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Vomiting dark brown bile after small bowel resection

My husband had a small bowel resection last Friday (the removed part of his small intestine and colon) and he was released two days later (on Sunday).  By Monday night, he was vomiting up dark brown bile so we went to the ER and they inserted an NG tube in and kept him for four days (the bile coming out of his NG tube after a few days was a greenish color...which the nurse told me it should be).  They did blood work, x-rays and a CT scan but only said that it was just taking extra time for his intestines to adjust and that he had an ileus but that it should straighten itself out.  He ate very little today (1/4 can of chicken noodle soup and some chocolate pudding) and just an hour ago, he started throwing up the dark bile again.  He's not really nauseous but he'll start belching and next thing he knows, he's vomiting (almost like a gag reflex).  Can anyone tell me if this is anywhere near normal after a bowel resection?  his doctors seem to think this will straighten itself out in a few days.
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No...this is not normal.  Anytime the bowel is traumatized  via surgery, it stops working for short period.....maybe a week at the longest.  Your husband should have been kept in the hospital with the NG tube in until they heard bowel sounds and he had a BM.  Either his bowel is not working or he has a blockage.  It sounds to me like they ley him go before things started working again. You need to insist that they keep him in the hospital with the NG tube in until things are working properly, he should not have to go thru this...they're being negligent!  He shouldn't even be allowed to eat by mouth until they hear bowel sounds and then it's jello and liquids, working up to solids.  I wish you all the best, and find a different GI doctor  ASAP.  Take care.
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Thanks for the info.  I told my husband that it sure doesn't SEEM normal to me either.
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Hello Stacy,
So sorry to hear how your husband is and I totally agree he should not have been sent home without showing clear signs that all is as well as can be.
While in hospital after a bowel operation I was passing the bowel fluid, horrible as it is, it was found that I had a blockage and another operation was close to happening but they gave me the intravenous fluids and obviously no food, it did eventually settle.

Please get a doctor to see him again, and if he should carry on like this, although he has gone on long enough then I would suggest taking him to hospital..

So hope all has settled down, but if not then please make that call.

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I hadn't at the time of writing took notice of the date, it is a month ago, so hope that your husband settled, or got the treatment that was so needed..

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