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Just metformin

Is anyone controlling their bs with JUST metformin? I was recently told I needed to take invokana mixed with metformin and insulin. I had not been taking my metformin like I should so my readings were a bit high. But now that I'm regularly taking my meds, I'd like to know who is also and what keeps them within range. Avg bs 170s. Help cuz I don't want to take the others
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medication lowers BG...      carbohydrates raise BG....

What do you eat?  Eating carbs raises BG, what do you eat that takes your BG so high?

Every body is in different place on the diabetes road.  Some can manage there BG with diet only, others need Metforman still others need more drugs and some need insulin.  

Dont compare what you need to control YOUR diabetes to others.  Do what YOU need to control your diabetes
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144586 tn?1284666164
Metformin alone, with moderate diet restrictions is often enough to keep glucose within manageable limits.
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231441 tn?1333892766

Yes some people manage with just metformin and diet. However, and you say you're average blood sugar is about 170. This is double the normal non diabetic level. You may need to greet low carb diet and exercise as well as metformin. If this doesn't work them it may be worth considering other meds.
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I have def reduced the amount of carbs intake and I just don't eat alot of garbage I was eating pre-diagnosis like blowing pizza and junk food to me. I take metformin 500mg twice a day.  I got a little off track during the holidays and really had to focus on getting back on track.  I've noticed a moderate level of cardio helps me keep
My sugar levels down for example this last weekend I went out and got really wasted, a friend was in town and I over did it. Normally I don't drink at all anymore as we all no alcohol is full of sugar and extremely bad for you. So I had been averaging in the 116 area for the last month with 1 high of 132. I was proud of that but anyway after getting drunk I knew I was gonna be REALLY HIGH. I didn't even bother taking a reading Sunday while I was nursing a hangover so today I took my first reading as expected extremely high of 199. I walked/jogged enough to build up a sweat and got it down to 109 on my next reading approx 4 hours later.  So yah 100 point drop basically for 20 minutes of moderate cardio and my normal medication routine. But everyone's different so take it how you will
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I hate to say this but "as we all know"  Is usually not true... alcohol DOES NOT turn to sugar.
In fact Alcohol will cause low BG the reason being your liver does a lot of amassing things, BUT only one thing at a time.  When you drink alcohol the liver stops all other activity and removes the poison from your blood (alcohol).  When it does that it no longer dumps sugar OR removes metformin from your system.  To much metformin can cause lactic acidosis which if drinking for days and continuing to take metformin can be deadly.  

You dont say what you were drinking. if it contains carbohydrates (beer not the light beers, regular soda in mixed drinks)  then you will have high BG But NOT from the alcohol.
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Remember, T2 diabetes is a progressive disease. If you continue to need Metformin, eventually you will need to add another med. I took metformin 500mg twice a day, then 1000mg twice a day, then added glipizide 5mg twice a day, then glipizide 10mg twice a day, now have added Levemir injectable at night. This all occurred since 2003.
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17886908 tn?1461082529
I take Metformin 500mg twice daily.  When I was first dx'd with type 2, my A1C was like 12 and my levels were running around 400!  That was 2 years ago.  I've tried to cut way back on my carbs, but I still cheat every now and again.  My levels started slowly coming down on the meds.  Now it usually runs anywhere from 90-110.  I have been having a lot of gallbladder issues, so I take Milk Thistle, Dandelion and some other natural supplements.  Since I've been taking the supplements, my A1C is now at 5.8, so I think they helped me lower it even more than just the Metformin alone.  
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Had to start taking glimiperide. Was really scared of bs dropping low and having seizures. Dr. assured me that wouldn't happen as long as o had a routine schedule. Now avg is 75-109 fasting. Tried to do it without extra meds but had to give in. When I wasn't trying, a1c was beyond 12. When trying with just met and right foods, I got a1c down to 9 but that wasn't low enough for doc. I feel better tho after taking glimiperide. Thanks for ur comments
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