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rectal bleeding for more than 2 months with diarrhea

Female Age 34

healthy no drugs no alcholo non smoker
blood in stool and diarrhea for over 2 months

as soon as I eat I go or drink a glass of ice water off to the restroom

clear catscan, blood work and stool samples
scheduled for a colonoscopy in 2 days
in er this past weekend because of only blood was present with not stool
sensation of having to go to the rr

any advice or thoughts would are appreciated

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Hi - rectal bleeding is never normal and should always be medically investigated.  To this extent you are prudent in having arranged for a colonoscopy which is probably the most comprehensive test that can uncover the cause - especially if the cause is "within the large intestine" rather than a visually diagnosable test such as anal fissure or haemorrhoids.

I suggest that you type in rectal bleeding to google/yahoo and click on one of the many sites that will provide further information so that you are in a position to ask your G.I. specialist any further questions that may arise "with some knowledge" rather than "blind".

Hope that the outcome is favourable for you.

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Thank you for the info.  The ER doctor mentioned colon cancer not being a worry because the catscan didn't show any masses, however it's still a concern for me. After reading so many posts, I know I'm not alone.

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Colon cancer does not normally occur until the age of 40+ - but having said that, there are occasional cases where it has developed in younger patients.  However, together with the initial favourable outcome from the catscan, hopefully your colonoscopy will endorse the preliminary findings and will have eliminated the possibility of colon cancer in its entirety.  

Does your family have a history of colon cancer?  If so it may be a good idea to ask your G.I. doctor "should I return for precautionary colonoscopies and at what interval?

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