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red bumps all over my body

I started out having red bumps mostly on my stomach and then they got redder, raised and spread out a little-- it first looked like a lot of mosquito bites all over.  Then it has spread all over my body but the ones on my stomach have almost completely covered it-- the areas are red, raised but spread out-- large circles all over.  They itch like crazy but they are not dry or flaky and they are not ***** or bloody.  Most of them look exactly like mosquito bites.  The one thing I have noticed is that they are in areas where I am not tan which are many as I am a fair skinned red-head. :-)  Any ideas what I might have-- I've tried benadryl- (ointment and pills) and tinactin and neither have worked.  Do I have Pevla (sp)?
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My children went to a sleepover at their aunts. My son slept upstairs but my daughters slept in their aunts bed which is in the basement. Both girls came home with red, itchy bumps on their neck, upper back, arms, thighs, & legs. What could of happened?
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Sounds like psoriasis and eczema not scabies, had the same issue and only in those certain areas my RN aunt thoughtI had scabies as well until I went to the dermatologist and found out I had a mixture of psoriasis and eczema but in my case I had more psoriasis than eczema like 60 and 40%.
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This is CRAZY!!! I'm laying here in my bed watching the ICHY Red bumps Pop up on my arms. They started two days ago on my lower legs and have moved up my knees, thighs, butt, and know my arms. There are no bed bugs,dust mites, or chiggers in site! I went to the doctor today and she couldn't figure out what it is other than something I'm allergic to...clothing, laundry detergent, soap, lotion, plant, etc. I was prescribed prednisone which isn't working. My mom died a couple of weeks ago and I'm thinking I may be stressed. Lord I hope it is stress because I can become unstressed as time go by, but I can't handle this iching for the rest of my life. I think we are all suffering from the same thing but triggered by different reason.
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Hey there Gargamel,
I know it has been almost 8 years exactly since you posted this, but I wanted to know if you ever found out what this was.  I am a 27 year old male with the exact same symptoms and I cannot figure out what is going on.  The odd thing too is that they are in the exact same places that you described as well.  I am under stress as well and also eat too much cheese haha.  This sounds too similar it's weird.  Hope you have some insight almost a decade later, Thanks!
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Hi I am itching all the time as well, these are getting really ichy like there is things crawling under my skin and biting me! After a few days these blotchy bruises have appeared, I am really worried about this so if anyone has had the same simptoms please let me know
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I started getting these really itchy bug bites. They were medium sized on my hands, calves, stomach and neck. It began almost a month ago, the bites still come but not often, in roughly the same areas with the addition of my breasts.  Now, however, I have a constant rash on at least one part of my body. Currently, there's one on each of my underarms, the calf of my right leg, the junction where my armpits meet my chest, my stomach, and part of my underwear line. It itches really bad and I think I'm losing my mind. We thought it was bedbugs but several people have slept in my room and no matter where I am in the house, no one else is getting bit while I am. Coincidentally I live in Arizona. I'm going to see a doctor soon. Jennifer, 17, Caucasian.
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Should I get it looked at the same thing I happening to me . Or should I just buy some Advil and I'll be fine
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The same thing is happening to me. Every time one heals I get another one on a different location. I even had one on my foot and breast.
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like someone staring at you, its a feeling of knowing only you can't see them so its not real righty? Wrong ! See a doctor and get the cream. If you allow yourself to not be reassured and knowledgable of these little under the skin mites it can leave one with phsycological damadge.
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I'm 11 years old and I have red bumps that are very itchy and they look like mosquito bites and they only come around 7-9ish time I tried Benadryl and I went to doctor but he said he doesn't know and come when it happens but how am I supposed to go when he isn't there! And I showed him photos. ( it's mostly on my hands and feet and little in my stomach and elbows)
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im a 19 year old girl. i have similar symptoms they are all over by body other than my face it gets worse on my hands, feet and genital area but the bumps on my hands and feet sometimes have clear liquid come out of them when they get popped if i dont pop them they sometimes get bigger and if anyone touches the liquid they get the bumps to and they spred like crazy. its been about 4 months now and my doctor has no clue what they are and everything that ya'll have said doesnt quite fit whats happening with me. the bumps started on my legs i at first thought they were chiggers but they ended up not being chiggers. and they itch the most at night or when clothing rubs against them it drives me crazy iv tryed so many diff things changed everything to hypoallergenic but it still aint helped any. someone please help if you have any idea on how to get rid of them and what it is thank you
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can you give shingles to anyone if they touch the clear stuff comin out of the red bumps?
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what the hell do bed bugs have to do with a hispanic influence.  You shouldn't even comment on anything.  Bed bugs have no preference for color, as you obviously do.  Good god!!!  How can you simultaneously be attempting to educate someone of something while you are obviously ignorant.  
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Oh actually, I forgot something too which might actually be very important.
They were very itchy but the big thing was that the first 2 marks hurt a lot when I walked. On a scale from 1- 10, it was like a 3. Yes, they it did hurt but I could tolerate it, as long as I ignored the feeling.
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Hey guys, I'm a 15 year old girl who's recently gotten these strange red bumps, as most people that are reading this might also have. They've accumulated near a mosquito bite that I itched really hard, breaking the skin. Said bug bite was on my thigh and a day later, two distinct, itchy, red, swollen marks appeared side by side next to the bite.

Then, I noticed they were getting yellow at the top and realized they were infected. My grandfather popped the marks and treated it with rubbing alcohol, ending with cream.

