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Scalp is covered in white waxy substance that my hair is stuck under

So I broke out with a fungal infection all over my body well my scalp was then infected and the whole ordeal was so weird and nothing I ever seen or heard of before it left me so confused . I can’t find anything online about it which is so frustrating cause I have no idea how to treat this . Anyway it started out with somewhat of an itchy scalp with these tiny little dots all over that felt gritty like sand and were mostly around the crown of my head . The 2 days later the dots were gone and I had these dark little hairs shooting straight up all over my scalp which looked so odd well later on that day I noticed my hair line looked like it was shaved off and within an hour it was even further back with more of my hair all from the front of my head missing and looking like it was shaved my hair appeared thin all over like my hair was falling out . I then for some reason decided to take tweezers and pull at the little hairs shooting out of my scalp and what I never was expecting or thought even possible was to pull a full stand of my bright red dyed hair from my scalp !! I started pulling more and more and thick long tuffs of hair were gliding out from my scalp with hardly any effort and I started pulling the hair from my hairline that vanished earlier and when I pulled on them the hair was back again and I had my hairline back and my thin hair was back to being thick but it wouldn’t stay and my hairline was back to missing and looking like it was shaved . So I pulled at the little stubs again to get my hair back this time filming it so I could show anyone because it was so insane I couldn’t believe what was happening. All night I sat in front of the mirror playing tug of war with my hair scared that I wouldn’t be able to keep my hair permanently. The next day after passing out from doing that all night I instantly ran to the mirror and saw all the missing hair from my crown and went to pull it back out but this time there was some resistance and wasn’t gliding out with ease as the night before . Later on that day I could no longer pull any of my hair out and it was like a normal scalp if I pulled there was pain and pulling any harder would rip the hair from the root . I was devastated I was now stuck with bald patches along my entire hairline in the front of my head one patch going back pretty far with no way to cover it up and my right ear completely exposed with no hair to cover my ear . Within a couple of days I noticed my scalp looked really white and felt almost waxy . I decided to wash my hair and use my husbands tar shampoo. When I got out of the shower and dried my hair I could really see how white my scalp was and the weird film it had over it . It literally felt like candle wax I then pulled on the little stubs of hair coming from the missing patched and with some pulling my hair came out I was freaking out again I started pulling more and more hair came out it was now like it was trapped under this sticky feeling substance. So now I realized my scalp was encased In this thick white waxy sticky film and that a lot of my hair got trapped underneath it . There are even some baby hairs that are coming from my face more than my scalp cause it’s skin and I could actually see the fine hairs trapped under my skin but with some pulling can pull them out . Which makes this weird substance on my head so weird cause it’s obviously thick enough to completely cover tuffs of hair without making them visible but thin enough you can’t see it and it looks just like your normal scalp and skin so I’m extremely baffled. Also every time I pull the hair out of the sticky substance it ends up disappearing again . I’ve been showering a lot and using the tar shampoo and also purchased different fungal shampoos and every time I do the scalp becomes less sticky and now it’s very dry with little flakes of dandruff but barely that much and the hair is still sticking underneath. I was hoping if I got it super dryed out it would start to flake and release the hair but it hasn’t worked and now that it’s dryer it’s getting harder to get the hair out . I am so confused I have no idea what I’m dealing with  or even how to treat it I’m scared I’ll never get my hair back and have bald spots all over and thin hair . I’m even starting to get big bumps now from it becoming infected because of the hair being trapped because these are big wads of hair not one little strand . Around my hair line it looks like I have huge thick veins running along my head when it’s actually hair you can actually rub my scalp and feel large bumps and can feel all the hair underneath it’s so weird . My family is so freaked out they can’t believe what’s going on with me we all tried looking endlessly online and can’t find any help I’m getting so tired of this and just hope I can cure this I also noticed the roots of my hairs are all white now like this fungus that’s all over my scalp is growing up the shaft of the hair now . I hope I can get some answers about this and some serious help . Thank you
And just to clarify there are no scales with this it’s completely one piece and smooth it looks like my scalp but in certain lighting you can see whatever this is on top of my scalp and can tell it’s not my actual scalp but a weird film covering it .
37 Responses
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Please I fear this is going to kill my partner and myself. Suffering from this exact same symptoms I have had to cut
All my hair off including my scalp (I am female) it grows back black and thick and matted together and stuck under this waxy transparent like film I have felt sick physically now for around 10 months it started with loss of some of my eyebrows and lesions appearing to full blown lesions no eyebrows just now block dot like hairs that grow back all drs miff us off make us feel like we are crazy it’s deformed my partners neck with scarring from lesions and giant hairs that come from seemingly no where and black thick hairs that fight to stay In with large black gooey bulbs some even look like legs of bug burrowed in I can’t explain it alls I know is it’s killing us and I don’t know what else to do this is emotionally killing me and my partner also we don’t want to hardly leave the house because of fear of spreading whatever this is and or someone noticing and assuming we are just crazy or druggos which we aren’t neither off I wish it was something that simple then we could get help and get better! With this I see a bleak outlook and I’m scared. Tired. Drained I have disabled child who needs me and I’m scared of what this could do if affects other people close to me please someone help
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After recently noticing my hairline was starting to move back again, I began using only THIS body wash ( https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082V7Y2M6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_CNA5MYBMWBAAKWRM9H6V ) & white distilled vinegar in the shower, Going from head to toes letting my head soak as long as possible with the soap. I wear gloves as to not spread it any  further from skin to skin contact, and a body scrubber to help remove the layers of skin.

The first couple washes will look like an extreme case of dandruff, but  after blow drying its easier to hide. After a week my hairline is back to where it should be.

I’m considering adding vinegar into my regular shampoos and washes. And wearing gloves during these flareups has helped tremendously with keeping it from affecting my infant son.
Black piedra is probably what you're dealing with. I suffer from white piedra. It's been frustrating asf
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This is exactly what is happening to me
I’m losing my mind over this I went to my PCP and had test for autoimmune but was told I didn’t have that
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i have the exact same thing. closest i could find out is trichmiosis and bugari pulmini.  its ridiculous. dont waste your time with regular dr.s and specialists. you gotta get the biofilm down with a green and collogen diet then atack it with a trifecta: antibiotic(forever seems like) anti-fungal(strong AF) and a anti helminthic/parasite. Im on doxycycline/Flucanozole/albendazole/nitaoxide. ridiculous exspensive like $800/month. easier to order the stuff for your delusional herd of cattle to cure your delusional disease. i want my infectious disease PA in prison and act like shes too good to be there. how many girls pulled the trigger when the feeling of hoplessness took over because a trained specialist lied to her face. thats called soul harvesting for the devil. they got the wrong girl right here, you can bet farm on that. stay strong be light GOD is gangster
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uv bacteria killing light. little hand held bad mama jama from walmart busted open fibrid nests in 2 days.
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This is exactly what is happening to me
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ROPE WORM!!!! I think that might be the cause you guys!!!! Look it up!!
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mimosa pudica seed capsules seem to help! guys this is some creepy ****!
I think i some type of worm and it's twisting the hair so much that air and sunlight can't get to it so fungus is growing. I smell a musty order at least once a day.
Has anyone thought to treat this as a parasite at all? Ivermectin has been used ( for many human issues)

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