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Fetzima for Clinical Depression

I have been clinically depressed since late October.  I've tried three different combinations of medicines, three to four weeks each, with no results.  Today I went back to my dr and he started me on Fetzima.  He says it's new on the market but shows a lot of promise for Major Depressive Disorder.  I am his first patient on it.  It is so new, in fact, that I am having trouble finding forums such as this where I can ask others' experiences with it.  Even my pharmacist doesn't have any useful info on it; he has only had one other customer so far to get a script filled for it.  

If any of you have tried this medicine, how long did it take to take effect?  What type of side effects did you experience?  I am feeling very hopeless and desperate at this point because my level of despondency is worse than ever before.  
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I just read your post so this may not even be seen by you. I hear you, been there done that, was on every antidepressant. Anyways I finally talked to a friend and she was very helpful and she recommended a Nurse practitioner with a BA degree in counseling that she had good success with they do consoling and can prescribe meds. I really liked her as she listened really listened. She put me on  nortriptyline and bu spar as I had sleeping problems anxiety and depression. Anyway I was on it for pretty long was a tiny bit better but not really so she tried Prozac, believe it or not it was 2 days latter and I was feeling great I opened my curtains planted a garden, stopped crying at everything stopped planning funerals every time my husband went hunting or took the kids fishing or camping. I was on Prozac 20 mg for 15 years, then I tried other meds as Prozac was not working as well even increasing it did not do anything. I had a brother drown when he was 3 I was not born yet but it was in the 50's and no one dealt with it, just the effects of a over protective mother, I understand more now as my son drowned in a jet skiing accident in AK. He was 16 at the time and it happened in 2000. I regress before that tragedy I worked at the FS and my husband worked for the state. I did not realize I also had attention deficient, it worked for me at the time. But after my son drown I went so down hill. I have to stop my self for a second, and mention until I was about 29 I was in pretty great health played tennis snow skied played volley ball loved to fish. Had over night party's with the kiddo's and their friends. Then once the depression set in that was the beginning to the end.
The reason I wanted to mention it is because I know what it is like to feel good, worked, keep house clean, helped out at school. Some people just do not get the idea that you don't want to be down and out with what ever your illness is. Why would anyone want to feel this bad. People will say just get out and exercise well I would love to even want to do that. I know both worlds and I dont think anyone who has depression anxiety or any health problem enjoys it, ok I will get of my soap box. After my son drown and they did find the body 2 months later. Once that happened I just could not live there anymore so we moved to Oregon this is where I was born and raised, really upset my daughter taking her away from friends, this has its own story. I seen a few counselors and got my daughter to a few sessions as many as she would do. I needed more help and there happened to be a psychiatrist that I went to until he went to work for the VA. I thought I would die he is the foremost in his field for knowing medication and not afraid to try things. But thankfully he recommended a Nurse Practitioner with a BA in counseling, I have been with her for 10 years and she is just as good. And I guess the one point I am trying to make is not every doctor or counselor is good or good for you. If you are not feeling like they are listing to you or making comments like its all in your head, or you just don't feel like they are helping you if you can change who you go to. It does not mean they are bad, but just not good for you.  I dont really know what to say coco3850 just I hear you, I just start Fetzima about 6 days ago, I am hoping it helps although it looks like there are so many negative results for many. Living in a black hole is just so not fun. It sounds like you may not have to much support, so I am here if you just want to vent. I dont always talk so much about myself believe it or not I left out so much, I have a hard time saying things so they are understandable. so I tend to go on. right really. You write in 2014 I am wondering how you are. Would love to here how you are doing.
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I just read your post so this may not even be seen by you. I hear you, been there done that, was on every antidepressant. Anyways I finally talked to a friend and she was very helpful and she recommended a Nurse practitioner with a BA degree in counseling that she had good success with they do consoling and can prescribe meds. I really liked her as she listened really listened. She put me on  nortriptyline and bu spar as I had sleeping problems anxiety and depression. Anyway I was on it for pretty long was a tiny bit better but not really so she tried Prozac, believe it or not it was 2 days latter and I was feeling great I opened my curtains planted a garden, stopped crying at everything stopped planning funerals every time my husband went hunting or took the kids fishing or camping. I was on Prozac 20 mg for 15 years, then I tried other meds as Prozac was not working as well even increasing it did not do anything. I had a brother drown when he was 3 I was not born yet but it was in the 50's and no one dealt with it, just the effects of a over protective mother, I understand more now as my son drowned in a jet skiing accident in AK. He was 16 at the time and it happened in 2000. I regress before that tragedy I worked at the FS and my husband worked for the state. I did not realize I also had attention deficient, it worked for me at the time. But after my son drown I went so down hill. I have to stop my self for a second, and mention until I was about 29 I was in pretty great health played tennis snow skied played volley ball loved to fish. Had over night party's with the kiddo's and their friends. Then once the depression set in that was the beginning to the end.
