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itchy face/scalp

What is this? Doctors are not going to help. I've given up on them -- they are naive and stupid in a lot of ways. They attribute all knowledge to what is taught to them in their books.  They are, for the most part, not scientist, and therefore don’t feel a need to investigate a new ailment.
I have the same thing as you do, and am convinced it is contagious also.  I have no idea where I got it from, but have suffered since 2001.  When I went to an Army dermatologist, he started asking me questions leading to 'am I crazy'.  When I go to my office, or in groups of people, it doesn’t take long for others to start lightly swiping their cheeks or hair.  I've tried SCUBA diving, RAID, dog flea baths and various soaps, bleach baths, and even shaved my head and stay bald.  I do laundry regularly too -- all without noticeable progress in eliminating the symptoms.  I even tried dosing my scalp with Goo-Gone.  Nothing makes the cycle go away, but it tends to be sporadic.  However I too have not went more than a few days without being bothered with tiny filament sensations, and sometimes, out-right biting sensations on face and scalp.  I have never, ever seen anything ever move on my skin, nor felt a bug or any evidence of a critter when I scratch.
I am convinced of these things:
1. It is something that lives in a cycle
2. One of the cycles allows it to spread
3. I believe it has something to do with hair follicles
4.  I think it like fair-skinned people

I think it's something microscopic and yet un-discovered because I can never find anything in years of searching the internet remotely covering my symptoms.

If you find something that helps, I'd be extremely grateful. (I couldn't figure out how to add this to the list of people who share these symptoms)

This discussion is related to Contagious Itchy Face Syndrome.
10 Responses
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I am going through the exact same thing. I say we call the CDC or Dr Oz. I have no idea what ths is and the doctors don't give a damn I hope they all get it. If we all that are experiencing flood there site with emails about it maybe they will do something. I'm almost beyond embarrassment because i just can't deal with this anymore. I do feel bad for my family because i have passed it on to them. It is absolutely contagious to everyone I come in contact with or whoever gave it to me
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Hi BC,
Have you had any outcome? I think I've figured out where it's coming from but doctors think i'm crazy still. I have an appointment to see my primary care to do a final test once and for all.
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Please post something after your appointment. Thhis just started for me about 2 weeks ago. thanks
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Imadgine having what you have but only all over your intire body I have had seasonal allergies since I was fourteen had a dog and never new I was allergic found out when I was 34 when I finaly went to an allergist about six years ago I had kind of a nervous brake down and that's when my skin problim manifested my entire body itchis at times I get these sensations of like a small spider slowly crawling on my face and arms and I get dry skin on my face,scalp,arms,shoulders I've been tested for cieliacs and it came back negitive if I go four days with out taking a antihistimine I would not even be able to funktion because it literly feels like Im geting poison ivy everyweare the itching and burning is so strong, winter ,Sumer the simtims are the same weather it's a kidney,liver,gallblader,thyroid or blood disorder I do not no the sad thing is that doctors don't no iether ????? Maybe I should go to medical school.
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I think I've figured it out. I can't say for sure if it's an oral Staph, HSV-1 or HPV or mono. But this is what I've come to figure. If you are having a horribly itchy scalp, itchy forehead, red bumps on scalp or face, dry skin, itchyface, "eczema" pimples on the scalp or most terribly the itchy scalp that will not go away that leads to hair loss; you have probably come in contact with a person who has one of these symptoms in their mouth or have touched an object after they have had their hands in or around their mouth. You may even be the carrier. This disease which I cannot diagnose, one because I am not a doctor and two because i have not run across a medical professional who cares enough about people to listen (so very sad and typical of medical professionals) and do extensive testing or research. Whenever a person with these germs in their mouth talks to people the germ becomes airborne. The germ either lives in the saliva or the throat or the gums, not sure, but it's in the mouth. The germ seeks skin and or mucosa and when it latches on it incubates instantly to two days depending on your immune system or amount of melanin in your skin. It causes extreme itchy face and then it goes right to the extreme itchy scalp. it's almost like the germ roams the skin for an exit but can't so ends up at the top of the scalp. Very aweful illness to have. Dermatologist wouldn't test my scalp said it wasn't possible to be any of those things. Once you get it you become the carrier, not intentionally because you can't see it. you don't know you've been affected until your face starts itching and then you don't suspect it could ever be anything "like that". When someone with a lab and some great grant money finally figures it out, we can all breathe a sigh of relief until then we will all live in a liveable hell because the great scientist of our world have yet to graduate. Old science is just too stuck in his ways. My doc patted me on the shoulder after i complained and said "so you don't trust my expertise". No, I'm just itching like hell and you're telling me their is nothing wrong with me. Who would waste money like this.
If this is possible then this would mean that not all STDs would be sexually transmitted as taught. Maybe this would create a health crisis and cause the government to get off their butts and speed up the cures on STD's. No I'm not crazy and I hope this helps someone or prompts someone to do some serious testing. Alot of us need it. This will get to the top it's too contagious not to.
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anyone got any answers yet?

im thinking about starting a forum for the invisible bugs.
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first time i read your post i dismissed it.

now, after over a year a doctor actually took the time to look at the 'bite' (initial site of infection) on my scalp...

turns out its a Cyst.

could it be staph related? it seems very close to the surface and i think i may have poped it once scratching, coz my fingers somehow got wet from dry hair..
so i was left wondering where did that come from..

anyway, if anyone knows anything.. send me a message, i can send pics of it, and of the 'bites' i get witch when zoomed look 100% exactly like the cyst !!!

i did undergo surgery about 2 years ago,  and within 2hrs after surgery a blood blister appeared on my lip.. it continued to grow for a day. next day another grew..
from my research it was HPV type 6? i think, and/or apparently symptoms showed because of trauma to the esophagus.

but the only thing is i tested clean for 4 diff types of herpies, and all std's.
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hello I don't have the answers I wish I did,last night I put dry salt in my head all over it and use it like  a skin abrasive. I was so tired rubbing it in for 2 hours I combed it out and went to bed, when I woke up which is now I washed my hair and it feel good so far.i have marks on my back where something comes out of I did see 2 of them last night, they look like a long little thing with lots of legs I watch them on my wood floor for about an hour. I called my hubby over to see if he could see them and he could, he tried to get them up but they were stuck to the floor. they ate the finish off the wood!!!there is also cystal like thing that come out of these makes they make on my back so please check your back. and know I don't have lice!! Dianne the bug lady!!!
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hello,im going through a similar situation myself.Ive tried everything.no matter what i do or what treatment i buy,they seem to come back.It always starts on my scalp,it gets really dry and dusty.as the dust falls on my skin on my face this causes big welps.the next day my scalp and head become really sore,i mean sore to even touch it,it also turns yellowish and crystyin spots and itches like crazy.The next thing that happens is i start to see little black pieces(i assume the bug,parasite or whatever)coming from my scalp and disappering in my face.its almost identical to black pepper flakes.The worst part is it doesnt stop there.They feed all over my body!!Ive tried everything!The craziest thing is they dont bother my fiance.only me and my 5yo son.he things im losing my mind.
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You may be experiencing some king of folliculitis.  It csn be bacterial, fungal, or parasitic.
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