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Little itchy red bumps on my feet and lower legs

  I have these very itchy red bumps that began on my feet (after I took my shoes off) and now it is just from my ankles up to my knees, but when I scratch them they seem to pop and a clear liquid comes out and then it becomes raw when before I thought they were bug bites, my boyfriend is perfectly fine and has nothing of the sort (maybe cause they are hairy?) New ones appear on my legs throughout the day, this has been happening for 2 weeks, please help me1
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Not sure how old this original post is but I have experienced the same thing recently .. I have been working on a house with two dogs who haven't been vaccinated in years and cutting the owners grass .. one day a few months ago bumps started appearing on my arms and upper torso they itched like crazy , I thought it might be mosquitos but they itched so bad and didn't seem to want to go away and left a scar .. then about a month ago my the sides of my right foot and top of my right foot started to itch and then started to burn .. didn't look like a bug bite suddenly they were on my left foot and ankle and then on both shins and backs of my calves never spread any further but the itching/burning almost killed me .. it's been almost a month and the marks are still scabbed but the itching has subsided .. the owner of the home is from Romania and travels frequently and I have seen spiders all over the house but never felt anything bite me . I have no clue what this is and I hope it doesn't come back
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I know the original post is ancient but I'm having the same problem, I too have stripped my sheets a hundred times, I've sprayed the sides of my bed with bug spray, and I too sleep with a partner that doesn't have a spot on him while the tops of my feet look like as bumpy as a toad. I still don't know what it is but THANK YOU to the above comment about witch hazel. I have tea tree oil too, but the witch hazel alone made a huge difference just overnight. Any new people looking this up should at least try that
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I just went to the doctor for it and it is a form of eczema. Got all kinds of prescriptions for it. Now I just hope it goes away
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So I had a similar problem that is exactly the same as all of you. I was getting itchy blisters on my legs and feet, every day I got a new bump. At first I thought it was bed bugs, but my husband who sleeps with me never got them. Nothing on the internet looks like what I have, and being without health insurance, I can't afford to go to the doctor and find out. So I treated it myself: every morning and night I put witch hazel and tea tree oil on each bump, and within three days my blisters are almost completely gone and I haven't seen any new ones pop up. The tea tree oil serves as a natural antiseptic and the witch hazel is anti-inflammatory. Neither of them help with the itch, but that will disappear soon enough.  I've had a lot of success with this remedy and I hope somebody else might too. Good luck!
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Please help me
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15736893 tn?1442629728
I have poison ivy in my back yard but I have lived here 13 years and never had a problem. I was just out their the day before These bumps popped up. I also went to someones house were they had tall weeds that I walked through, I also went through some old clothes that were in her garage and it was dark and I thought I felt something bite me when I picked up the clothes. Thay wre dirty and had been on a garge florr for god knows gow long. That is what I did the day before these itchy bumps that came up on my right thigh look like chigger or misquito bites after a couple a days they turned into blisters that ooze clear liquid. I have been using benidryl for the itch and to dry it up now they are open and scabbing over but they still itch like crazy. Not noticing them spreading to much and no one in the house has caught anything. WHAT IS IT!!! my boyfriend says scabies but I haven't been around anyone with it and u have to have skin to skin contact
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15736893 tn?1442629728
did you find out what your itchy blister bumps was.. your situation is similar to mine
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  I have similiar, itching feet not too bad in daytime but as soon as I get into bed they burn and itch.  End up sleeping with feet out of the bed keep cooler it helps.  Dr. says contact dermatitis.  I think it may be from walking thro grass with paspalum grass seeding ( ergot) and having a reaction to same. Cortisone helps a little will give it a go for a while.  It is very annoying. Hope this can help others.   Oh. I am in Australia near Byron Bay where it is humid also.   Lorraine.
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I am going thru the same thing. I am going on 1yr and 4mnths. my dermatologist did a biopsy and said it is angular dermatitis and it can last up to a year and can recurred. Everyday I have sleepless nights like today. It usually starts to flare around 7pm and mild during the day. This is when I try to catch up on my sleep. I'm so miserable and feed up. Very cranky and pist off  waiting for someone to **** me off to get my anger out. Sad but true. Already suffer with RA, FM, SLE, type 2 diabetes. AWFUL, AWFUL, AWFUL.