The reason I wanted to mention it is because I know what it is like to feel good, worked, keep house clean, helped out at school. Some people just do not get the idea that you don't want to be down and out with what ever your illness is. Why would anyone want to feel this bad. People will say just get out and exercise well I would love to even want to do that. I know both worlds and I dont think anyone who has depression anxiety or any health problem enjoys it, ok I will get of my soap box. After my son drown and they did find the body 2 months later. Once that happened I just could not live there anymore so we moved to Oregon this is where I was born and raised, really upset my daughter taking her away from friends, this has its own story. I seen a few counselors and got my daughter to a few sessions as many as she would do. I needed more help and there happened to be a psychiatrist that I went to until he went to work for the VA. I thought I would die he is the foremost in his field for knowing medication and not afraid to try things. But thankfully he recommended a Nurse Practitioner with a BA in counseling, I have been with her for 10 years and she is just as good. And I guess the one point I am trying to make is not every doctor or counselor is good or good for you. If you are not feeling like they are listing to you or making comments like its all in your head, or you just don't feel like they are helping you if you can change who you go to. It does not mean they are bad, but just not good for you.  I dont really know what to say coco3850 just I hear you, I just start Fetzima about 6 days ago, I am hoping it helps although it looks like there are so many negative results for many. Living in a black hole is just so not fun. It sounds like you may not have to much support, so I am here if you just want to vent. I dont always talk so much about myself believe it or not I left out so much, I have a hard time saying things so they are understandable. so I tend to go on. right really. You write in 2014 I am wondering how you are. Would love to here how you are doing.
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Does anyone have any recent positive experience with Fetzima and how long did it take to start working???
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I was wondering if you have had any side effects. I was just put on Fetzima last week and Vyvannse for depression and BED.  I was very nauseated the first day so since then I have only been taking the Fetzima. I am currently on 40 mg and I have had a horrible headache an nausea even after stopping the Vyvanse. Does anyone know how long these types of side effects typically last? I've read its a common side effect so its nothing thats making me want to stop because I know I need help and have tried several others over the years, but I'd just like to know there is a light at the end of the tunnel for the nausea & headaches.
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I started 20 mg. and after two weeks increased to 40 mg. It's been a little over a month now and I'm feeling  much better.  I'm not eating everything I can get my hands on and feel much more in control of myself.  
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I mentioned to my doctor that xanax is not helping with my anxiety attacks & that I did not want anything for depression.  He gave me several boxes of Fetzima & a script for when I'm finished with the samples.    I've been on it for a week now and I'm trying to decide what is the best time to take it.   So far, I am noticing that my mind is not racing like it always does and I'm more relaxed , quiet and focused.  Today I did notice nausea several hours after taking it this morning.  Can't find anything about this medication online. Even asked my pharmacist if it would interact with my other meds & I was told that she didn't know anything about it either, printed me out a information sheet. Still don't know crap about it. lol  Not sure why my doctor prescribed this to me, but I'm willing to give it a try.  My anxiety attacks were triggering asthma attacks daily and I've been miserable with this vicious cycle.
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you need more than 3 -4 weeks trial on any med before you give up. who was to say any of those meds you took could have worked on the 5th week , I took Prozac for 13 weeks before a break through , you on a med go round
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I found this community on my google search "how long does it take fetzima to work". I too have just started fetzima. I was on a combo of prozac and wellbutrin for years and prior to that, years of other various anti-depressents. I am 57. I experienced burn out on my meds this past summer-fall when all seemed to stop working. I can attribute much of this to my mother's decline into alzheimers and other life changes all slamming me at the same time and for the past 10 months it seems, so it's been a struggle.  I actually took a DNA test that is supposed to determine what anti-depressents are likely to work best for you. I have mixed feelings about the results and the test itself, as both prozac and wellbutrin were in a 'third choice' column and I had had good results in the past. But the first choice listed pristiz and fetzima (and something else I can't recall at the moment) The test is supposed to determine what drugs your metabolism will process the best.  I tried pristiq and had so-so results and, hoping I could do better, decided to go off it. For the first time in 25 years I had 8 days of no anti-depressents and it was absolutely horrible coming off pristiq.
