Anyone try the ALLI weight loss pill thats FDA approved?  Can anyone tell me how they liked it?
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332156 tn?1266843139
Thanks everyone for your support!!  I got my treadmill almost 2 weeks ago. And I have been using it every other day! And I am watching I mean REALLY watching what I am eating. I can see a difference.  But I am always still hungry.  I am going to start to write everything down. And then take it to my doctor coming up in Feb. I have a hiatal hernia so I have to get that checked out! I will keep everyone posted! Thanks!!
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i started dieting in nov i lost 16 pds. i went on the mayo clinic diet 12 days to jump start as i have to see a loss right away to inspire me.I then counted calories and wrote everything down, i even allow a gin and diet tonic couple times a week. I do about 1000 to 1200 a day . no more. i walk 9 holes 3 times a week. gym 3 times a week one hour.
there i burn 300 calories or more. if i dont get to the gym i walk at least 3 miles.
    You must exercise and diet and it becomes a way of life. Ive been on tons of diets , this one you can choose your menu on calories. lots of water.
    my hdl is now 93, trig 65 but my colestrol 277 l. seems that never changes. i need no meds for it sinse hdl and trig are good. i take 12.5 water pill in my b/p pill. b/p good now.
  im comitted for life. still losing.
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If you cannot afford time or cash for WW - then I suggest an easy way.  Three meals a day is the rule.   Judge portion size by the size of your hand.   One handsize for protein, and one handsize for carbs and two handsize for vegetables/fruit.   As you lose weight, your handsize will also decrease and so you will naturally eat less for your body size.  To help you select types of food you could always purchase the WW magazine which would give you recipes etc.   After at least 2 weeks of this strict control, you could also allow yourself a little treat each day - just a little one.   Good Luck, and I hope that treadmill becomes your friend.
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I want to share something.  
I was 220lbs 2yrs ago.  I have 3 kids and after having my first it was down hill from there.  I am now 127lbs.  I just looked in the mirror one day and got so digusted with myself and took control.  I wont lie, I did start off with  Xantrax 3 and took it for 3 months.  I needed that energy. But I did not diet (I HATE DIETS) Once you go off, the weight seems to come right back on!  I changed the way I ate, I changed my life.  I never even thought about buying that candy bar or drinking that coke.  I just changed from reg sugar to splenda, STOPPED the soda and drank water (choked on it actually, I cannot stand water, but I had to), I ate 900-1000 calories a day but still ate what I wanted while watching the calories.  I also walked and did DVD cardio workouts in my living room everyday.
The weight came off.  It was so hard, I cried some days but I did it and I am so proud of myself.  Today I eat what I want, regret it later and pay for it the next day, I go up and down 3lbs here and there.  To me that's a lot and I get so scared...I try not to let my daughter see me upset because I dont want her to think thats the way you have to look (she is 12 and  thin. These magazines and t.v. represents women as skinny minnies and I dont want her to think she has to look like that to be accepted, even though society is like that, it is so sad)...Anyway, when I get upset with myself I work even harder at working out and eating more salads with very little fat free dressing, and then I pray for strength...
My husband is very supportive, but gets very upset when I am constatnly thinking about what I just ate...OMG, I just ate that, or I cannot believe I just finished all that food...

Good luck to everyone because it is such a struggle...a lifelong struggle.
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Good luck to you!  My suggestions have already been addressed somewhere or another throughout this post!  I did take Alli for a  month and stopped because of the leakage issue.  Horrible, I say!  ha ha   It MUST be used in conjunction with a good diet and exercise.  I stopped because I felt I could do it on my own, and I have so far.  You can't look at this as a diet, you need to look at this as a lifestyle.  Get your family involved.  Take walks, pick a recipe from a healthy cook book and let the kids help make it, etc.  For my family, every Wed. is recipe night.  As contradicting as this may sound, you need to eat about 6 times a day.  You need to keep your metabolism constantly working.  I know that sounds like hard work, but a handfull of almonds can be considered one of the six.  Don't skip meals - your body starts to hold onto the fat because it's preparing for famin.  Also, a great book out there is called, "Fat Flush".  It teaches you of all the foods that are not only healthy, but have some signifcant effect on ridding your body of toxins, etc.  I found that while reading the book, I was more motivated.  Good luck!
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Good for you. Let the forum know what your decision is
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332156 tn?1266843139
Thanks!  No I decided I am not going to get the Alli...I really dont want to be running to the bathroom! Doesnt seem like my cup of tea.  lol  Thank you for your help. I am going to talk to my finace about joining WW...sounds like the ideal thing to do. Thanks.
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I know that you are concerned about your financial situation, however Weight Watchers is only about 40 dollars a month and just to start Alli is somewhere around 55 dollars and after a month it is around 60 dollars a month. That is one reason to join Weight Watchers. Another good reason is that you have support from other individuals who are also struggling to lose weight.  So they could offer you some support. Also it can be difficult to take pills and possibly  not see results, which may cause you to lose interest fast.I suggest that if you don't feel that you can afford to join right now, then just follow how Dr. Choi is working to lose weight, drink 8 fluid ounces of water and well you know the rest exercise.

