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Pain in right side under rib

I have been having pain in my right side, middle chest area and it radiates to my left and middle of my back.  This has been going on for a year or better.  I have had so many tests.  I have Mitral Valve Prolapse also, I have been to the hospital on two occasions because of chest pain.  I have been diagnosed with diverticulitis also.  But this pain will not cease and desist.  I just recently had an EGD and a Gall Bladder scan. The EGD was normal and when they called on the Gall Bladder scan, they referred to it as basically normal.  I would like to know how precise the scan is in detecting abnormalities in the Gall Bladder and if there is an additional test that can be done to determine if the pain that I am experiencing is due to a bad Gall Bladder.  I cannot in my logical mind just say, "Okay the test prove nothing so there is nothing wrong."  There is pain and severe at most times, where it radiates across my chest to the left and the middle of my back.  I just want to know what is wrong and have it taken care of.  Is that so much to ask.  Any help would be appreciated at this time.

Thank you.

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I have had the same pain, re-occurring every couple of days that lasts for 2-3 days, starts under right side of rib cage and radiates across my chest and across my back.  I become bloated and nothing is comfortable, have been to dr, but tells me that is just a stomach virus, and have been there 3 times w/same symptoms.  My husband doesn't understand the paint i go thru, i have cried so hard from it, and just feel like dying.  Dr. would only give me something for the nausea, when i was begging for pain killers.  It is the worse pain that i felt in my life except for childbirth, but i know it's gonna come back again, cause it re-occurs every couple wks.  I cannot even hold a job because i'll wake up with it, and it feels like i'm having a heart attack when it goes across my chest.  I hope someone can figure out this strange illness, nobody i know has the same thing around where i live, and they all say it's all in my mind...please help...
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I have complained with severe pain in my entire upper back area my entire upper rib cage area. the pain is severe and very deep and sometimes radiates into the front of my chest and rib cage area. there are times i feel so short of breath and in such pain i can hardly walk across the room they did an ultrasound on my gallbladder which was negative. they tell me on ultra sound my liver is enlarged and my liver enzymes go from normal to mildly elevated now for ten years i also have huge burping spells which i call logger burps which are very painful. i have also had what i call rotten egg stomachs since i was a child/ the interestin part is the dr.s can"t find a reason for any of this. their only diagnosis is fibromyalgia. i also test positive for anti nuclear antibodies in my blood. i have been called neurotic etc. this hurts very much and sometimes i feel like i don't  want to live anymore because of the level of discomfort in my body and nobody listens or seems to care. something has to be wrong for a person to hurt this bad all the time and even wake up in the night because the pain and discomfort is so bad it wakes you up and you pace the floor all night crying and hoping some one some day will find out what is wrong and fix it. thanks for listening, janet
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I have complained with severe pain in my entire upper back area my entire upper rib cage area. the pain is severe and very deep and sometimes radiates into the front of my chest and rib cage area. there are times i feel so short of breath and in such pain i can hardly walk across the room they did an ultrasound on my gallbladder which was negative. they tell me on ultra sound my liver is enlarged and my liver enzymes go from normal to mildly elevated now for ten years i also have huge burping spells which i call logger burps which are very painful. i have also had what i call rotten egg stomachs since i was a child/ the interestin part is the dr.s can"t find a reason for any of this. their only diagnosis is fibromyalgia. i also test positive for anti nuclear antibodies in my blood. i have been called neurotic etc. this hurts very much and sometimes i feel like i don't  want to live anymore because of the level of discomfort in my body and nobody listens or seems to care. something has to be wrong for a person to hurt this bad all the time and even wake up in the night because the pain and discomfort is so bad it wakes you up and you pace the floor all night crying and hoping some one some day will find out what is wrong and fix it. thanks for listening, janet
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When I entered 'abdominal pain right side' I never expected that I would find all of the messages with MY symptoms.  I have been telling my doctor for a year about the 'dull ache, just below my ribs that radiates down to my lower abdomen.' Also, I don't knoww if this is something you all have, but by the end of the day, my abdomen becomes extremely distended.  Even though I am a small person, by 7:00 at night, I look 6 months pregnant. (I am 52, no more pregnancies for me thanks.) After a CAT scan, a barium enema, a sigmoid, an ultrasound, blood and urine tests, I don't know any more now than when I started.  I have asked my doctor to be very certain with the ultrasound, because I am scared to death that it is ovarian cancer.  He assures me that it is not.  It sounds as if most of you who describe the symptoms are convinced it is a bad gall bladder.  What test was it that confirmed the bad gall bladder?  I have Kaiser, a HMO, so getting an appointment can be difficult.  At least I can be specific when I request further testing.  Thanks to all of you.  And I hope we all get better soon.
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I have been experiencing the same pain,RUQ radiating around my back to my shoulder blades,especially on the R. My appetite is poor and I feel full after eating even a small meal. Im constantly nauseous and have even had some emesis of bile. I went to my PMD and he sent me for an ultrasound and CT of the abdomen and pelvis. The results showed my gallbladder was normal but that I have fatty liver. My PMD said that this condition required no treatment. I thought a liver biopsy was necessary to be certain of this diagnosis. Im not overweight,Diabetic and very rarely consume alcohol which can cause fatty liver. Needless to say I'm not satisfied with this diagnosis and intend on following up with a GI Dr. I would like to hear from anyone who's familar with this condition, Any feedack would be much appreciated.
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I'm diabetic and everything wrwong with me is always blamed on that. All I know is I still have right side pain thatt radiates to my back. I've had my gallbladder removed in 1992. This pain has been around only a few weeks but is already wearing me down. I had a blood test and a sonogram which were normal. old to take tylonol and call for more test schedules if pain continues. I printed off all notes to read later I have read some and I understand how ya'll feel.  Have a blessed Easter weekend and I'll check back with ya'll later.
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Hi everyone,

