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Extreme Itching all over body w/NO rash, welts or hives.

I've recently been diagnosed with Urticaria. My doctor says I fall into the 99.9% of the people who have it without any signs. My itchiness has been getting progessively worse for the past few years. I'd say almost 3 yrs now. It's to the point where I can't even engage in intercourse with my partner, go shopping or even go out in the sun. I keep hearing and reading how Urticaria, usually has signs on the skin surface but I don't, except for the really bad itchy feeling. Sometimes I question whether or not I have something else because it's really bad and it feels like I have a sudden burning rush of nails/needles stabbing my skin and I can't even move but only twitch. It's like this on a daily basis with my skin, whenever my body temperatue goes up. I feel like my body's thermostat is broken and I'm constantly overheating. I've been taking Claritin and Benadryl but that doesn't seem to help at all. My doctor also gave me a prescription medicine called Atarax, which only makes me drowsy and doesn't help the itchy feeling. Any suggestions? Btw, I've taken blood tests to see if there is anything wrong but everything came out fine. =/
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My whole body started itching about 6 months ago.  I'm in my 50's and never had any major allergy problems in the past.  Taking allegra works for me but I would rather know the cause.  Dermatologist not any help.  In my case I suspect the following possible causes:  GMO food, although I eat organic most of the time.  HFCS, chem trails, type 2 diabetes, over weight, need more water.  So I will work on these issues.
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My whole body started itching about 6 months ago.  I'm in my 50's and never had any major allergy problems in the past.  Taking allegra works for me but I would rather know the cause.  Dermatologist not any help.
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Same problem here! The only thing that helps me is medicated anti-itch cream or Triamcinolone Acetonide .1%. It works although its only a temporary fix, it will get you through the night. like all of you, I want this to end. my itching is so severe want to use a wire brush! I have suffered from this for about 15 yrs.
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I can get that too, especially at night and as you say its like when you get too warm, almost like a heat rash but there is no rash, no nothing that resembles anything.. when one does eventually sleep and wake up next morning, its gone again and no issues nor any sign of it! I thought it might be down to the washing powder but that doesnt cut it as  it goes and in the morning its not an issue, just when I slip out of my clothes, get in to bed and especially on warm nights!!
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Your nerve sounds exactly what is called nerve itching, which I've had for about 15 months.  At times it has been really bad, but I started using a lotion called Sarna recommended by my pharmacist.  I am a veteran and go to a VA hospital and Duke University Hospital is just across the street, so my Dr. is actually a Duke Doctor.  I was told by my Dr. there is no cure for nerve itching, but I just read an article published by Duke that was very enlightening.  Just Goggle "Is Duke doing any research on nerve itching" and you will find it.  Even thought I do itch on several parts of my body, the worse is my head area and especially when I go to bed.  I have to get up and lather my head with the Sarna lotion and it eventually stops, so that I can go to sleep.  My Dr. has given me a stress/anxiety med and changed one of my blood pressure meds as he thinks it could be causing the itching and both of these have really helped.  From what I have read from other post, my itch really doesn't seem to be as bad as many of the posters.  I do hope this has helped you, as there have been many nights when I would go to bed and within10 minutes back up head itching terribly and on goes the Sarna.  Oh yes, I was told not to take hot baths/sowers, cool ones, wear mostly cotton and do not use fabric softener and 100% cotton sheets.
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You just described me!! 100% me, I have tried everything and they say luke warm showers, no way, HOT makes me feel better and not enough lotions to help this body! Thank you for making me feel some what normal!
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i have the same problem what do i do?? any outcome yet??
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