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skin burning sensations on different parts of the body

I am 43 and have been suffering with a skin burning sensation on different parts of my body for years. I have not been burnt nor have I been in the sun. it does not occur everyday it could come on 1 day and not show up again for 3 months, 2 weeks or 2 days. It could be virtually anywhere on the body. the leg, arm face, even the scalp. The burning area is always no bigger tnan 3 inches in diameter. There is no itching or swelling. If you were to look at the spot where it is burning you would see nothing. It only shows up on one spot of the body when it shows up. Never ever in two spots. It feels as if someone took a hot pan and laid it on my skin. The pain could last up to 24 hours. The only medication I am on is Zoloft but I just started this medication. This is the only medication perscription wise that I have ever been on. Other than say aspirin or tylenol thru my life. I can not find anything that will fix it. It can be extreamly painful at times and is driving me nuts because I can not figure out what could be causing it.
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I've been having the same problem. For me it's my left leg from ~ the knee down to the feet.. it feels like I had the Only steam burn... hurts really bad, don't rly want anything touching the area and different than a few of you I've read, the fan actually does Not help me. It just burns even more. Got so bad today I called my pain management drs office got a hold of the nurse and she told me it the nerve damage that I have. They're also going to be putting me back on Gabapentin. I see my pain mgmt for arthritis, herniated discs, supposed neuropathy etc., I will however be going to see my primary care provider as well.
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I have it on one of my thighs.  I have been diagnosed with Sclerederma which is tightening of the skin in my hands, arm and thigh.  My want to go to dermo and or Rheumatoud Dr.
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I had this problem too but thankfully I'm cured now.  It used to happen at random times & in random places. The sensation of burning that I suffered felt like 'stingy nettles' touching the upper part of my body - mostly my chest area. When it struck it was very debilitating.

The worst time I suffered it I was at the supermarket. It was excruciating! I really wanted to scratch myself like crazy but - as people know who suffer this - scratching does nothing to help it. Within minutes it had stopped.

I tried everything to make it go away. I changed clothes detergent. I tried vitamins but nothing helped. I even had a blood test & that came back just fine.

