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rectal cancer

I am 24 years old. I have 2 daughters. one at 18 my second at 21. After my second pregnacey in 2005, i had to have surgery to remove my galblatter. There was some complacation the day after surgery and i had to have another to get more stones that made it to other places. Since my surgery i have had server diarea everday after everything i eat no matter what it is. Once in a while i will be constipated. Its eaither one or thee other. My balles movements are thin. In 2007 till now I have had 8 epesodes where I think i need to go number 2 and its all blood. Sometimes light red sometimes a real dark red. I have no pain when this happens but on other occations I will wake up in the middle of the night with a pain in my rectum so bad it floors me. This pain shoots up from my retem to my back and stomach. I cant move at all. I do lamass breathing take hot baths use heating pads. at first it would last 30 minutes and 3 days ago it happened again this time it took untill today for the pain to go away. I am so freaked out. This whole time I have seen dozens of doctors that say anything from stress to intagestion. My white blood cells are high. All my syptoms are :    *=all day *** happened couple of times
excevive gas *
abdomal bloating and pain*
blood in stool***
blood instead of stool***
cramps more then half the day everyday*
server rectum pain***

I really need help some suggestion on where to start cause I have medicade insurance and the doctors dont really care. I dont want to find out to late when it could of been prevented. I found out recently my grandfather died from colen cancer. We all thought he had cancer in the bone. He was emmbarrised so I jus found out he passed away 4 years ago. My grandma died from breast cancer, that took over her brain. All on my mother's side.

Savannah Barba
4 Responses
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With a family history of colon cancer and the symptoms you have described, I would insist on colonoscopy to rule out cancer.  Although you are quite young to have developed colo-rectal cancer, it is not unheard of in young people, especially those with family history of the disease.  Please speak to your doctor about your grandfather and your symptoms and ask for colonoscopy.  Good luck.

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No second thought.  What are you waiting for?  Make an appointment with your Gastroenterologist to have a colonoscopy done as soon as your can.

Good luck.
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Have you considered Chrones' Disease?
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Don't freak out just yet....it could very well be Viral Colitis. All the symptoms started after having two babies and invasive surgery....don't panic. Panic creates acid and acid feeds cancer cells if it IS cancer.
Take a deep breath and consider the possibilities. They aren't entirely benign but they're a far cry less final. Breathe deep darlin. Call Young Living Essential Oils....follow the organic carrot juice and raw garlic cleanse then go on a truck load of various organic greens, raw nuts, carlic and home boiled legumes. Don't friggin peel everything! Eat the carrot skins and potato skins! Eat grapes and cherries and peaches and apples with the skins!!! Eat wheat germ and flax seeds and cut out breads and pastas! Drink the mineral water....take the grated garlic in olive oil and calm down. It doesn't HAVE to be cancer.....that doesn't mean it isn't but....it might not be.
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