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need an advice

my dad had colon cancer at 35 years old
I am 35 and I am worried do I have to do the test It is hereditary?
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It can be herititary (mine was)   As I understand it, you should have a baseline colonoscopy at age 25 and regular follow-ups, given your family history.  Good luck and don't worry too much, just get tested.

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Sorry, I meant heriditary - I'm a bad typist.
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The diagnosis of colon cancer in a relative at a young age does raise the possibility of a hereditary cancer, and colon cancer has some known families with specific patterns. It is estimated that the cancer may have developed over a ten year interval, which is the rationale for the suggestion of a screening test ten years before the age of the known cancer case. Screening may indeed be reasonable for you at your age. If you have access to genetic testing, you can discuss this with your doctor and with your father as well (it would be better to prove if there is a signature in the known cancer case first before offering testing to the relatives). Stay positive.
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