So, now, after 8 days on 20mg fetzima and 10 days on 40 mgs fetzima I am struggling and waiting and hoping for it to work. I feel certain it is helping, but I have been in such a terrible low, I know it will take a bit of time until I can feel certain it is helping. I am already assuming I am going to need a larger dose.  As other's have said, it is a new drug, and therefore a little scary. But depression is a horrible beast to live with. When I am 'good" I am SO VERY GOOD , but when depression is 'bad' it is unbearably bad.
I sadly realize this will be a lifelong struggle for me . I have to be patient and ride it out with this new drug.
I've never been a part of a community before, I'm not sure how it works, I guess I have to come back to this weblink to check for posts?
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I just started taking it 5 days ago and it's been great so far. I have not been able to take any antidepressant ever but have not yet had anything g negative happen with Fitzima.  Dave
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I just started taking it 5 days ago and it's been great so far. I have not been able to take any antidepressant ever but have not yet had anything g negative happen with Fitzima.  Dave
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I just started taking it 5 days ago and it's been great so far. I have not been able to take any antidepressant ever but have not yet had anything g negative happen with Fitzima.  Dave
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i am where you are except I am trying to get off of Cymbalta.  After 17 days of feeling flu-like sick, aches, runs, dizzy, ringing in my ear, sweats and chills headaches that resembles sinusitis, a migraine and a tension headache, I decided to call the doctor who told me to get back ON the Cymbalta and tapper off mor slowly.  So I went from nothing to 30 to 30 morn and eve to 30 three times a DAY!!! I am presently doing this. I could relate to the family's lack of support. So sorry...hang in there.
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I have been on Fetzima for almost 4 weeks.  I titrated down from 300 mg effexor to 37.5 but am unable to get off completely.  The withdrawals are just to severe.  I feel no better, cry daily and can't get out of bed.  Should I try to stay on the fetzima for 8 wls and hope it kicks in or should something have happened by now.  I am still sleeping all day and up all night.  I am new to this site and even though I've been depressed and on and off many antidepressants, I have never been so bad.  I have been sick for over a year now.  My family is totally disgusted with me which only makes me cry more,  can anyone give me any advice?  Should I be in the hospital?  I never have been and it scares me to death.
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Has Fetzima been a help to you? I am just starting it myself, I am on my 3rd day at 40 mg, I was at 20mg for 2 days before that. I'm just wondering when I may feel better? I am also coming off of 60mg cymbalta. Was at 60mg for a long time, then went to 30mg for 1 week then started Fetzima and stopped the Cymbalta all together. I'm really having a rough go of it here lately.... feeling disconnected from my husband, almost like he is a stranger to me, and for no particular reason I might add!!! My kids (3.5 years and 10 months) are wonderful, but I feel like I am short with my toddler all of the time, and I am not the Mom that I need to be to them. I can function and take care of them, and play with them, but I feel I could do more, you know? I'm ready for the sunshine to come streaming in the window, but for now, all I see is clouds. Please tell me that this will get better with this medication!!! I start 80 mgs in 2 days and stay there from then on.
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hi everyone. i just joined this forum. i can relate to some much of what has been said here. major depression is a horrible disease. i am blaming myself, as if i somehow did this/caused it. but i'm trying to let go of that with help of a good therapist. I met with new psychiatric np saturday and, thank god, really loved her. she knows i can't work now and am having financial problems, and OFFERED to waive the copay and see me every week. has that ever happened before? not to me. anyhow, i've been on zoloft and lamictal now for several months (zoloft since april and lamictal about 2 months). xanax at night and as needed during day. prozac helped me for many many years, BUT i had never been severely clinically depressed, as I have been since February. the psychiatrist i was seeing for past 2 months just kept upping zoloft and lamictal, then added wellbutrin. i kept getting worse or at least not better and she dismissed me, saying you're just not on enough. i finally decided that she was not right for me. she actually was dismissive when my husband  called her to say i was worse. so, the new NP has recommended fetzima. she's going to keep me on the lamictal and wean me off the zoloft (I really think the zoloft may have had opposite effect on me, but the old psychiatrist said it's not possible. from what i've read, it is. So, I would love to hear more positive experiences about fetzima. I am SO medication phobic, but as many of you said, living like I am is torturous. i have to try anything. blessings to you all.
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I too have started to take Fetzima and am on 40 mg's.  I am eager to see if this medication works for me.  I also take 150 mg's of Effexor which will be tapered down to 75 mg's starting tomorrow and eventually eliminated.  I take 15 mg's of Abilify which my new doc says is way too much and it will be tapered down as well eventually to 5 mg.  I take Wellbutrin 200 mg's and Xanax as needed which is only 3-4 times per week.

