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Spongiotic Dermatitis-Causes-Treatment

I have been experiencing a rash on the calf of my left leg for about two+ years. The rash starts out with little red spots and then forms tiny blisters which are very itchy.  The rash becomes prominent during the hot summer months but continues throught the year at a lesser intensity.  The rash was treated with Fluocinonide, a topical steriod cream, and was wrapped in plastic wrap during the evening which healed the irritated calf very well.  However, Recently the rash spread to my torso and arms and the itching was relentless.  Prednisone was taken orally and the rash was immediately halted.  A biopsy of a blister was examined by a lab and was diagnosed as "Spongiotic Dermatitis".  
  1.  What is the cause of the rash " Spongiotic Dermatitis" ?
  2.  What can be done to avoid its reoccurance ?
  3.  Suggestions and recommendations that may be helpful for treatment and avoidance of rash

Thank you for your assistance and God Bless you.
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My antibiotic treat has ended and I am taking 5 MG Prednisone every other day for my last week.

I've asked my wife every few days to look at my skin status.  It helps to see if it's getting better, worse or the same.  Well, just today she said that on my legs and side thighs are more red then three days ago.  So, it looks to me that once I stop and or taper the medication, it comes back.  Now, when I sit to long, my butt turns red and irritated. It feels like a sunburn feeling.  I did yard work yesterday such as trimming trees, cutting grass and weed whacking.  I hope that is the cause.  So I will closely watch my activities and exposure to see if it Improves in any away.  If not, I might need to try gluten and or organic diet next.  One step at a time.  It's such a pain to deal with this.  I'll repost again with my results good or bad.  Hope you find this helpful that your not alone.
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I've read everyone's post and I am another one going through it too.  My doctor called a little while ago to provide me the biopsy report.  It is confirmed that I have an irritated spongiotic dermatitis condition. Something external causing a skin reaction irritation.  Not internal.

Here's my story from how it all began: In December 2014, both my feet was inflammed red and damn itchy.  I didn't  think nothing of it.  There's  more to it.... A month has passed by so I've noticed that the itchy and redness is now on my legs and other parts of my body.  During this itchy stages, i was taking care my wife, she has UC and a trecea stenosis condition.  I postpone my issues thinking it will go away.  Now, I am glad that my wife is doing better and stablized at the beginning of March 2015.  My symptoms just got worse and started to really concern me.  I decided it's best that I go see a doctor.  I did. So he prescribed me a topical ointment and antibiotics (Zpak).  Worked a bit. Then came back.  I decided to see a dermatologist.  Great news, he is familiar and has seen my conditions before.  Doctor number 2 says I have a strep skin infection.  Blood work requested and done.  My white blood count was over 300.  I GUESS that was to high and not normal.  So two sessions in the last two months with this doctor, i was on prednisone at 50 mg, antiobiotic, triamcinolone acetonide 0.1% cream and fluocinonide 0.5% cream. Keep in mind that this is all fairly new to me as I don't get sick nor require to see a doctoras often.  Taking all the necessary steps has really put tons of stress on me.  So my skin starts improving, then when i run out of meds and take my last pills listed above, my symptoms start appearing again.  This is very annoying.  I asked my wife as to the idea of getting a second opinion due to a round three concern.  We agreed and so my third dermo doc came in with similar but better prognosis with my symptoms.  She put me back on prednisone at 40mg and will taper down by June 8 to one pill.  20 days on azithromycin 250 mg for 20 days and mupirocin 2% cream to be applied in the nose, anus and open wound areas.  Ok rodger that.  I've  never taken so much drugs and applying ointments for months my entire life.  So far its helping.  So now back to my entry statement.  The biopsy report is my main focus to see daily what i eat or chemical detergents that are contributing to my skin condition.  I will do them one by one and see what happens.  I hope life story contributes to everyone here that your not alone and that we are all here together to try and get closer and remedies to eliminate this concern.  If i get better relief and become stablize after being off the prescribed drugs, i will repost my status.  I hope everyone here fines hope and heel soon.
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After having a biopsy done, I was diagnosed with spongiotic dermatitis, and the ONLY spot I have it on is my right nipple. Yes, the nipple. It is very painful, not so much itchy, but more painful and uncomfortable. It started when I was 10, however I had no diagnosis. I used to scratch my breasts, and then the next day I was would have painful and terrible looking open, almost bleeding spots on my nipple. However, I would treat it with Neosporin, and it would go away by the next day, and it would only come back when I scratched. My pediatrician gave me momestasone furoate (Elocon) cream, and for 4 years straight, I would use it after showering, and it didn't come back. Last spring, my pediatrician told me to stop using it like that, but she never mentioned the effects of cortisone on the skin. I then used regular moisturizers, and that was that. In the summer, I went to Greece, and one day after going swimming, I noticed a sore like the ones I used to get when I was younger. I thought it would be gone by the next day, but here I am, 5 months later, still in pain. I thought it was caused by the conditions in Greece (very hot weather, saltier water, and slightly salty tap water.) However I had been to Greece before, and this never happened, and I am back in the US and I still have this problem. When you see my skin, it does look red, and inflamed, but nothing compared to what it looked like when I was younger (almost bleeding sores,) however it is very painful. I have a ziploc bag full of creams that didn't work, from Elecon, to Kenecomb, and even the strong Mupirocin. Nothing works. I would feel better for two days, or I would start to get better, but then the next day, I would be in pain again and start from zero. Now, I have stopped using all those creams (I thought maybe my skin was already damaged from the creams) and have resorted to coconut oil. However, I still am not fully cured, my symptoms come back after a few days. I just ordered Emuaid (which apparently is a miracle, but I'm still skeptical,) but I haven't started using it yet. I'm out of ideas, and I really want for the pain to go away, so I can start LIVING again. I might go gluten free, I take vitamin D, Biotin and fish oil. Does anyone know what I can do, or does anyone relate? I need help! Thank you!
PS: I realize that spongiotic dermatitis isn't a serious problem, I just need to find something that actually works to make me feel better, and back to normal like I was 7 months ago.
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what are the doeses I should use...for my 10 yr old- thanks!!!
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what have you found? I am going through the same thing with my 10 yr old- thank you!