I have been searching the internet looking for an answer to my problem.  Noone else seems to be able to tell me what the problem is, and I'm tired of trying to diagnose myself. I may not be a doctor, but I do know my own body and I'm too young to be going through so much pain and feeling like an old woman.  I'm having right flank pain, daily.  Some days are worse than others, but there isn't one day that goes by that I don't have to deal with the pain. I'm 34 and have had numerous surgeries.  About 5 yrs. ago I had a hysterectomy/appendectomy with 1 ovary removed due to cervical cancer and endometriosis.  Since that time, I've had 5 surgeries to remove cysts attached to my back on either side of the spinal cord, on the remaining ovary, and a vulvar tumor.  The pain that I'm experiencing is on my right side, sort of "wrapped around" to the back.  The ovary I have left is on the right.  I keep associating the pain with that ovary.  However, my GYN says that everything is normal concerning the ovary.  Okay, so I go to my regular MD....after ruling out a kidney infection or gull bladder, we're now onto the bowels.  Today I have an appt. with a bowel specialist.  Could it be Colitis, Diverticulitis, or something that I can't come up with the lingo for since I'm not a doctor.  I sound angry, I guess I am.  I've been dealing with this for almost 4 1/2 yrs. now and it just progressively gets worse.  The first time I noticed this pain was 2 mos. after the hysterectomy.  I can't help thinking it has something to do with that surgery.  I guess it could be scar tissue or lesions.  I just don't know, but I've got to do something to get me through this pain until I have an answer and can have it taken care of.  If anyone has any suggestions, please contact me at ***@****.  Sorry to use this as a "sounding board", but it feels good to vent a little.
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after reading all that i figured i might as well post too.

