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parasites?? and treatment

I saw a show today with a Dr of Naturopathy ( not sure I can mention the name). She said 85% of population has some form of parasitic infection- YUCK!!!
Symptoms vary greatly for most people from grinding teeth at night, difficulty losing weight, to numbness in extremites.\, ect...
   Anyone have an experience with this unsavory topic?? Is there a way to diagnosis the problem?? And safe, natural treatment that works?? ( the show sold a product ).
Is her theory true- 85 % of the population??? She said it increases with some factors, owning pets, traveling to other countries, eating rare meats and sushi., walking barefoot. She also claimed years ago people "dewormed" yearly with their animals.
Thoughts, ideas on this undesireable dicussion topic.
11 Responses
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773755 tn?1328119777
i used 'Parex' as part of a detox program 7 months ago. didn't hurt - that's to say, i don't know if it helped lots or none. it's 'metagenics' brand, i got it from my dr.
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Paxiled, you are correct and I hope ppl will get it...wormwood isn't toxic unless used in large dosages!  But then we have to decide what is a large dosage for what person.  If used correctly by the instructions when purchased, nobody should have a problem.

I still insist that Walnut Husk is the best treatment for 'worm' parasites.  It is even safe to give to children over the age of 5.

Wormwood IS especially helpful in topical infections of parasites such as Body Lice (which is different from other louse), and also with insect stings.

I like how you put it  "Keep in mind that anything that kills anything is toxic.."  Cannot get more accurate than that!

Parasitic infection is not just worms though.  There are many other parasites that can invade our body.  Most of the microscopic. We can get them from just walking barefoot on a sandy beach, or from barefoot on a kitchen floor.

As for organic foods.....      

Falldown...you need to do more research.   It is common sense to wash fruits and veggies before you eat them.  The change of contracting a bacterial infection is more likely from farmed food than organic because of the pesticides and hormones used.  

Rabbit poop and cow poop are widely used as fertilizers in both farmed and organic.  The difference is the insecticides, pesticides and hormones given.

Farmed foods and meats contain those.  Organic does not.  Most organic farms are setup so different plants are interconnected or 'farmed together' because they ward off bugs and other harmful insects from plant to plant.

I do not recommend using hydrogen peroxide to wash foods. It does more than just 'wash"  it also extracts vital nutrients from the food and also SEEPS INTO those foods.  

Even at 3% it is more than our body should ingest internally --- stomach, etc.  it will kill the natural GOOD bacteria that is in both the food and our bodies.  Although it does make a good mouth rinse and helps to whiten teeth.

To wash your fruits and veggies a good scrubber (if applicable) and some tepid water is all you need; organic or not.  Just as long as you wash/rinse them very well it should be good.

Btw... that study you mentioned, I have been looking for years about organic vs. farmed and never have seen it.  Please send me a link or something.  I would be very interested in it.
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1130845 tn?1260227428
Check out the Humaworm website. My daughter had pinworms and we used it. I actually used the adult cleanse on me, the child cleanse on her and i used the kidney-liver-galbladder cleanse as well. it worked great. I couldnt believe all the stuff i found. The ingredients are all natural and actually some of the stuff people mentioned above. Good luck
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Wormwood isn't toxic when used as an anti-parasitic.  It's only toxic in large quantities, such as drinking absinthe regularly.  Keep in mind that anything that kills anything is toxic, so all anti-parasitics, anti-virals, anti-bacterials are toxic to some extent or they wouldn't kill anything.  Also, if you're on a pharmaceutical, and that's often necessary when the natural approach doesn't work, you have to finish the program, so don't just quit if you haven't done that.
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968908 tn?1274871115
Hi, just thought i'd say that i know what it's like to be infected, i recently found i had thread worm/Pin worm.  Very disturbing to say the least.  The way i found out i had it was due to 'feeling' something moving around in my bottom....investigated and was greated by a 2cm worm...I nearly fainted!!  I used a med form the doc's but i don't think it is highly affective and have been searching the web-sites for a pariste clense... found one that contains all the ingrediants mentioned except wormwood, as it's toxic, kinda expensive as well.....

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Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent rinse for fruits and vegetables. Use the drug-store/supermarket variety, which contains 3 percent. Soak the fruits and vegetables for 20 minutes (scrub vegetables, such as potatoes, with a brush and then do the soak, rinse, and cook. Cooked or raw, the food will not taste like peroxide.
Store all fresh meats in the freezer for 24 hours. This will kill any parasites. Although presence of parasites is very rare in U.S. meat, it can happen.

