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Tiny little "pimples" on underside of foreskin

I have no idea what this is, but its bothering me to the point where i want to pop the living hell out of these things. I noticed that under the shaft of my penis, on my foreskin that I have these painless tiny little pimple looking things in a cluster. They do not ich or anything and when I try to get a hold of them and squeeze, they become white. I went to a dermotoligst and he told me that its not an STD ( which i wasnt worried about) and he said its "sweat retention". He gave me some stupid cream that does nothing ( another reason im pissed off). Desoximetasone is the name of this useless cream. I have no idea what to do. They are not going away. What do i do? Anyone else have this?
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Hey buddy! Did you manage to solve this at all? I have the same thing and I'm really worried, your description matches perfectly what I have... What did you do??
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If they are spreading then you better check that out asap...if its herpes you will spread them and you will have them for life (like luggage)
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I have had oral sex twice from the same person and had no problems from it. There were no sorse in her mouth or anything. I have had a lot of dry sex with clothes on and my penis became a little iritated. I notice a little irritation on the side of my penis and then examined underneath the head on the foreskin and noticed a tiny tiny pimple maybe a mm in width and length. Could this be syphilis? I think it might be irritation from the dry sex but I'm nervous about it. I put polysporin on it and it seems to be getting better already after a day. Should I be worried? If someone could respond quickly that would help me out a lot.
From ?
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im 31 and had these 2 years . dont panic its nothing
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Funny part is, to notice them you reall have to look at the Penis. Im worried about what a girl would think if she saw this. This is mentally very hard to deal with.
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I just cant stop looking at this every hour or so. They are little tiny tiny red bumps/pimples. They are all over and I cant tell at this point if they are spreading or not. I have no idea. I wish i could explain this better. All I know is the the Desoximetasone is not working at ALL.

What can I research? What are symptoms of sweat retention? I guess maybe I should ask what is the cure for this? They have cures/supresents for so many things, but this nathural BS is not going away and there is no medication for this? I dont understand
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Its almost better to have somthing that responds to medication, rather then some natural wahtever this is, that is not going away. The medication definatly does not do a single thing. I even tried neosporin and cordasoid or somthing like that. I see that i have a lot of these little things, but the ones in a cluster make it look like a desease. I would really love to know what is causing this, because nothing happens out of nowhere like this. Im so upset about this.
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With the way you have further described it, I do not think this is a fungal infection nor do they appear to be folliculitis either although it is possible that an overlying infection may be present. I feel this is not something urgent. And completing the course of your medication may help just to ascertain the fact that the condition does not respond to the medication. Then seek follow up consult with your physician so this may be properly assessed.

Refrain from constantly manipulating the area. Just observe how this progresses. It is possible that these are just normal penile structures and further touching or manipulation may only complicate this.
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You know what here is a perfect description what it is. Right now when I take my foreskin and i stretch it and look at the underside right...there are a ton of flesh colored little spots all over. They look kind of round and the ones found higher have hair comming out of them. I know they are normal because i have had them all my life. So these little pimple like bumps im talking about look identicle when i stretch them, but when i just look at the skin normally, they appear to be a little red. Its very small and i have to bend down to see really see it and make out that they are seperate little bumps. Does that help with anyhting?
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Hi, thanks for the reply. I called the doctor today and told him this cream is not working and he told me that he purposly gave me a weaker dose because he said the stronger creams can cause unwanted irritation. The tiny little bumps that I am talking about look almost like tiny little pimples. They are slighty red around the edge and are so small. I have noticed that they are slighty raised but when you strecth the skin, they are flat. They do not hurt whatsoever and never ever itch. I was thinking, could this be from urine? I noticed that after i urniate I some drip that makes my boxers moist at times and my genitals obviously rub on it througout the day? Either way, i need this gone. Is there medication that you know off that can clear this up? The doctor told me that the cream takes more then a few days to be effective..i find this hard to believe.
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Some normal structures of the penis may present as bumps and lumps on the surface. Without a significant sexual history, STD's may be readily excluded. At this point, we may also have to consider a balanitis. Balanitis may be due to an underlying fungal or bacterial infection. They usually involve the head of the penis. Other forms of balanitis may be due to dermatitis which may appear as redness , scaling and itchiness of the glans penis or penis head. In your case, this doesn’t appear as such since you have described them as bumps. Molluscum and genital warts have a distinctive presentation and may be readily excluded based on physical examination.

Pearly penile papules, sweat glands and blood vessels may present as bumps on the penis and they may be likely differentials in your case. The dexamethasone given you did not resolve the skin condition which may likely strengthen the differentials that these may be enlarged sweat glands.

At this point, this is not an urgent case that one should be worried about. However, I do understand that this offers discomfort . You may seek a second opinion on this . However, I do not think any other further intervention is needed. If this is not due to an underlying inflammatory or infectious process, the bumps may resolve spontaneously in time.
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Anyone have this same issue or know what this is??
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Just an added description. They are very tiny, and when you strech the skin or the penis is erect, you cant reall notice them. There is about 6 in a cluster and then a few single ones around the foreskin in other areas. I honestly do not know what this could be. What is a penis Cyst? I mean im sure the Dermotoloigst would have told me about that. Bottom line is i have no idea what to do. I have been putting this cream on 2 times a day and this is the 3rd day.
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