29-year-old healthy, active female
ruq pain - almost 7 months now
constant ache - sometimes shooting - sometimes extreme shooting from back to front.
epsiodes of extreme pain - pain on the step, pain in abdomen when voiding.  only way to relieve is to be completely still.
have been hospitalized.
weight loss - 20 lbs in one month - 5 back now.
loss of appetite
seizure/suspected tia (mini stroke)
middle finger left hand turns waxy white
noticed middle toe left foot did it last night.
hyperhidrosis - controlled with drysol.
night sweats
sleep apnea - wake up gasping for air in the night.  heart racing.
hiccups daily
yes - i have the shoulder pain too.  thought it must be from hockey, goalie (although i had taken some time off).
pain right hip - feels like a bruise but gets worse instead of better.  had lasted a month now.  at times i can't lie on that side.  gp says bursitis.
hives on trunk of my body.
toothache that moved from upper molar to lower to opposite side of face and back to start, all within 45 minutes then gone.
my breasts are growing and my hair is curling.  how's that for neat?
the past few days i have had a shooting pain on the left side of my head.  not a headache.  just sharp shooting pain, then  nothing.
i've had all the same tests that are mentioned in previous postings, although no mri, hida scan or ercp (don't know that one).
would be interested in any input.
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Hi to everyone and HI SUZANNE !!!!

Am I understanding right that you found out for sure it's ODDI in January and have to wait until August to fix it ???  That seems like a long time to wait.  You must be so relieved, though, to finally be diagnosed.  All the best to you; hope everything goes well.
I have found by trial and error that if I drink psyllium fiber once a day (yuk!), my pain subsides a bit and my stomach isn't as bloated.  I did have an MRCP (mri) done a few weeks ago to look at my ducts, which of course showed everything normal.  My new gastro, however, is sympathetic to my complaints and has referred me to a super-specialist gastro in Boston...about an hour away, so I'm excited about that.  Did you have an MRCP done to diagnose your oddi problem ?  My symptoms now are, of course the weird feeling in my URQ, constipation, bloating, some heartburn and a sore throat !  Luckily I am able to get to work and function very well most of the time.  I am a bit concerned about colon cancer, though, as I've been doing too much reading on the web !!!!  I'm a bit anxious about what's wrong, which may explain my inability at times to catch my breath;  I gasp at times and feel like I can't get a full breath.  I've been told it's anxiety.  That doesn't suprise me at all !  Had a stress test done to rule out heart problems !
Anyway, it was so nice to read your posting.  Glad to hear that you've finally discovered what's wrong.  I REALLY hope things go well for you.  Write back; I'll check in a few days.

PAT:  Has your URQ pain ever gone away ?  Do you have the same symptoms as me ?
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I have similar pain but on my left side under the ribs -- so far for just over 3 months now.  Have had multiple tests but all come back normal, too.  Stress and worry definitely exacerbate things.My suggestions is to keep asking your doctor for more tests.  I'm beginning to think this kind of thing might be a form of IBS. Clothing ittitated my abdomen, too, so I know what that is like. Not on ly did it hurt inside but my skin became ultra sensitive. Also, for those of you who've had surgery in the past, I've heard adhesions/scar tissue can cause this kind of pain.
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I'am at my wits end, let me start from the beginning. I'am a 38 year old female with pain under my right rib cage. I had my uterus and 1 ovary removed in 1994 from cysts they saved the other ovary by taking the cysts off. Now I was left with 1 ovary, but I did not have to take hormons. April 1999 I had to have the other ovary removed the cyst had grown so big it grew into my intestine, they took about 4 inches off.  I was ok for a couple of months, now I have bad pain under my rib on the right side. I did not have this before the surgery, only the pain in the lower part of my stomach from the cyst which left after the surgery.  

I went back to the doctor & he sent me back to the doctor who did the colin surgery. You know, I didnot even know the intestine was part of the colin.  When I saw the nurse she looked up my file and said, oh yes, you are the one who had the colin surgery, I WAS SHOCKED! All I could think about was cancer of the colin and prayed to god that was not it. They did tests after tests and all came back negative, but I am still in pain, like something is pinching me in the side constantly. I am so scared, who will take care of my family, my grandchild.

If there is something wrong, I would like to catch it before it gets out of hand, but everyone is telling me my test are normal, that could not be with all this pain. But, If it is some kind of cancer, god I would like to catch it before it kills me.
I can't wear clothes on my stomach like pants, stocking,jeans. I get chest pains where they stop my breath, it feels like charlie horses in my side sometimes. One night it had me crawling on the floor like a snake the pain was so bad. Can someone please help me, give me some guidence.