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I can tell you, these little pin prick bumps aren't bug bites! I have the same thing going on. It has been going on for over a year! Started with a little red pin prick bump on one of my feet. Itched like crazy!!!!  While scratching it, it popped, and a small amount of clear puss came out. I get them regularly on my toes, feet, legs, arms, shoulders and stomach. My doctor has prescribed multiple meds, including steroids and creams. NOTHING HAS WORKED. I get clusters of them now. I even tried applying a very small amount of bleach to an area. I thought it worked, but only the first time. They have come back even worse than before.
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Hey everyone my family has been going CRAZY itching since SEPTEMBER!!!!!!! IT IS NOW JANUARY and we finally know what we have!!!! SCABIES!!!! I didnt think it was that because I looked at every picture online and it didnt look like anything that they pictured on the web! I would get 1 bump on my leg 3 on my arm and they would almost appear right b4 my eyes! My grandaughter was the first to get these bumps and she was only a year old:( it must have been contracted through contact with people in a store cuz that is the ONLY place ppl come up to her and say hello cuz she is so cute;) it only takes 1 touch of the hand to infect some1!!! Ive read many posts about red ITCHY bumps and I was going crazy like every1 else around the world! At first I was going nuts ripping my bed apart looking for bed bugs I must have ripped my bed apart ATLEAST 100 times and then I had a professional come in to look at the house! Bugs in the house is ALWAYS a good place to start when bites r involved! If it ISNT any bug in ur house ITS SCABIES I just treated myself last night and I did my husband too! He doesnt show ANY signs or symptoms of it and we sleep in the same bed hows that for fu**ed up! The only relief I have today is that I dont feel like my skin is crawling!! I still itch like crazy and they said that is VERY normal! I will keep itching for 2-4 weeks after treatment! Good luck to u all my family has been through hell and Im glad we figured it out WE WERE GOING CRAZY!!! The worst part of all of it was trying to figure out wtf was going on Ive tried everything changing laundry soap, dish soap, bath soap, lotions, creams, Ive NEVER seen so much hydrocortozone cream it was part of our life for 5 MONTHS!!! I pray to God this is the end and I feel bad for everyone trying to figure this crap out! At 1 point I went into the drs office yelling at him cuz he couldnt tell me what was wrong with us! We have a HUGE household and me and my husband r away for a week for our monthly getaway and let me tell u its been a LONG time since Ive been able to enjoy the time with the husband without going CRAZY! My 18 yr old daughter is home with my best friend (roommate) and they r being treated tonight with my grand daughter and my 2 stepsons I cannot wait for them to feel the relief we feel GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!!
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I woke up in the middle of the night itching the top of my foot like crazy. I looked at it and it was a raised bump that looked like a pimple. It started to spred with redness to the side and got real dark, then I put Neosporn on it and it started looking better the itching however comes in stages. When it itches it's BAD, anyway, everyday I have been getting a new bump or cluster of bumps, it went from my foot, to ankle on my  other foot, behind my knee, to my neck, to my back in two spots, they fade for a day, then itch horribly. Some are lines, some are clusters, and some are random. My husband does not have any, we do have grass but I don't roll in it, my dog has been checked for flees and I cheeked my bed for bed bugs, no luck. I live in the south and it's been a little over a year. I don't know what's wrong and I don't have time for a doctor run around. Can anyone help
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I have the same thing, but it's only from my ankles to my knees. I only get it when I go to Florida to visit my son and his family. They usually start out really small, but now they look bigger like a mosquito bite. They usually go away in a few days, but they haven't this time, and it's been a few weeks. I'd love to know what's causing it. They don't have bed bugs, and we didn't go near any water.
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I know that you wrote this a few years ago but I am hoping maybe you will see this post and be able to help. I moved to Florida 2 years ago from New Mexico and within a week of moving my feet, ankles, lower legs and stomach have a red rash with blisters. I have been to the doctors and the ER a few times  (over 20 visits total) and have had so many tests and they can't figure it out. They have treated me for all kinds of things (even with the tests being negative) from ring worm to heat rash and nothing has helped. I have never in my life had this issue before and so I have changed everything from the soaps and lotions I use to my laundry soap and nothing has helped. Did you ever figure out what was causing yours and if so would you mind sharing with me what you did to fix the problem? Thank you in advance. My personal email for anyone that might have help for me is kikiscott743 (at) Gmail (dot) com
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did you ever get the problem figured out... the tops of my feet and my ankles are extremely itchy and i scratch them or rub them and that clear or yellowish liquid starts accumulating. I can not believe how itchy it is!!! please help!!! I live in Nova Scotia, Canada.