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Hello! I know your post is a little old but since you're kid was dealing with this I thought I should mention this.

I had the same symptoms as the OP for 10 years and my doctors kept prescribing me the steroid creams. And it would work for a while. Eventually it would flair up in new places all over my body. When I stopped using the steroid cream my whole body swelled up and dried out. It was the worst.

I think the steroids (the cream OP used and Prednison are both steroids) are only masking the problems, but not treating the cause.

I would get your child checked for staph and strep, two common bacteria that infect people with eczema.

I recently demanded antibiotics from my doctor after a year of testing, MRIs, multiple biopsies, tonnes of blood tests.

My body is finally healing. I haven't used steroid creams in over a month and I haven't had any new breakouts of eczema since the antibiotics. I also find oil of oregano mixed (5 drops to a 1/3 cup argan oil (you can use any cooking oil) applied the affected areas works miles ahead of the steroids. That and calendula tea, wrapped over the body parts that are effected.

In all this time, the steroids never helped as much as those natural remedies. And I can feel this infection leaving and undoing years of symptoms I've had.

I hope you and your kid are doing well and already free of the rash!
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I have had spongiotic dermatitis for about 3 years. It forms mostly itchy lumps on my lower legs and lower arms but I get a few on my back and chest as well.
I have tried everything. The only thing that really works is prednisolone which I take for a few weeks and then go off. Unfortunately the prednislolone has given me a fat tummy and is no good for my bones.
After a week or so of scratching my legs into a bleeding mess I go back onto the Prednisolone and it is like a miracle cure while I am on it. Unfortunately when I wean myself down to 5mg per day for the last week of treatment it starts to come back. (I start on 25mg for a week and then drop off 5mg every week after that).
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Have you found anything that has helped? My friend has had this problem for FIVE years seen many doctors who give him different creams but nothing helps. Had two biosies conclusion is exactly what the told you.
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Thanks for inspiring me. My Lichenoid dermatitis is still in limited areas, as I always prefer the natural option, I may follow your path just to see what happens. However, I know that in Asia urino-therapy is wide spread and used for many illnesses including  cancer. The content of urea in it is very helpful for the skin regeneration. I will also try rubbing it on because it is produced by my own body and contains the medicine I need to heal myself. Thanks.
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I have been diagnosed with spongiotic psorriasis dermatitis (after a biopsy) my doctor sent me to phototherapy, all kinds of creams but nothing seems to help, I have it on my legs back chest and arms (since Januray 2013) have had allergic tests where nothing was found....can you help me?
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Thank-you! It all makes some much sense. I have been battling this since the age of 8, that I can remember. I am now 26.  I thought I was just lactose intolerant, however it still comes back slowly.  I will now try this.  Steroids just don't work, it always comes back.
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I have this too....been to 3 derms!  They just keep prescribing cream which will work until i stop using it...Now I have been reading that the topical steroids become highly addictive and make it worse!  So I am using nothing now and itching like crazy!   (I went to the itsan.org website to learn about the dangers of topical steroid addiction and it made sense.)
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You are almost telling me my own story. The doctor hasn't requested me to do any allergic test as yet. Please keep me posted with your progress. Thanks
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Thank you, it makes a lot of sense to me.  I've had this rash for years. Its no in the ankes and plantar of both feet.  The blisters, itchy ones went away when I changed dish detergent from Dawn to Palmolive clean and clear. Gone.  The foods I will give it a try. Most the problems I see are cause by all the additives to foods, milk, etc. Thanks for the advice. I will check it out.  remember, change the soaps.  I've tried organic foods, I don't believe it. It takes approx. 10 years to clean a farm from chemicals to clean soil.  Where is there clean soil??