But now I know what the problem is. Several years ago I changed my diet and stopped eating salted snacks. I always used to eat a lot & then I suddenly stopped. I never added any salt to meals that I ate (only the salt within the ingredients). A few months ago I started eating salted snacks again and now the burning I used to endure has gone away completely.
I now know it was the lack of salt in my diet that caused this problem. Now I eat at least 1 to 2 bags of salted snacks a day. Thankfully this nightmare has finally gone away...
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I hear DMSO can help to treat this
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I am a 60 year old male that had burning skin when touched, all of my life. It comes and goes through out the year. When I was young I would get it the side of my chest and side of the head. The head pain would be a quick stab and put me to my knees at times. This would go one to a few days then stop.
These days the pain is on my inner thigh. in one spot. My symptoms have change through the years...the sensitivity now never goes completely away but flairs up every few months.
I have talk to doctors and neurologists with a response of no idea. They tell me to change cloth washing soaps, shower soap diet, or an environmental change. I tell them is someone has a voodoo doll of my image. Nothing works so I lived with it  all my life.
Reading all these post with similar symptoms and no relief tells me medical science  has no answers. I believe it to be neurological because it has moved from different locations. The head being by far the worse.
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My daughter has a red like sunburn on her stomach this morning bshe woke up and know it spread to her armt
What couldb this be
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Hi, I have also recently been going through the same thing. This just started almost a week ago for me. I had just got back to my house and out of no where it started to feel like things were biting all over my body. Then I had sharp pains in the right side of my breast and sharp pains in my left leg. After that, that is when the burning started. First it was on my neck and then started to move to different parts of my body. Every day is a new spot, but it typically stays around my upper half ( my back, neck, and arms). The doctors have no clue whats causing it, but I hope that they can figure out something, because this is one of the worst feelings I've ever had. I can barely wear clothes! My Prayers are to everyone suffering from this awful pain and I pray we get answers soon. Best wishes and love
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Hi my mom is expierincing the same thing,have you found what causes it and what treatment worked
Omg, I go through the very same thing but it's my face and the most terrible feeling. Do you take any viatimins?
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I've been having this same feeling occur on and off for years and found that it occurs when my sciatica nerve is inflamed.  That darn nerve causes knee or thigh ache sometimes. Other times it's just the skin sensitivity or aching lower back.  It gets inflamed after things like sitting or laying on the couch too long, sitting in my crooked desk chair, bending or lifting too much, or simply twisting the wrong way, or my mattress needs to be flipped or slept on a bed that was too hard or too soft. If I take something like Doans or Ibuprophen symptoms float away.  Issues with that nerve don't always feel like back ache so it's the LAST thing I would have thought of years ago when it started. B12 helps if it's inflamed due to vitamin deficiency so I just take both anti-inflammatory and B12 vitamins...it fades out. Good luck folks!
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I had the burning sensation on my inner thigh/crotch and didn't like it at all.  When it got bad I treated it with a generous coating of aloe, the kind you treat sunburn with.  I would let it dry completely, standing in front of a fan if possible.  It seems to relieve the symptoms at least temporarily.  The burning did stop bothering me in that area, but has now resurfaced on my hip.  I will try aloe there too, but I am lazy so I will wait till it gets really annoying.  I hope this is helpful.
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I am 38 female and just started experiencing the burning sensation. It's not particularly painful just uncomfortable so far. Just one large patch on my  back left shoulder blade. No rash, discolorization or marks to explain it. I have been experiencing increasing hive like marks on my upper arms over the last few years that don't itch just irritate like a small sliver as well as scab like spots on my back. My doctor says the spots on my arms are a benign common skin condition that doesn't seem to have a common cause or cure. My Dietition thinks its an imbalance of vitamin or minerals but my doctor disagrees. The scab patches on my back he also says is a benign scin condition that he has no treatment for and so far has only burned off OK ne that was tearing open by my bra and wasn't healing. I am not sure either is related to the burning sensation but my like has been extremely stressful lately and coincidencently these conditions are getting worse. I have gotten used to the others but the burning sensation is new and worrisome.
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I have the same burning sensation on my wrist and sometimes on my stomach I've have it for at least 2-3 years but never more than a few days to a week at a time.ive told doctors about it and they say it's the sun but I'm a couch guy. I live in Winnipeg Manitoba up in Canada in the winter the same doctor tells me it's the dryness from the cold. Do you have any remedies ?
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I too am experiencing this burning sensation/flushing especially across the back, shoulder, neck, groin, leg, feet & toes. The toes & my back are the worst, it was also discovered I have a kidney infection. don't know if that is related!
I have been reading about earthing, there is an earthing sheet you can get that you sleep on every night & if you do this every night aches & pains & other unusual symptoms can abate. We live in a very technology world & judging by the amount of people I have seen here with this burning sensations like mine & yours, perhaps it has something to do with the build up of EMFs etc our bodies are bombarded with every day. I have WIFI in my home & use an iPad, computor, iPhone etc every day. The grounding sheet helps your body diffuse this apparently, while you are sleeping. Anyhow I am going to check it out but be wary there are a lot of phoney earthing stuff out there!  Good luck with your search.
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Have your B-12 checked - I had same and got B-12 shots - it went away
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I had same symptoms.  Turned out it was low B-12.  Once I started getting B-12 shots it went away and so far has not returned!  Go to your Dr and have them check your B-12 levels!  I know it sounds crazy but it worked for me
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I had same symptoms.  Turned out it was low B-12.  Once I started getting B-12 shots it went away and so far has not returned!  Go to your Dr and have them check your B-12 levels!  I know it sounds crazy but it worked for me
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Omg you all understand my pain im only 19 and this happens to me i dont know how to elapain it to any of my doctors im just to embrassed what do i do  
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I am a 48 female who has just started getting burning in spots on my body.  I am bipolar and have been for 28 years take a nice cocktail of prescribed medication.  The burning started yesterday and I just thought I was hot because I'm hot and then cold and that goes on all day.  I'm pre-menopausal.  Right now I have a burning sensation on my lower left side of my back.  I also had one on the side of my hip while sleeping today.  I had to check in the car if I put the seat warmers on because it was burning.  I have syatic not sure of the spelling pain right now that is my entire left side from the hip down to my toes.  I'm very stressed at this point and have been all year.  I wonder is there something that can be taken.  
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Did they? I have also used it for years, but shrugged off warnings about it. What do you use instead? Another sweetener or sugar? You can also look up convergencey disorder and see if that helps. Neurologists seemed to be more baffled than anything else