I have been overweight all my life. I am 45y/o and struggle daily. I am going to join Weight Watchers this week. I tried alli and did not like the side effects.

Life definitely has its ups and downs, but always take life one day at a time and consider your options before you do anything.
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242516 tn?1368223905
0.15/30 is pretty low.  it can go down to 20 but that's low dose.

good luck!
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332156 tn?1266843139
Wow! I just had alot to catch up on with reading all this! THANK you all for the replies!  

Dr. Choi -  Yeah it seems to me that it sounds a little like what Metformin does to me when took it .  Constantly runnning to the bathroom.  I am no longer on that.  

suzi-q -  Thanks as well...I know not to skip on lunch...I was told that by my dietitian a while ago. But its sooo hard sometimes because I am constantly with my kids...working around the house...blalbal..I have all the excuses.  BUT today...I actually stopped and made a sandwich. lol And dint eat big portions for dinner.  My fiance even asked me why I wasnt eating...and I told him its because I am full!  Which I was.  So I will be working on that.  

Chigirl29 -  Thanks to you also....Yeah I dont use any other oils but EVOO.  Infact I just used a little today.  I started to use that spray butter too. Cause I have a habbit of using a little more than I need to with marg on my toast.

About medication....well...I am on Levora-28 birth control right now.  I started taking it in December.  I have noticed with it I have gained 7lbs!!  And boy does it show!  Well I see it.  UGH I hate it!  I am thinking I want to get off of it...but then I am not sure if I should still give it a try or not.  I have been on alot of different types of BC pills before and I have never NEVER gained weight.  Usually lost....but not this one..or this time.  

I told my dr. that since my periods are not like really irregular but slightly off...that I wanted to get back on track because I wanted to have children.  So he said that he would put me on a low dose pill.  I dont know if this is a low dose or not.  I am confused about that.  

I had my thyroid checked about a year ago.  Well a little over a year and it was off a bit. But apparently nothing to be concerned about. But other than that...my docs say I have "pretty darn good blood" there exact words.  

I am hoping that I can do this.  Thanks all of you for this help once again! And I will keep yous posted.  And I will keep checking in on any advice you all have.  

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377600 tn?1225163436
Wow.  I just read your bio stuff and you seem like you are crazy busy all the time.  

I didn't know you were a founding member either--that is neat.

Anyway--I cannot become too stressed because I experienced a variance in my diagnosis of Major Depression that caused me a lot of concern.  I am actually very intelligent and articulate so it still bothers me that I went through the event.  However, I am trying to stay on the meds that help, and I am trying to avoid the biggest trigger--negative and prolonged stress.

Thanks for your help/advice.
BTW, my great-grandfather's name was Enoch.  I've never heard of anyone else having it--rare name.  I rather like it.
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242516 tn?1368223905
it's in the benzodiazepine class which is addictive

yeah, a week in would make me grumpy too

other ways to relax your high strung-ness:
exercise, stop caffiene, prayer, talking to friends (encouraging ones), antidepressants
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377600 tn?1225163436
I will ask my doctor again about the Ativan because I went up to 2mg after 1.5mg stopped working.  I take 2mg for the full day and usually to help me sleep.

I can break them if I want--that is what my doctor said.

I looked up Ativan on a broad search and saw drug rehabs listing it as highly addictive.  However, the drug pages for Ativan say it is mildly addictive.

Thanks.  I don't really want to be addicted to anything.  I like how it calms me if I'm having a hard time.  I'm very high strung.

I have been grumpier lately, but I think it is because I have been shut up in the apartment for a week with some kind of cold mixed with flu.

I'm feeling better now.

I just removed the post because I don't want other people to find an addictive drug so easily.

Sorry to change the subject of the thread.
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377600 tn?1225163436
I can't talk about it--that one is too personal.  It is okay though.
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242516 tn?1368223905
what medicine did you stop?
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377600 tn?1225163436
I agree with suzyq, don't skip lunch. Even if I don't feel like making breakfast and go out for a biscuit, I make sure that I eat something lean a few hours later.

Try eating steamed frozen vegetables with baked fish.  I put olive oil on mine to keep it from sticking--but never a lot.  I just grease with it.

Canola, Olive, and Coconut oils are the healthiest.  I think they rank as: Coconut, Olive, and Canola...but I can't remember.

I'm not so crazy about coconut oil, but I LOVE coconut pies and macaroons.

I have a sweet tooth:)

I have a low thyroid and I manage my weight so it can be done even with medical issues.  

Are you on any medications that can cause weight gain?

I was extremely thin and my doctor put me on a medication for a problem I was having, but he didn't tell me I would gain 25-30lbs.  

I told him I felt like I was pregnant with no baby so I got off the medicine.  I am doing fine without it.

I lost the weight easily, but I am at a healthier weight than I began at.

Good luck with your process--keep a positive attitude.

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