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I was told I have this condition. I don't believe it for one minute. I developed a pattern of sores on my R arm, then L and then legs, since last July. The skin biopsy from R upper shoulder only 1 done, was lichenoid dermatitis with increased dermal mucin(this is natural hyaluronic acid) between the dermis and epidermis. The doc lied to me, he knew exactly what is was and was just waiting for this to occur. I guessed immediately. I'd had 2 MRI's with Gadolinium metal, Sep and Dec 2010. My Vit D was a known low at 22.9. In July 2011 I got the skin sores until now, with Rx of Clobetasol, Dovenox not filled, even told heat rash. It's gadolinium metal from MRI's. I had sx prior, difficulty walking, R arm tremor, they begged for skin biopsy in 2008. see fda.gov blackbox warning, MD asked me if I take any Chinese herbs? I said, NO, they have metal in them, prior phone calls to me were: don't eat anymore foods w mercury, odd call, my level was 2,  range 1-10, once: no more radiation, , well, MRI's don't use radiation, but the contrast is metal, not radioactive, CT contrasts and scans are radioactive. I knew it was the metal. I had new derm send to mayomedicallaboratories com search G for gadolinium, It's not rare. I do have some dec kidney function, they avoided this topic all together, even wrote I do not have it, what a lie. I called Immunology fellow next day, sat early am, asked about gadolinium, yeah, we know all about it, what it does, he documents in my chart, I called to see if biopsy was being evaluated by dermpath. not even discussed, they've lied about this. see nyas.org Fourth Annual NSF conference e briefing 13 Sept 2010, listen to it, see all slides,  yale.edu, pathmax has some good info, but there are way more than 366 cases Cowper lists, this is a lie, this is his own site, Danish studies in 1997 knew about it and earlier. see mri side effects, from description of this spongititis, this is not what happens to me. I have pics and they know exactly where to biopsy. Do not get MRI injections for any part of the body, it accumulates, CT contrast is TC 99 or technetium, from Molybdenum, nuclear fission, nuc waste for med use, tracer with other radionuclides, look it up. see auntminnie com or rsna org or www fiercebiotech com for CT radiation doses, pediatric, they know the lethal dose of radiation, new articles about CT head/sinus and dental xrays and radiation induced cancers, they know all this.
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how much time does it take to get removed from one's body if he/she is having it from past 5 years
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There is a mild RX Steroid cream I was prescribed for my shins that works well and usually will go away in 2 days. It is a mixture of Moisturel over the counter lotion and Kenalog 40 mg. This will have to be prescribed and the Pharmacist will mix.  I get this rash if I am out in the sun.
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I have been to Allergists and 3 of the top Dermatologists in Houston and have finally been diagnosed with probable Psoriasis and spongiotic derm.  I have used 5 different types of Steroid lotions.The last advise was to  Cleanse with dove soap then use a layer of Psorent topical solution  then a layer of Halobetasol Propionate Ointment with a final layer of Vinicream (over the counter lotion) purchased from the last Dermatologist. This treatment will shrink the rash and ease the itching.  The itch is unbearable and sharp shooting pains come with it.  They are wanting me to start on Methotrexate to keep the Psoriasis from going into my system as Arthritis. I am not going to take it.  I am hoping to reach out and ask for opinions and advise.  I have to get off the Steroid creams and will not compromise my liver with Methotrexate. Once I slack off the cream the rash comes back.  I am not overweight and have a very healthy diet. I have had extensive tested for allergies and have none. I work out 4 to 5 days a week and am an avid bicyclist. Now because of the rash am having trouble riding as much as I am used to.  It is becoming very depressing and I need help!!!
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my son has been fighting a rash for 3-4 weeks that started with just a couple of bumos on inner forearm and thigh.  He developed a runny nose 2nd day and after giving tylenol cold he flared up all over his body.  Dr and Dermetlogist both said it was viral rash.  Gave zirtec and benadryl and steriod oint. got better then worse, double treatment, got better then twice as worse than the first batch.  All creams and ointments were buring skin.  Ended up in ER.  Dr wanted steroids started orally but derm. Dr said no.  Then at folow up two days later they said "Wow, you need steroids!"  so upset, we now have to do steroids for 30 days orally and topically.  Zofran for nausea and lots of Zertec and benadryl.  They biopsied the legs and found Spongiatic dermatitis and are telling me its not from allergy.  I disagree.  I has to be allergic to something if it keeps reoccurring.  He has an underlying tinia versacolor (High yeast in skin, losing pigment)  this may be making it worse, but allergy Dr. still isn't sure its an allergic reaction either.  He has been skin tested but not blood tested.  Trying to figure out next step.  They told us we would see a derm Dr that specialized in patch testing.  We do know he is allergic to chromium and think it is this that could be causing all of this, but they say a long shot.  The best over the counter  cream is SARNA cream/lotion.  It is about $10 at the pharmacy and has a cooling agent ans well as camphor.