Back in 2004, the Journal of Food Protection reported on a study
showing that organic produce was six times more likely to be contaminated
with E.coli than nonorganic produce. That news didn’t make
headlines, but once people started dying from E.coli-contaminated
bags of organic spinach, the world took notice

Don’t buy ground meats (beef, pork, veal, turkey, etc.). If the
surface of a piece of meat is contaminated and that cut is then ground,
the entire batch becomes contaminated. Instead, buy whole cuts of meat.
Once you get them home, store them in the freezer for 24 hours. That
will kill any parasites.
After storing the meat in the freezer, let it soak in a 3 percent
hydrogen peroxide solution (the kind available in any supermarket) for
five minutes and then dry it with a towel. This is the simplest way to
kill germs on meat.
Slice or grind the meat yourself, and eat it within an hour of
transfer of meat from a slaughterhouse to a supermarket and then to
your table at home. Dining out is a different matter
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This can be unsavory, and I am talk about more unsavory...sry

If you get the Walnut husk it will have those ingredients mentioned by Paxiled.  AND, the warm milk thing does work, if you are willing.  Also, bananas after a few weeks of treatment will help flush them out because they attach themselves to the (can't remember the chemical) that we excrete from bananas after we eat them.

I have had problems with worms before... it isn't fun...it is miserable.

If you have a serious infection, please see your DR!  Serious infections are nothing to play around with.  With the many different worm invaders we are seeing now, some will not excrete with what has been said.

I know the show you are talking about.  I called and wanted to know EXACLTY what was in the capsules.  They had too many herbs that were contraindicated for it to work.

You can tell if you have worms by watching your bowels and looking at the TP after you wipe.

Most of the time ppl won't recognize the eggs which do slough off with a high fiber diet...most of the time.  They are about the size of a dull pencil and are usually white ball like shape.  If you look into the toilet after you have excreted (this includes potty too) you might see something floating at the top of the water, it can be white or usually somewhat clear(foggy) in color and will probably be no longer than 1/2 inch or so.

A lot of ppl think nothing of this.  But it is cause for investigation.  Also, be aware that most of the tests run by your DR do not detect worms until the infestation is sever.
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499534 tn?1328704178
Too funny Pax about the warm milk thing....I have read that too!
Sickandtired- There are some really good parasite cleanses that are easy to do, with the ingredients that Pax said. Go to your local health food store and see which they carry. You will have to repeat the cleanse as the directions should say, after a break in between. You then shock the next stage of growth parasites with the second round.  Make sure you are moving your bowels properly!  
I started out with easy ones and then went on to the big boy ones like Dr Natura. It was disgusting what was coming out!!!
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I don't actually work in health food stores anymore, haven't in years.  I did do it for eighteen years, and still buy all my food and supplements from them.  Whole Foods put them all out of business around here.  Kaydey is right, we all have them, but they usually only cause a problem if our immune systems are out of whack.  Which is pretty common in the US.  Wormwood isn't a problem if used as it's supposed to be, which is only when you're trying to kill parasites.  It only affects the central nervous system if used regularly, as with those who drink absinthe.  A good formula is the black walnut complex made by Eclectic Institute; you can buy it on the web.  The three main herbs in any antiparasitic formula will be black walnut hulls, wormwood, and clove, and then there are some others that will be added.  They say that in the middle ages, they'd take the black walnut and wormwood and then sit on a pot of warm milk; the sugar in the milk attracted the parasites, which were trying to flee the herbs.  Never tried it myself!
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Thanks Kaydey for the info.
Is there anything less "invasive"?? I have seen lots of ads for parasite treatment. One said stay away from wormwood, it affects central nervous system. All say we should do this on a yearly basis.... really???
   Paxiled, do you sell anything in your shop you would recommend and again... is this a yearly maintanence thing or just trying to boost sales for highly disgusting topic??
Thanks for input.
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Actually it is more like 100% of us have parasites in some form or another.  The Question is...What is the parasite, and is it causing harmful affects on our bodies.

We all have parasitic and probiodics in our digestive system.  That is what keeps our digestion healthy. If we didn't have them, well lets just say that our poo would be very weird.

Our precious roommates should be dewormed twice a year.  

If you are worried that you might have a parasitic infestation that is not healthy there are natural remedies.

First, increase your fiber intake
Get some Walnut husk from your closest Health Food Store
Do a Dandelion Enema 1-2x a week for 3 weeks(get the dandelion leaves from your health food store and make a 'tea' and use that).

Refrain from red meats and pork for at least 3-4 weeks.

Do not eat raw veggies or fruits (this will increase the chance of diverticulitis) cook them.or at least heat them to a minimum of 140 degrees.

Water is the most important.  Drink at least 2-3 litres of water a day...that is almost equal to 3/4 gallon of water.

Hope this helps.
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