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Invisible Bugs crawling on skin? Strange sensation...

I posted this info before, but it was a reply to someone else's similar post...

I am a 23 year old healthy male. I recently had a full physical and the results were that I am in above average health. I have no diseases, do not use drugs, but drink on occasion.

Anyways, just started noticing these strange symptoms, within the past few weeks. Nothing "brought it on" so to speak that I can tell of. It's been going on longer, but less noticeable, now since I do not talk sleeping meds any more, it's all that I can notice...

Symptoms are strange sensations on my skin. The sensation is it feels like there are "invisible bugs" crawling on, and/or biting my skin. No actual bites, rashes, bugs, sores, or anything of the nature is ever visible. Occurs more at night, while laying down than any other time. The sensation occurs throughout my entire body, no area is exempt from this sensation, and it seems to be completely random, at times I'll feel it on my arm, then my face, then leg, then arm again, etc, no pattern. The sensation "goes away" once I touch the area (either itch it, brush at it as if there WAS a bug I am brushing off, slap it, or touch it in any way...)

I've heard that various forms of dry skin, or minor allergic reactions to soaps could produce such a problem... I have not changed body soaps, shampoos, or laundry detergent types in quite a while (well before such symptoms) I do not have dry skin, or any type of rash.

Ruled out dry skin

I've read about "Morgellons" (years ago, before it was a mainstream idea) and don't think that is what I have... I have no lesions, sores, boils, wounds, or anything of the sort, and no fibers protruding from anything.

Ruling out Morgellons.

I had read about the possibility of it being bed bugs (from reading sites like this online) so I tore my bedroom apart looking for signs of an infestation, and saw NOTHING. My mattress is brand new, the apartment I live in is also pretty close to brand new. Never the less, not a thing was found, searched mattress, box spring, walls near bed, everything.

Ruled out bed bugs.

The only other thing I've seen it could be is Restless Leg Syndrome. NOT sure about that, but I did hear that that sensation in the legs is a symptom of that, and that in some cases, the skin crawling sensation can occur all over the body, not just the legs, and still be considered RLS.

Undecided about RLS possibility.

The only other things I have going on that MAY be related, is an upper back pain/numbness... unknown cause. Been going on for years though. No diagnosis.

So basically I'm out of ideas, and about to go insane. It's terrible at night not being able to sleep because of that feeling, and not being able to sleep with my girlfriend because I keep her awake with my constant moving around and itching...
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I have had this happening to me in the past but never so bad I actually feel it while still awake. It used to always be when I went to bed. It drove me insane. But it had stopped for a few years and two years ago this march has come back. And it came back hard. I don't have to be sleeping now either. It happens literally as soon as it gets dark outside and continues until daybreak. Once the sun comes out!!!! POOF!!!! They are gone like they never existed. It only happens beginning at the end of feb/beginning of march but lasts until about November when it gets cold outside. I don't feel them when it's colder than about 70 degrees. So I researched and researched and there are too many could be this and that for me. So what did I do???? I went old school on their butts. I got so frustrated one. Ugh I grabbed packing tape. Wrapped it around my hands sticky side up and every single time I felt something I stuck the tape to the part of my body that was itching. It took a while of looking at the tape so many different ways and in different lighting. Finally I stuck some of the pieces of tape to a black poster board and some to a white poster board to capture light colored or translucent things on the black board and  dark colored things on the white board. Finally I saw something. It looked tiny tiny tiny and I swore I saw itry bitty wings too. So I researched everywhere and viewed so many photos of tiny bugs with wings. I actually found the photo that was identical and I mean identical to the thing I held up on my finger for another photo to compare side by side images. Even down to the color. It is a no-seeum. Exactly what they mean too I would not have ever seen this thing had I not had the investigative and research experience from my younger days of dating guys who were just plain stupid trying to cheat and lie lol. No but seriously. I'm gonna see if I can post both pics here. I put it in the tip of my finger when I took the photo so I could capture the highlight aspects and actually see what I was looking at and by doing so, you can gauge how small it is and why we don't see them at all ever. Unless you are like me and want answers now and done with doctors trying to give us all chemicals to kill us off so the doctors, pharmacists, insurance companies and pharmaceutical reps can all come up in life by making us all sick. I'll handle my life my way thank you very much!!!! Lol lol. Let me see if I can post a pic I'll be back
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The answear is chemtrails,yes goverment is poisoning us with heavy metals such as aluminium and barium every single day.Look up what the planes leave behind,google chemtrails sideeffects,from fatigue heart or respiration problems to morgellons.we are not dellusional,i have the same feeling every single day,crawling on my skin.We are being sprayed with very harmfull chemicals,who knows what they put there,but the fact is these chemtrails affects humans and their skin,search up chemtrails you will be shocked.what ever they are spraying it is very harmfull and we breath it every day,it fallls on us every second, and we have it in our system. So it wouldn't be so bizzare why we have skin conditions,some worse than others,but we all are affected. We will never find out what it is they are really spraying,we can only speculate,but i know one thing,whatever they are spraying is affecting us all phsically and mentally,destroying us from the inside,maybe the crawling isn't a dellusion and maybe chemtrails have something to do with it and maybe it is all because of their grand plan,NWO. Lets spray them and make them feel bad about themselves and make them have low self esteem, make them have so much problems that they wil forget about some stupid secret society because they will have more important health issies. I don't know people it's only my opinion,but searc for yourself and try to understand.
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I have Lyme Disease because of this. This is only one disease that comes as a result of the chemtrails...
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I've been dealing with this for a while now..And I don't have any sores or anything I'm pretty sure..But I will try to keep my bed more clean and such as precaution..A lot of times though its like so light of a touch it feels like bugs..And its so light,its irratating..I'll go to itch or rub and it comes back there or at a different area..And I get them at random too.Its not an everyday thing..I also wake up after I just fell asleep to a light kicking twitch of my leg too..And sometimes I feel like something beside me on my bed..Honestly this makes me a bit nervous and scared so if I deal with this I typically just stay up out of slight paranoia.. I think its a physchological thing,rather than a physical for me..But I could always be wrong.
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I have the exact same issue as you and it's literally happening to me right now! I'm also a very anxious and paranoid person so this is the worst thing that could happen to me. When the crawling feeling is just at my hairline I always get paranoid that it's lice :(
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Holy cow. Ive tried everything on earth,believe me, everything...no answers and no cure.  The random miniscule pricking is a living hell. Its been about 12 months.
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Everyone. Don’t skip over this.
I’ve dealt with this for three years but have recently noticed something. And life has become livable/tolerable again. Please read.

