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back pain goes away after bowel movement

I have always always since I was a young girl had bad stomach pains then real loose bowels....sometimes going in my pants as a teenager.   I had a colonoscopy about 5 years ago.....I am 42 now.   Then I found out over a year ago I have Hypr thyroidism....after taking medication things started getting better.......Now., I no longer get loose bowels but they are hard with blood on the toilet paper once in a great while.  Also I have mucous in my bowels at time and now the newest has been I get a back ache (which I thought I pulled a muscle at the gym) but if I don't go to the bathroom which has sometimes been for almost a week it hurts really bad.......but as soon as I have a bowel movement alot of pressure goes away......There was a time when my bowels would not come out alone and I would have to take my hand and push down my buttocks to push it out..........did anyone ever experience any of this.........I said something to my doctor and he said take more fiber?  I eat well and excercise......There was also times of real thin bowels...
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What did you find out, mima09?
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It sounds like you need a good stool softener like Miralax (not habit forming) and get some probiotics into your system, yogurt enriched with these is a good way to do this.  Drink plenty of water.  With hard stools you may have a small tear in the anus causing bleeding, or you may have a bleeding hemorrhoid.  I do think it's time to go back to the GI doctor about this.
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