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I recently had a serrated sessile polyp removed, 1.4 cm, and I go back in 3 years.  I also take valium for sleep.  Do you think that valium can cause colon cancer?
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No, it can't.  But there was a reputable study done on taking aspirin daily helps prevent the growth of polyps.  Gastroenterologists are well aware of this, and I would ask yours about the aspirin regimen.  I'm not sure if it's 81mg or higher.  But all medical conditions need to be considered before starting any aspirin regimen over 81mg.  Doctors have for some time recommend 81mg daily for the heart, and it was from this that they learned how it affects the growth of polyps.  Take care.
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Thank you for replying and yes I do know about aspirin which I take daily.  Because I was Vit D deficient, I also take about 1000 of Vit D daily, D3.  Mammo, or anyone else out there, have you heard that sessile serrated adenoma are more dangerous than plain adenoma polyps??  I searched the literature but did not come up with anything.  Thanks so much and I hope all is well with you.   Loretta
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Hi Loretta.  We have FAP in our family and from what I know adenoma polyps and the sessile serrated are only different in shape, both are pre-malignant and need to be removed.  In our family thousands of polyps carpet the colon and removal of the colon is their only hope. I lost a husband, brother-in-law, son and grandson to FAP, I would much rather have been dealing with a sessile.  So long as you remain vigilant with your scopes, you will be fine.  Take care.
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Hi Mammo,
Yes, FAP, I am so sorry you endured such deep loss within your family.  I have seen FAP in the literature and it is indeed grim.  I take it you are well with regards to your colon?  I certainly hope so.  Thanks for your encouragement and I will absolutely comply with my scopes.  My Dr also told me not to drink alcohol even though I am not a heavy drinker by any means.  Sometimes I think taking care of myself is a full time job!  (exercise eating correctly vitamins...)  Happy Thanksgiving to you, dear Mammo.
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