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Need surgeon experienced in complicated ops

My mother underwent chemo, radiation and surgery last fall (had surgery in December) for stage 3A rectal cancer.  She now has a temporary ileostomy.  Right before she was to have surgery to reverse the ostomy, they found a stricture in her colon which was caused by the radiation.  Part of her colon is completely collapsed (the radiation killed the blood vessels to this area).  Now, she has to essentially re-do the surgery she had done in December--the stricture is very low towards her rectum, and the surgery will be trickier because of scar tissue and because of how low the surgeon will have to go towards her rectum to take the stricture out.
Our surgeon says he has never seen this before, and has only done this type of surgery once or twice.  We need to know where the most experience colorectal surgeons are--are willing to travel, but would like to stay on East Coast.
Any suggestions?
2 Responses
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I live in NH I am 32 yrs old. and had stage 3c colon cancer when i was 18 yrs old. they had to remove all of my colon they left 3CM of my rectum. The surgeon that I have is awsome and would recomend him 100%. His name is Dr. David Scheotz pronounced  Dr.Shets he is out of Lahey Clinic Burlington MA. I believe the phone # is 781-744-5527. Good luck!
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1102528 tn?1257811511
The general surgeon did a colostomy on me to save my life. But now its time for a reversal and people r talling me its vary inportant to get a colorectal surgeon to put me back together.
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