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My Dad was diagnosed with Colon Cancer/Stage II at age 81. After a colonoscopy, they found a large cancerous mass that needed removed asap, so he was in surgery two weeks later. It will be one year, June 18th since his surgery and considering some post surgery complications due to blood loss and other health issues, I can only say that he's had a long recovery compared to most others.

He decided not to participate in any chemo and he has been doing considerably well in the past few months outside of the post operative incisional hernia that the doctors don't seem to be concerned about at this point. However, his bowel movements have changed recently and he has some abdominal pain that occurs (mostly when pressing on his abdomen area). He's also been anemic (pre and post) last year's surgery.

I'm scheduling an appointment for him to get his first colonoscopy done since his resection. I'm hoping that we're not too late. I'm not sure he can handle another resection if necessary and both of us are wondering about the likelihood of it coming back when the cancerous mass was removed in the resection and/or how fast these polyps can return and grow into masses. I know this isn't something anyone can answer for me.

I've heard that some can grow as quickly as 7 months, so I'm just interested in hearing anyone's story about getting their own cancerous mass removed by a colon resection and how their quality of life is afterwards.......(i.e. how often colonoscopies are done, if anything else was found after surgery, post operative prognosis??, etc. )

Thanks in advance to anyone that will respond.

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HI Amy: I had a colonoscopy last Sept. (beginning) and they found a large mass which they removed 9/24/08 (it was malignant).  They got clean margins.  My tumor was benign on the outside but cancer on the inside. It had not spread.  They did a 6 month checkup and another tumor was found (much smaller but still a tumor).  They said it grew very fast and I had it removed 5/2 with another resection (close to the rectum).  They got it before it had spread.  I now have checkups every 3 months instead of 6 months.  I am 54 yrs old.  These are hard to recover from and very painful.  But, I have 3 beautiful grandkids that I want to see graduate from high school and get married so I keep going.  

Wishing the best for your dad.  My 2nd surgery went much more smoothly than the first with less pain (or I was expecting it and was a trooper?)!  Tell him to hang in there.  
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Hi IdahoGlo..

First of all, I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis and thank you for responding.

I have a few questions for you, if you don't mind...

How did you do right after surgery? lots of blood loss? My Dad had to have at least 3 blood transfusions in the ICU after they revived him (he wasn't responding/breathing after they took him to his room after leaving the recovery area).
Did you choose to go through chemo afterwards?
What type of surgery did you have for your first resection?
When they did the resection closer to your colon...was it the same type of surgery as the first (open or laparoscopic)? Did they operate through the abdominal area?

Right before your 6th month check up, did you have any symptoms? Did you look different (i.e., color of skin, etc..)?  Did your stools change (i.e., color/shape/texture)? Any pain in the abdominal area?

I'm STILL waiting for the nurse to call me back to schedule the appointment for the colonoscopy. Turns out, she's on vacation this week but "someone" should have gotten back to me in 24 hours. I will call again after 9am today.

I'm sorry for the personal questions..

I understand the impact on "time" with your loved ones...I am very close to my Father and would hate to lose him over any circumstance...I'm having a difficult time understanding why unfortunate things happen to wonderful people.....I would like to consider myself an optimist. However, with cancer, it constantly feels like we're dealing with an hour glass with sand running through it...and making every effort to stay one step ahead of everything...

Thanks for your caring words....and thanks again for responding...

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Hi again. Well, I finally made the appointment after 3 phone calls...it's set for July 1st....I really wish it was sooner...but that was the first available opening. :(  

What did you mean when you said:  "they got clean margins"?  (I'm thinking that meant that they were able to remove the mass completely)...???

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