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Very similar problems, same comments from same type of doctors, decided Ihad an autoimmune deficiency, but wasn't one of the serious ones, just "unspecified" I thought my symptoms started with last years heat wave, but after talking to my therapist of 8 years (the only person I see on a regular basis since am retired military and you never know which doctor you see) realized they had started years ago and we assumed reactions to different meds (kind of is and isn't). I kept a journal and stress, heat, minor illness turned major were definite triggers. We live in WA state and are having another heat wave and my symptoms reappeared on a major basis. Recently discovered convergency disorder and think that might be something to look onto as it is similar and also caused by stress. Good luck, I feel your pain :(
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Thanks for your comments. I am female 50 with hysterectomy and woke up with pain on every part of body I am lying on. Switching sides doesn't matter, and I have no rash either. I do have an auto immune deficiency which is un specified, but not any of the major diseases. I went to ehow.com and chatted with a doctor. I was quite frankly freaking out at 6am. Although I had shingles it did not present like this, and after asking very specific questions, she recommended I see a doctor today.

if you get sick often, it lasts longer and is worse than it should be, and get random other issues like weakness, eyes twitching or blurring, pain for no specific reason in joints, I highly recommend that you be tested for an auto-immune deficiency. All it takes is a blood test to determine, but have good insurance because if the test is positive, the rest of the tests are expensive and a exhausting. We have good insurance, but out of pocket expense was still close to $1,000. Also be prepared for it to be a major illness, ms, lupus,Lyme disease etc, but if it is not the most they will tell you is to be careful of triggers (heat stress ect), treat the symptoms, and be prepared to get sick a lot. Reassuring that it is not deadly, but very frustrating.

your comments helped solidify both my own theories, the doctor on ehow.com and made it easier to know I am not the only one. Thanks M
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If symptoms migrate (move from one place to the other) or are present throughout the WHOLE body, causes might include metabolic problems such as low calcium,and or vit D though often these symptoms may reflect emotional/psychiatric problems related to stress (what is called somatization disorder). The latter is a true medical condition whereby instead of a patient experiencing depression or anxiety, they experience physical symptoms, and once the stress is addressed, the symptoms resolve
.Is this you?
15 min Exercise and important 15 Sun a day.
stop coffee, a leacher of vitamins
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After reading some of your posts I actually feel fortunate that my burning sensation is limited to just one small spot on my lower leg that comes and goes throughout the day with no skin irritation. Always the same spot and it feels like I am resting my leg on a radiator or something yet there is not rash, not redness and the skin is cool as a cucumber.  Mine just started this week so I can only hope it goes away and I am not writing about it again in 20 years.  I was considering going to the doctor but it sounds like the medical community is clueless on this one. As a side note, I drink mostly water during the day but always have one diet coke at lunch and have been doing this for years so I really don't think mine is caused by Aspartame but at this point it is anybody's guess. I am a 48 yr old active male with relatively low stress and outside of some golf on the weekends I really am not in the sun too much.
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I'm 58 and have the same thing above my knee. Hurts like heck and nothing helps it. I'm not on any scripts but I do take antihistamines for allergies and a multivitamin.  It's just a weird feeling. . . . almost like an electrical charge is pulsing through it.  I hope someone posts something that  will help us!
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Hi, I've had these sensations for almost 30 years and can honestly say that for me it is definitely not linked with Aspartame. I can't remember the last time I had a diet coke and I do my best to avoid foods with Aspartame or long lists of weird chemicals. So, I think it's safe to say that it's not Aspartame. I've spoken to doctors over the years and have been told by a few that it's most likely related to the chicken pox virus that lays dormant in your system and flares up from time to time - particularly when you're under stress.
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