Start moving your legs when you feel crawling. See if it stops. I've been starting to think it may be a nerve issue or blood circulation issue. Do you also have any sort of back issues, bad posture or herniated disc? (Yes there are bugs present, but keep reading.)

Please attempt to try, without focusing on the crawling feeling.

I'd lay in bed, and in minutes or moments start feeling the crawling. Then I'd turn onto my back and do the bicycle exercise with my legs. Crawling stops. Or I'd sit on the end of the bed with some space between my calf muscles and the bed so that there's nothing cutting off circulation. Then straighten up my posture. I'm talking about my back, then looking level headed, eyes straight ahead. And wala, crawling is gone.

I think it's a circulation and nerve issue. And I think when your body is in a position that is cutting off circulation or not conducive to your back/nerves, your body's nerves become hypersensitive, and throws things out of whack. Then you begin feeling things that are Always there but your body is usually used to it, so you don't usually feel it. Bugs - visible and naked to the eye - are always around us or even on us. We've heard that before.

But I believe that due to what we've been eating, or even gmo foods and other synthetic stuff, it has slowly been affecting America. Our bodies are changing. And our bodies are becoming more sensitive. Our immune systems seem to also be being affected by this, which is why things like mites or collembola, and fungi begin to flourish. It is a combination of things, that we are all experiencing. Please attempt to do what I said the next time you feel crawling, and see if it makes a difference. At least to get life back to a livable state.

My regimen has turned from being miserable every night soaking wet in tea tree oil, aloe vera gel, and lavender oil, sometimes 70% rubbing alcohol... washing all my clothes EVERY NIGHT... being afraid of being near people...

..to now just moving my legs or changing my posture the moment I feel crawling, with a once a week tea tree and lavender oil (and alcohol sometimes) mixed in with my natural hair cleansing shampoo by Camille Rose. And also make better food choices. This means less dairy and junk. Only fish if any meat. Positive and thorough thinking the moment you feel crawling. Balance.

Try it.
I'll subscribe to this blog in case anyone wants to connect with me about this. I'll have suggestions for you.
Much love.
Also check out comments from Scarlett123456 & davexyz. There’s a combination of what I’ve said, and they’ve said that if done, will get you your life back.

(also rule out the possibility that you have an actual mold issue in your house lol.)
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I only detect this feeling while in bed I've recently moved into this place and I kinda skeeth it even no I plainly have no reason to I'm thinking psychological maybe??
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Do you live near bushes or trees? Mites drop out of trees & bushes. My doctor said tree mites are bad this year.
Do you live near bushes or trees? Mites drop out of trees & bushes. My doctor said tree mites are bad this year.

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