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1644823 tn?1330055975


dear members, is diabetes curable or only managable.
20 Responses
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osakaroseExternal User
Lifestyle changes are just that; permanent changes to what you eat and how you exercise. I am a breast cancer survivor and had to make lifestyle changes for that. Now I have Type II diabetes (have had since age 47 due to family history triggered by chemo) but I have controlled with diet and exercise and no meds. I am now 60. Does that answer your question? You can't look at the diet/exercise changes as something you are being denied. Instead, look at it as preventing the serious and deadly consequences of not making changes. I, for one, whould rather be proactive and avoid heart attacks, strokes, and possible amputations. Think about it.
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3605385 tn?1347692520
Great answer! Thus, if I make changes -- lose weight, eat better, exercise more -- and maintain a good level. I can go off my medication? I can have an an occasional Dr. Pepper and Peach Ice Tea Snapple? And I won't go back into high A1c levels?

That's all I want to know. I want to live a good life, and I want to enjoy things that taste good! Otherwise, what is the quality of life without some fun things I enjoy? And in a way, if I can do that (in moderation) and my levels remain normal . . . then, honestly, I would say I'm cured! If the levels never go up again and I never read "diabetic" again; I believe that denotes cured.

Like any weight loss program, or health program, it doesn't mean we go back to exactly as we were. We make a lifestyle change, yes. Nevertheless, I still feel, and using "law of attraction" techniques; if your tests read normal . . . blood pressure "normal" and glucose, serum "normal" and A1c "normal". You should consider yourself cured! Positive thinking and living!

And still not die or reverse it all by having a Dr. Pepper, or piece of chocolate cake or cupcake on occasion -- even once or twice a week. As long as your regular lifestyle is healthy, right? I mean, can once a week -- once you're "cured" -- really sabotage it all?

It takes time to lose weight, reverse some readings . . . thus, one day a week, seems to me, would not reverse it all in this case? Would it? And, of course, one may not even crave these things once on a healthier lifestyle.

Still, moderation in all things.
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Apparently new info indicates a cure is possible
from NPR blog:

"Gastric bypass surgery is great for curing type 2 diabetes. It works for up to 80 percent of patients. Now scientists are beginning to figure out why. And weight loss may be the least of it.

It turns out that bypass surgery dramatically reduces the amino acids circulating in the blood – in particular, a type called branched-chain amino acids, which make up 40 percent of these nutrients in our diet. That's from a study published today in Science Translational Medicine."
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1644823 tn?1330055975
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This is widely known but I have a cousin who had the surgery at 400 lbs. His diabetes was gone within a day or 2 of the surgery before he even left the hospital or had significant weight loss. He got down to 180 lbs then up to 250 lbs - a typical outcome for these people.
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1644823 tn?1330055975
Have you any case histry
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141598 tn?1355671763
"It is curable with gastric bypass surgery."

Gastric Bypass Surgery curing diabetes in obese people has been bouncing around since 2004. When people with gastric bypass regain their weight, and some of them do, their diabetes comes right back. The so-called curable part is with OBESE people having 35 to >40 BMI, their diabetes being mainly caused by their obesity. GBS does not guaranty diabetes reversal nor can it be considered a cure. That is why GBS does not apply to people like yourself or anyone with a normal BMI of 21.5. With that in mind, I stand by what I said earlier, "there is no medical cure for diabetes" unless the cure applies to every t2 diabetic. What one can do for themselves is practice and adhere to proper diabetic nutrition, perform daily 30 minute physical exercise, and, of course, maintain proper body weight.
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It is curable with gastric bypass surgery. Most patients are completely non-diabetic before they have even been released from the hospital. It also seems to cure hypertension. I asked my doctor about it since I have both and am about 50 lbs overweight. He said I'm still 50 lbs too light to qualify for the surgery. Maybe I should really stuff my self for a year until I do qualify? Only kidding.
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1644823 tn?1330055975
You are very correct. Thanks.
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I don't know about acupuncture. At first blush, picking yourself with needles doesn't seem to me to be viable unless its monitoring your glucose regularly. I just had my lab work yesterday and fully expect my a1c will be under 6 at my appointment next Friday. I have changed my lifestyle and lost 60 lbs or more . Maybe I'm in diabetes reversal? Wouldn't that be great.
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1644823 tn?1330055975
what do you think about acupuncture
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1644823 tn?1330055975
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141598 tn?1355671763
"if it cannot be cured what is the use of lifestyle changes?"

To prevent the onset of severe diabetes side effects, which includes renal failure, cardio system failure, and amputation. Unless controlled and managed, diabetes becomes a progressive disease.
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As my former partner used to say" i'm throwing away my spectacles, i'v read everything now". Besides lowering the risk of stroke,  cataracts,   heart attack, amputation, death, how about just feeling better. My weight loss of 60 lbs, put me into size 34 pants. I think the last time I wore this size, i was in grade nine; sixty years ago.

An aquaintance said one day, 'every 35 lbs you lose puts an inch on your dink' It's true thats why i'm trying to get 70 lbs.

How about not having to take medication?

The things I continue to enjoy are my evening vodka martinis and my Saturday 10 oz NY strip and Sunday morning bacon and eggs. I'm even back to having a beer or two with my
morning buddies.

I fully expect my next a1c will be in the neighbordhood of 5.5 %. Right now i feel so good I could shout.

Does that answer your question?
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1644823 tn?1330055975
if it cannot be cured what is the use of lifestyle changes?
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141598 tn?1355671763
Yoga stretching has excellent health benefits. Certain routines are part of my morning ritual. Indian Ayurveda like Chinese medicine have been practiced for centuries yet I feel its highly unlikely they [yoga & ayurveda] alone will 'cure' diabetes or lower glucose levels that are above prediabetes or infant/lower diabetic levels [>130 mg/dl]. And for those taking prescribed medication it is  inadvisable to mix an herbal concoction with your medication w/o first consulting with your doctor.

Lifestyle changes, as asok described, should be at the top your list medastro, then follow with yoga and ayurveda. If you feel otherwise, pay careful attention to the onset of diabetes side effects and test your glucose often.
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No, I don't think so. Lifestyle changes, i.e. losing weight, restricting carbs, exercise will lower readings, maybe even into normal ranges. I certainly would like my Dr. to change my file from diabetic  to ' history of diabetes' and that's my goal but....

My turn to google yoga and ayurveda.
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1644823 tn?1330055975
dear ashok475

but i think diabetes can be cured with help of yoga and ayurveda. what do you think.
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141598 tn?1355671763
Currently, there is no medical cure for diabetes. However, at its infant stages there is a high probability of reversing to normal levels by making lifestyle changes. Medication alone will not control or manage diabetes. One needs to adhere to lifestyle changes in order to control and manage ones glucose levels.
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Good question!

Google ' diabetes reversal'. It is my understanding that you can not be cured but you can have normal readings and a1c over a long period of time. Let us know what you think.
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