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Anyone had methotrexate to treat their crohns?  My sister has had crohns 20 plus years-2 bowel resection, multiple relapses and failed infliximab treatment her docs are now discussing methotrexate any experience/information with this treatment welcome.
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Hi, yes,yes,yes!!! Methotrexate has been my saviour.  I was dx at 24 yrs in 1970 - it was such an unkown disease then.  I figure I have had every med for Crohn's except infliximab, which my very bright gastro will not prescribe as I also have psoriasis and breast cancer.

I started mtx some 6-7 yrs ago after I read about it on the internet. It is still not licensed for Crohn's in England,where I live,  as there are not sufficient patients to warrant the drug company paying for the licence but it can be prescribed off licence by a consultant gastro.  I am one tenacious gal!

I have done exceedingly well on mtx , although it can be very toxic to the liver and bone marrow. At the start, I had to have blood tests each week for about 3 months I think, then every 2 weeks, and now monthly. I used to have severe rectal haemorrhages that put me in the ER many times, but since taking mtx I haven't had a single bleed.

I am doing so well on it - but have had to change from oral tablets to self injected, as my diarrhea came back. My gastro said he didn't know how much of the mtx I was absorbing with the tablets, and although I was rather frightened about doing the injections myself at first, it is duck soup. Takes me less time than driving to the local GP's office or even making a cup of tea.

One thing you must do when taking mtx, is have daily folic acid - I didn't have this at the start and got macrobiotic red cells - easily sorted out with folic acid. I still have slightly enlarged MCH and MCV red cells, but my gastro is not worried.

This has truly been my life saver - my weight is back on track after losing 28 lbs when on FEC chemo for breast cancer, and I only have probems in the early morning. No pain, no blood in the stool etc.

Please tell your sister my experience and come back if you want any more information. I am happy to share my experiences - and some of them are horrendous! Mtx has sorted them all out.

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