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Spider bites.  Usually in the Fall of the year.  They bite at night and one can wake up with several every morning.

They hate peppermint oil.  I mix a few drops of peppermint essential oil with water and spray around my bed, windows, baseboards, etc.  It has helped.
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Yes , I have the same thing, it started as a pimple looking bump on my leg so I "popped" it then it was itchy then it kinda dried and got a dry skin circle looking ring around it, didnt heal for almost a month, then left an ugly dark mark on my leg, I just got one on my foot about three days ago, and I have a few at my pubic area that apear and itch like crazzy when I shave there, then a few days after do the same dry skin ring around the itchy spots......I have no pets and no bed bugs, but went to florida and swam in the gulf which is where I think this whole thing atarted....boooo they will not stop apearing
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Yes , I have the same thing, it started as a pimple looking bump on my leg so I "popped" it then it was itchy then it kinda dried and got a dry skin circle looking ring around it, didnt heal for almost a month, then left an ugly dark mark on my leg, I just got one on my foot about three days ago, and I have a few at my pubic area that apear and itch like crazzy when I shave there, then a few days after do the same dry skin ring around the itchy spots......I have no pets and no bed bugs, but went to florida and swam in the gulf which is where I think this whole thing atarted....boooo they will not stop apearing
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The ONLY thing I've found to help ease the insaine itch on my feet, legs and now lower back is witch hazel.  Hope it works for others, I will dig my skin off if I don't rub witch hazel on it!
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I am male and same story as most on her - red blister like bumps localized on my feet and ankles. My dermatologist is treating me for psoriasis or rather treating me with the psoriasis cream - Clobex. It relieves the itch/sting about the same as Cortisone 2.5. Nothing lasts.

The itchy has been only at night until recently now it seems to be all the time. I live in Florida and wear flip flops all the time  but during the day I wear a suit and wear cotton socks with dress shoes, I goldf and exercise in ankle socks. Reason I am pointing this out is the itching is on or below the ankle sock area which makes me think it may be an allergic reaction to detergent or fabric softener. I have also changed my soap, pay extra attention to make sure all the soap is washed off etc,

I would really appreciate an update if anyone learns something new about this almost debilitating "rash". Thanks!
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I too am going through this crazy mystery. It all started about a month ago. I started getting little red bumps, almost very similar to bug bites. However, my husband does not get them at all. We have the "waterproof- anti bed bug cover on our bed" and we clean it when we change out our sheets. I'm not allergic to anything, and they do not resemble rashes at all. This is driving me crazy. If anyone knows what they are, please share! I am desperate to get rid of them. Thanks guys!
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i am 24 years old i have the same issues with the itchy red bumps the clear stuff coming from them when i itch them and the they are raw and opened. they are driving me crazy! everyday it seems like 3 or 4 more appear. they started on my feet i just thought it was a bug bite next thing i know they are all over my legs.  My feet are covered have about 30 on each leg from my feet to my knees but it doesnt stop there. this started about week and half ago it has moved up to my groin then my belly back my arms and even my butt i am covered all i have is my face left and i pray they dont go there. i really hope someone can help me and give so idea of what to do because i am in a wedding in august and we are wearing short dresses and my legs look awful not to mention that the itch is going to drive me to scratch my self to dead. someone please help
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I have the red bumps, bottoms of my feet, ankle, chin, a few on my elbow area... I had predisone for 5 days and cream. I thought they might have stopped, but when I stopped preidsone the bumps seem to be coming back. There are only a few bumps; maybe 20 on both legs, but now my skin is thin (from cream) and I scratched BIG TIME today and made a few bleed. I am going to have scares all over my legs. Has anyone found out what these are caused from?
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Mine started last summer and they looked like a big mosquito bite. They itch like a mo fo and spread! They kind of ooze a clear fluid and the itching is crazy! Went to a dermatologist and of course by the time I got in they were gone and she said it was dry skin! Waste of a $50.00 co-pay for sure! My daughter has them now! Hell if I know what they are but they leave a scar. I know it's not bed bug bites, chigger,or flea bites! Mosquito season is not here so what the heck are they?
Itching in Denver
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It is BUGS, some type of bug, maybe chiggers, fleas, or bed bugs, they are bug bites though.
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