I have battled depression for over 30 years and have been on a variety of medications, some helped temporarily - which could have been a couple of years before they became I guess neutral.  For the last 4-5 years, since I have been on the Abilify, I have been staying in bed as much as possible.  I can get up if I HAVE to, like to go to work, but feel like there is a lead blanket on me otherwise and I stay in bed.  Days off it is not uncommon for me to stay in bed 20 of 24 hours (or more).  As I write this I feel like someone is saying " if you can get up to go to work you can get up anytime" but it is just not like that.  Anyway, I had a mood swing while writing this and have no more to say at the moment.

Please give feedback!
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Today I went to my psychiatrist and he prescribed me Fetzima 40 mg's, I have been taking Topiramate 100 mg's twice daily and Lexapro 20 mg's once a day and Wellbutrin 150 mg's along with .5 mg's of Clonazopan twice a day. I had to sleep during the day which caused more depression and anxiety. So, now what I will be taking is the Fetzima 40 mg's and Topiramate 100 mg's in the morning and the Lexapro at night with the hopes of having energy and being able to focus more during the day and to not feel depressed in the afternoon. I will take the Clonazopan as needed for anxiety. I hope this works for me because something has to give. I am so darn sick of being depressed and anxious all of the time, it has ruined my whole being. Does anyone take this combination of medication and has it worked for them? I would appreciate any feedback. Thank you.
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Diagnosis= MDD & BD!
Years= 6

    I was titrated off Effexor with other Medicines (Viibryd, Brintellix, Fetzima) sending me to the hospital with Serotonin Syndrome. It has been two months now and I am no longer on the Effexor and currently taking the Fetzima 60mg. The agitation for myself and depression just has been impossible to get rid of since experiencing Serotonin Syndrome. I was very happy on the Efffexor LOVED IT but the weight gain was so bad they weened me off it since then life with MDD & BD1 has been aweful!!
    To come off Effexor is hell in its self. All I can say is Titrate extremely slowly to avoid Serotonin Syndrome. It's rare but very serious and more obtainable on these Serotonin Medicines takin together. I am not trying to scare you just let you know that it is possible and 10 times more possible with these medicines takin together........
     Everyone responds differently and I hope the best for you. I would hate to read about someone going through what I have with these new marketed medicines and doctors and pharmacist not knowing the test run results on these medicines......

