50's), so those were my 2 wake-up calls. ... i agree with the previous comment about not being to keen with laxatives... there are other solutions to this problem. plus you're very young! you've got your whole life ahead of you...
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I had constipation from my thyroid slowing down. Dairy free acidophilus, Osteoprocare (dairy substitute), raw vegetables, raw nuts (crack open shell to avoid gluten) and thyroid medicine... help my constipation. I am celiac.(can't eat dairy or gluten)... it wrecks the intestines. You may just have a hemmroid.. that bleeds when the stool rubs on it.. Celiac untreated can lead to cancer... www.****.com is the celiac test that works... blood tests and biopsies don't work half of the time. You can just not eat gluten for 2 weeks and then eat it again to see if gluten is a problem... untreated celiac affects every cell of the body since the intestines can't absorb nutrients, so the cells aren't made right. Best wishes.
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Hi , I am Susan, ***@****. I am just turning 60.
I have always had  problems  with IBS.
Constipation and bleeding in  the 1968.
I had It all.
Operation for bleeding,  some Hemmriods,Fiesure. I was a mess!
I just started stool softner and it seems to being helping.Laxitives ware off or reistance.
My sister never had any problems. Never had problems IBS.
Except very tired. She had colon cancer!!!! Who would of guessed.  She had the colon operation
2006. She is older than me By 4 yrs, but she is having loose bowels constant
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i think Morecambe has a good suggestion but i am not sure but any way best of luck to you

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