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itchy legs

This discussion is related to Itchy legs, no sign of rash or irritation.

I have had this problem for just over 2 years,
i went to my GP and they have given me antibiotics as they think i have folliculitis. I searched this and i have no symptons for folliculitis, as this occurs when you have red spots full of pus. my legs are dry and flaky as a result of my 2 years of itching and i have no rashes, just scars from scratching
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I have had this problem for years.  I decided it must have something to do with shaving and so, at the age of 50, I have started to have laser hair removal on my lower legs.  Low and behold, it seems to be working.  I rarely have the itching anymore.  And usually, it is just before my next session.  And the shaving that used to make the itching worse, doesn't anymore!  It is expensive but totally worth it if it makes that doggone itching stop.  

And I am really glad to hear I am not the only person who has this problem and itches until they bleed.  I always thought it was just me!
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I too have had this condition for many years. It has affected my self esteem as well as my body. I don't swim at all and wear jeans or capris during the summers because the humidity seems to affected me as much as a shower will.
  I have lived in several parts of the country in my lifetime (all 34 years of it!) I've had the problem in Ohio, Mass. and Nevada. While living in Nevada The Condition slow faded away to a mere annoyance! Unfortunately for me I had to move to a more humid climate and it return in full force!
  The only thing that has worked for me to calm the icthing is to take 100mg of Benadryl and an Ativan before the shower usually followed by another Ativan and a stiff drink afterward!  I think that it calms me down rather than stops the problem, but I'm sure everyone reading this understands that ANYTHING that heps is a God send! Before I quit smoking I used to chain smoke for the 1/2 hour following my showers!  I wouldn't suggest taking up smoking as a cure though!
  I'm annoyed enough to see a Derm. again, I'm disappointed everytime by the "try a different soap" Just once I'd like them to assume I've tried that route already!
My last bit of advice is about soaps and such. I did find that AVEENO BODY WASH FOR SENSITIVE SKIN didnt aggravate my skin as much as most products. I also was given as a gift a bar of GOATS MILK SOAP that worked wonderful- no itching at all! But I don't remember who gave it to me to ask for more! I do remember it only had oatmeal as the additive, no fragrances, so I'll have to bite the bullet and try out a few!
Last but definitly the best is GOLD BOND ULTIMATE HEALING LOTION / ALOE This is the ONLY lotion I can use on my legs. I have never itched after using and it has done wonders for my ingrown hairs due to dryness!
Sorry this was such a long post - I've never written about dealing with this problem before and I found it catharic to do so!
If anyone whould like to contact me feel free www.***@****, just use something like "itchy post" in the subject area. I'd love to lend/receive support on this topic!
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I have had this problem for years, almost exclusively in the winter.  I tried everything to make it go away....taking cooler showers, patting dry with towel, using a moisturizer right after shower, using Sarna lotion when itching occurs, etc.  These things helped a little but I still had many nights where it was so bad I couldn't sleep.  

Then, a couple of years ago, I was going to the Cayman Islands for a 5 day vacation.  Since I sunburn relatively easily, and since I wanted to be very active outside, I did not want to have to cover up or go inside, especially since we were only going to be there a short time.  To maximize my time in the sun, I decided to go to a tanning booth to get a bit of a base.  I had never done this before, so I went for a half session (6 minutes), and then a couple of days later, another half session, and my itchy legs went away.  

Last year, I suffered all winter with itchy legs.  This year, in February, my itching legs were driving me crazy, so I went to a tanning salon.  Once again, after 2 half sessions, my itching went almost totally away.  I now go every other week, for a half session, and it has not returned.

I am not a tanner.  I actually wear a towel over my face and a shirt, because I am not interested in getting a tan, just stopping the itching in my legs.

This works for me, I have no idea whether it will work for anyone else.  
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I'm glad to know i'm not the only one suffering from itchy legs. My problem is; I have red spots about the size of a dime that are dry and itchy. Why just spots? I have several below the knees and one a little bigger above my knee. I  hope this isn't something serious. Anyone else has this?  
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Hi Doc!!

I have goiter... do you think that's the reason why my legs itch a lot?.. it just started last month.. Help.. what should i do?
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I have been suffering with the same problem. And just like everyone else I've been told that it will go away...use lotion...rinse your clothes an extra time..use an antihistamine...but nothing works. It is just my legs itching nothing else. Which is weird to me. If it was a reaction to something I would think I would itch all over. I mean I was my clothes in the same detergent. I have been very frustrated. It's been 3 years now and it gets more and more irritating. Someone told me that I might have bad circulataion...I've also heard a thyroid problem. But just like every one else all the doctors just brush it off as something little like dry skin and I know its not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Laura (26)
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