Literally the next day, I found another mark, this time tiny, at the back of my thigh. Ok, this was getting kinda weird. To my horror, the mark was getting more swollen. Again, when I woke up in the morning, 2 more marks appeared but at least none of the new marks became infected.

Now then, all the marks happen on my right thigh but today, a single, very swollen mark appeared on my left thigh. Now I'm panicking.

Around the same time, I've developed a cold, coughing up yellow phlegm. I began to sneeze and feel chilly constantly, despite wearing a t-shirt, long jeans, and a jacket indoors. My throat constantly constricts on me and I can't sing very well. Mind you, this is the middle of August, in NJ. Then again, I actually do get sick at least once every summer. In fact, I got a cold around the end of June.

My theory:
I'm beginning to suspect that perhaps it's not any bug bites but a inner body kind of thing. The more I think about the red marks and cold happening at the same time, the more I'm beginning to think that it was no coincidence.

I've read all the comments above and I don't believe I read anyone having a cold and this weird itchy red mark thingie at the same same. Correct me if I'm wrong and please present any new theories I might have overlooked. Thank you, I very much would greatly appreciated it.
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3179032 tn?1344440643
Bug bites? Idk i have little red ones all over my body. *****..But i think bed bugs or something!
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I have these bumps on my stomach and on my chest and a few on my back. I was paranoid about bed bugs for a whole but then they started to be rash like and I couldn't find any signs of bed bugs, plus I'm the only one in the house getting them. I was told to try Benadryl before I go to bed to see if tht works. If it doesn't then I need to go to a doctor because they're getting bigger an seem to have dry skin in the middle.
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I read most of the replies on this and I must say most of them sound like Chiggers... Look it up... it's not bad... once you start treatment, you will feel relief within a couple days... DON'T SCRATCH, it will spread. Good luck!
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Check for Bed Bugs. I an extremly clean, so I never thought I'd have those. I was getting bumps that looked like mesquito bites. I found Bed Bugs, they are hard to find. They only come out a nite when you are sleeping. They are small & hard to see, unless they just bit you & sucked your blood into them, they are bigger then. I threw my matresses & bed springs out, sprayed my curtains & whole bedroom with Bed Bug spray. Thank god I have wood floors because they can get in the carpets too.
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Ok somthing similar happened to me. One day i woke up and small red bumps were ALL over my chest and upper back. They dont itch though. But i have had them for a couple days now and they dont seem to be getting better. I thought that mabe it could have been an allergic reaction to a shampoo that i usually dont use. But when i used the shampoo a whole day passed and then i got the bumps. I also thought that mabe it was from the sweat under my sports bra because i play competetive sports. Please HELP!!
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i just experienced the red little bumps that started on my arms and went to my upper back to my legs i tried all kinds of creams and lotions n nothing worked.i was going to go to the docter when i came across little bugs crowling on my bed,after inspecting my bed i found bed bugs,so im calling an exterminator to get rid of them and hopfuly my skin gets better.so if you have these similar bumps take a look at your bed.
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FOR ALL EXPERIENCING THESE ITCHY BUMPS, you start to itch and you can't stop, the more you itch the more the more the hive grow and spread.  If you find that after a bout of itching you look like a seriously diseased patient but nothing seems to help?  Been to a Dermatologist only to be given dangerous topical steroid creams which do not work?  

This is not a cure but will control your probelm which is very stress related by the way!  Take Claretin but the trick is to slowly ween yourself off of it; take a full pill only when you get a serious attack, continue but only when it is a serious attack.  Do this for a month, then lower your dose to a half pill and gradually to a quarter.  Then only take under serious emergency and soon you will notice your issues will disappear.  This happened to me in my mid 20s and started with itchy palms and spread sometimes even to my face.  The problem will never go away but you can train your body to keep it in control, the Claretin trick works very well!!!
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I genually believe I can help a lot of people with their existing problem.  I am an 18 year old man who has been haunted by these red itchy "mosquito bite" like bumps for 7 months now.  I have been to 5 dermatologists (one of them a Dr. at NYU, supposedly the best in the nation) and have been diagnosed with 4 different things.  After proving it was not molluscum, impetigo, scabbies, or mastocytosis, the NYU doctor was convinced it was a type of mite.  Currently, they have spread from my leg to my torso to my entire body.  After completely cleaning my room of all possible dust, they have not accumulated and some even went away.  It is not common that you may be allergic to dust mites, which cause this hive-like reaction that you are looking at/scratching as you read this.  There is a kit if info online concerning how to control dust mites and attempt to get rid if them. I hope I helped, and everyone clean you're room!!
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I genually believe I can help a lot of people with their existing problem.  I am an 18 year old man who has been haunted by these red itchy "mosquito bite" like bumps for 7 months now.  I have been to 5 dermatologists (one of them a Dr. at NYU, supposedly the best in the nation) and have been diagnosed with 4 different things.  After proving it was not molluscum, impetigo, scabbies, or mastocytosis, the NYU doctor was convinced it was a type of mite.  Currently, they have spread from my leg to my torso to my entire body.  After completely cleaning my room of all possible dust, they have not accumulated and some even went away.  It is not common that you may be allergic to dust mites, which cause this hive-like reaction that you are looking at/scratching as you read this.  There is a kit if info online concerning how to control dust mites and attempt to get rid if them. I hope I helped, and everyone clean you're room!!
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