940406 tn?1245213639

So confused

I have been sexually active since the age of 16 and have only had sex with guys that I have built a relationship with, I am now 20 years old and more scared than ever. I live on my own miles away from my family and have no one to talk to when it comes to the following questions and concerns. Just recently I found out my boyfriend of 3 years had cheated on me, and because of this I chose to go see a doctor and get checked out for everything in the book. In return I received a phone call explaining my Papsmyr had come back irregular and had a mild stage of HPV. After a month or so the doctor had cleared me of the HPV and I thought I was back to "normal". A week or so later I noticed small white bumps on my genital area, about 20 of them. I immediately went back to the doctors which they explained that these "warts" might be from the previous HPV that I had. I began taking the prescribed cream known as Alderra 3x a week and every 2 weeks I would go see the doctor for a "freezing" (I went for 3 visits). The last freezing appointment I had I went home that night andused Alderra cream also. The next day I felt slight irritation which progressed the following days after and soon there were large red sores where the warts had been. I went back to the doctors and they did a culture for Herpes and I am so terrified it will come back positive. It has been 5 days of incredible "raw" irritation feelings. No pain is felt when I pee, but when I wipe it hurts to touch. It is a painful raw skin feeling, no itiching or burning, just pain of raw irritated skin. It hurts immensely to walk around while working because I have to wear jeans and I have to walk so my legs don't touch. Like I said, it does not hurt to pee, I am not feverish, and the sores are where the warts were at before. Because I don't have quite a few of the symptoms of herpes is there still a chance my culture will come back negative?? Or does everyone with herpes have pain in urinating and itching? I am in tears because I am all alone and in so much pain I can't even walk 5 feet to the kitchen!!! Please help me. I don't really even know what I am asking... I am just needing to talk to someone with knowledge on this.

This discussion is related to Red sores on (female) genitals.
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940406 tn?1245213639
I am still waiting for my results. But thank you so much for your words. It may seem weird that I appreciate the time you took to respond, but the things you have said have made me feel like I am not "all alone". Thanks again.
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When u have been diagnosed with HPV, u will most probably have pain during urinating and itching, it's best to see a doctor, so they can take a swab test. Then u would probably be prescribed to use Valtrex, so whenever you have the same symptoms, use Valtrex to treat it. The first outbreak of HPV is normally the worst and the longest, hopefully u only get to experience it once, as it it quite painful and irritating! HPV is ongoing, so it can't be cured and remains in your system, the best way, is to use a condom every time you have sex for prevention and to stay healthy.
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It might help for you to talk to your doc or a nurse, unfortuantely HPV will really never go away that is why it is impt. to get regular check-ups & constantly stay on top of it!  Do some research & you will see you will be fine.  Some pp do experience warts with their HPV and others never do.  Also, herpes is very common & if you are positive, you can live a healthly active sex life ---there are meds to help lower break-out risks & you will do just fine.    
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