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I have experienced everything you describe, including sleep all day and stay up at night. For me, I think it may have something to do with the fact that during the day is when the world is going around without me and I am most aware of my misery and isolation. At night, I guess I don't feel so much like I missing anything. I have long term MDD and severe anxiety disorders that are considered nonresponsive, basically because no treatment has worked. I was on the verge of pursuing electroconvulsive shock treatment or magnetic Transcranial stimulation when my doctor tried me on Fetzima with Wellbutrin, taking me off Prozac. After a couple of months, I can actually say it has helped. Nothing miraculous, but enough of the lift that I am no longer at this point considering the electronic treatments. It's done nothing for the anxiety or panic attacks, but I just don't feel quite as dark. I still sleep too much during the day, but not as much as before, and I seem able to get out of the house a little more. The only side affect I have had is decreased urination, which they list as a side effect. In my case, because I ran to the bathroom too much, it's been a good thing! I have also suffered fairly severe memory loss and problems with cognitive functioning along with my depression and anxiety. Has anyone else experienced those?
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I have had depression for over 25 years. I have taken so many combinations of medicines that I can't remember. I also have migraines and some doctors have told me I was just depressed because of the migraines. I have been lucky that I have been able to come out of the deep depressions a few times. But this is by far the worst. Every time I think about leaving the house my heart starts beating so fast and I start shaking. I can't leave. I just want to stay in bed. I don't care if I eat, shower, or even talk. I just feel some how safer in my room. My family doesn't really understand it. Their solution is to just get up and go on like everything is normal. Then I will feel better they say. So when I have to do something it takes a few Xanax to be able to keep me calm enough to get out of the house. But even then my heart is pounding and I rush home as soon as possible. I have no idea what I am afraid of. I can't handle the thought of the grocery store. But why? These are places I have been before.  

I am on Fetzima, Zoloft and Xanax.  I have been on this combination for about 1 month. I have had my Fetzima increased twice.  I have noticed that I think it makes me irritable or angry.  But I really can not get to the doctor again. I live over 2 hours away from a specialist.

I really feel like a crazy person being trapped in my house. While the whole world can just go on with their day to day activities and enjoy them. I see people who are fighting cancer, etc out there living their lives to the fullest with all they have to face and here I am seemingly healthy but am to stressed or will panic when I think about going out and living my life.

I am missing so much of my daughters life. And since my husband doesn't understand it, well I don't know how this will go. I have begged him to read about depression.

I also have found a very weird thing. I would much rather sleep all day and be awake a couple hours at night. Something about the daytime makes it so much worse. Has anyone had any problems like this?

One last thing my grandfather was bipolar.  I have not been diagnosed with that but I wonder sometimes if they are missing it.

Does anyone have any advice on how to get through this? What steps I can take. I have got to get my life back. Please anything you have would be so helpful.
Thank you.
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Hi. Serotonin syndrome is awful. Going on fetzima this week, scared due to med sensitive. 27 years of so many. Effexor and cymbalta were tops until they work no longer. Any feedback I'd appreciate. I have anxiety panic.
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My situation is almost exactly like yours, verbatim.  I just went through the seratonin syndrome after my doctor took me off Effexor, but I didn't know there was a name for it.  It was horrible.  I am really reluctant to start taking Fetzima.  I don't have much hope that it's going to be any different than everything else I've tried over the last 30 years.  And I don't ever want to experience the withdrawal symptoms again after going off of a medication.  It's not a good place to be in.  Wanting to feel better, but afraid to take the medication.  
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Just wanted to say I started on fetzima 40mg on tuesday july 8. So far so good, no noticable side effects yet. I also take buspar 30mg 2x a day. Taking and weaning off pristiq 100mg too.
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Tomorrow morning I begin Fetzima.  I am terrified that it will not work, or that I will once again get seratonin syndrome.  It is such a frightening thing to go through.  It seems no meds over many years have really worked for me, and I can only pray that this is effective.
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