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What are three things I can do to prevent

I have a friend my age - 40 - who was just diagnosed with colon cancer. What are three things I can do to lessen my chances of getting it?
2 Responses
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212161 tn?1599427282
the one and most inportant is get a colonoscopy

they say start at 50 but if it runs in your family or you are real concern than you should get one. colon cancer is a very easy cancer to get rid of if you get your colonoscopy, they find poyls and remove them right there . my husband had one monday . they found 2 and removed them, if he had let them stay there he would of got cancer.   colon cancer is very slow growing and if you get it early its cureable.
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1703392 tn?1307450500
If you are on this site I'm sure you can or have Googled the subject. The 3 things I keep hearing is exercise, don't smoke and a diet low in animal fats. I do 2 of the 3 (I love steak and bacon!).

Also, watch your stool for blood, unusual narrowing or black stool. Those things need to be discussed with a dr.  

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