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My mother 55, went in for polyps in her colon, they removed part of the colon and reattached it.  She had complications were the attachment had a small whole.  She is know on a machine to help her breath and is stable but showing no signs of improvement.  How long does it take before some one starts to improve or not.  It has been only one day since the second surgery and I am told that her condition is an hour by hour case.
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I am assuming that your Mother is receiving the appropriate antibiotics because any escape of the intestine's contents into the abdomen carries with it the risk of peritonitis which is serious - but usually treatable if prompt antibiotics are given.

You may wish to ask the surgeon "are my Mother's difficulties caused by peritonitis and how are you treating this?"


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I am so glad your mom is doing better!
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What happened to your mom is serious, and being on a resperator for now isn't always a bad thing, it's just helping her out while she is weak.  Each day brings hope.  I lost a son and grandson to colon problems after total colectomies, and watching them suffer was heart wrenching.  I too, will pray for your mother.  Stay strong, and take care.
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Thank you for the prayers.  It has been a long time since I have been on this site but the doctors call my mom a miracle as she came out of this within a few weeks.  It is horrible to go over someones last wishes when they are in the hospital.  Since then we have had her prepare everything.  I hope all is well with you and you are in my prayers.
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I wish I had an answer for you (I'm actually wondering about my own hemicolectomy complications), but I want you to know that you are not alone, and your family will be in my prayers.  With my surgery and recovery, the complications have been a day by day experience.  
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