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Had a biopsy done in october and the results came back saying I had spongiotic dermatitis.Before the diagnosis, had been taking lots of cetirizine tablets and emmollient creams for the itching and burning rash.Like other sufferers it began by noticing small red dots on my legs and as they got bigger the more itchy they got.They got to the size of a 50p piece then became all scabby and flakey.After the biopsy I was given Dermovate ointment but didnt want to be using another pharmaceutical prescribed cream.On the advice of a friend who is a Naturopath I have started to take Aloe Vera Juice,Nettle tea, Burdock capsules and Dandelion capsules.By taking these supplements in the right doseage the transformation is amazing.The skin is alot clearer with no flakeyness or redness,the itching has all but gone and have been sleeping soundly at night.(the itching use to wake me up 3 or 4 times a night).Might not work for everyone but its helped me an awful lot.Theres no changes to my diet or lifestyle so for me using a natural herbal solution is,fingers crossed the answer.
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You can get pityriasis rosea as an adult.  I was diagnosed with it by a dermatologist when I was 27.  I've also read that you cannot get it again, but have just returned from the doctor having received the pathology report on a skin biopsy from a lesion on my chest. The report suggests that "prominent lymphocyte exocytosis raise the possibility of Pityriasis rosea."  I'm now 43 years old.  Strangely, my 13 year old daughter was diagnosed with it only a couple of months ago.  She showed the classic pattern, as her rash spread from the front of her torso to the back, up her neck, then onto her thighs.  It resolved itself after a few weeks.
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I was just told I have spongiotic after going to 5 different Drs over 24 mos of Itch & rash and not sleeping
I am sure that it has something to do with diet. I assume that each one of the infected will have a different type of diet issue that will lead to relief of this horrible illness. Therefore anyone the has beat this  infection with diet or life style changes  please E-mail me @ ***@****.    
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I was unable to do Aqua-fit for several months, last Monday I did go and the itching began that night.  Mostly my ankles and legs have small, hard bumps.  Since this had been very bad last January, I recognized the symptoms.  Now I'm wondering if I have a Swimingpool ( Chlorine) Rash?
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To everyone with skin issues - in many cases, skin problems are a direct result of food allergies. Specifically, allergies to gluten, casein (protein in milk - also called whey protein) and Red Dye #40.  I have learned this the very hard way...with decades of dandruff, eczema, itching so bad I felt like my skin was crawling, rashes, and itchy blisters. I've been through all of the creams, topical solutions and antibiotics. The ONLY thing that has helped me long-term is going gluten- and casein-free and stopping eating stuff with Red Dye #40 in it. It has been a challenge because these ingredients are in a ton of stuff...but if you really want relief, try it! Your skin problems are your body telling you you're eating something it's allergic to. Your doctor probably won't tell you that...but they will prescribe you everything under the sun and keep you on steroids for years. Get a food allergy test, see what you have a reaction to, and stop eating those things. It's different for everyone, but the common theme is usually gluten and casein (casein is often the main issue for sinus problems, too - thank God I figured that out! Sinus infection-free for 4 years now!).

Red Dye #40 is also a big cause of itchy skin. Look into it. It's in a bunch of processed foods. Stop eating that and see if the itching lessens.

I hate to read about all these people suffering for years, using steroid cream after cream. I've been there. The problem is what you are putting in your body. Your body is freaking out on the surface because it's trying to tell you stuff you're eating is harming you. Change that and change your life. I can't tell you what a difference it's made for me. For the first time in my life...I never get sick, I'm itch- and rash-free, I have energy like a normal person, and I'm not embarrassed because of my skin. Good luck! I hope this helps. :)
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What lotion should I use if i am diagnosed with Spongiotic Dermatitis.
I have used different lotions and it makes me feel itchy after applying..
Can I used goat's milk based lotion?
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