Thanks for listening,

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Is this BB still active?
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It's so strange to hear of so many with pain in their sides around the rib area. I too have experienced this pain for about a year and a half. I've had many tests and of course all show normal. I've imagined everthing from liver cancer and cancer of the pancreas to just plain gallbladder disease. It's very frightening to have this pain and have no answers. I guess it is somewhat comforting to know that others have experienced the same. You begin to wonder after a while if it's all in your head. The pain is very real though. Your family begins to think you are just a constant complainer. I too just want answers like the rest of you. I have not had the test where they shoot dye into you and look at your gallbladder that way. I'm considering trying a different Dr. although i have been very happy with my current one in the past. I guess because nothing has shown up so far he may be a puzzled as i. Well i just wanted to post my comments and to say good luck to you all.
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It is so so sad to learn of everyone who has suffered so greatly and yet still no clearly defined answer as to why we are afflicted with this medical mystery/misery. Let alone a cure!

Treating specialists and their studious colleagues mean well and Modern Medical Technology has saved many I'm sure. Still we appear to be proven a medical nightmare to all who dare treat us.

I have suffer twenty years of intermitent pain in the upper right quaderant of the abdomin not to mention the referals, diaognosis, second opinions, medications, x-rays, therapists, pyschologists and psychiatrists etc.... and everyone else who can make money out this pot of gold.

Here is my gift to you all DON'T GIVE UP!!! Quality of life may well be down but your are alive. And thank you for taking the time to share your personal experinces so we can all learn and find a cure or aleast minimise the pain swiftly together. I will post more interesting things to consider soon.
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i wount advice about the management of acute cholecystitis
the position of golden time of surgery from the onest of syptoms
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I have had RQ pain for a couple of years now, and as I read all your posts, it seems possible that I may never get an answer to its cause.  The pain is not a strong or sharp pain but more of a bothersom discomfort feeling.  Sort of like there is too much 'stuff' squeezed into the area or a pain feeling similar to when you push on a bruise (if that makes sense).  I do notice that sometimes a fatty meal of an few alcholic drinks will make it worse (I am not a drinker though-- mabey twice a month).  It will hurt the most for 3 or 4 days after some drinks and then be less noticeable (but still there)after a few days.  I have mentioned this all to my MD on numerous occasions. Liver tests and ultra sounds have been normal, so he suspects IBS.  I feel that it may be a fatty liver or a gall bladder inflammation, but he always says no. I also have some gastic problems and intestinal problems.
I guess the bottom line is that I understand what all you are going through and also I wish like you all do, that I could get a definitive answer.  Please feel free to e-mail me at ***@**** if you have any thoughts or would like to discuss anything like this.
Take care & good luck,,,,,Christopher
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Very interesting comments and tests.  I had my gall bladder removed three years ago, due to low test factors (13% function) because of the pain that is being described.  Three years later, the same pain, the same places, only more intense.  All tests are negative and of course, the doctors don't know what to do or say. It would be very interesting to get to the bottom of the cause, but I am not sure that such is going to happen.  I have tried all sorts of treatments, from physical therapy, to accupuncture, and none work.  Medications have the side effects (like hydrocodone) and while they temporarily treat the pain, they do not resolve the problem.  I am anxiously awaiting someone getting a "good" doctor and finding the cause and cure!!!!  Bruce Pehrson, Farmington, Utah.  ***@****
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Hello Everybody

I've been having urq for two years now and have had all the tests. I've seen a GI and a Kidney doc. Everything comes back normal. I've been on anti inflammatory meds, pain meds of all sorts. Nothing has seem to help. I see the doc every few weeks I'm am at the point of exhaustion due to the pain.  I feel like noone seems to understand and that the docs don't believe me. I'd appreiciate any info you guys can give.
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Hi all and big HI to JANE

As they say in the Classics "I'm back"

first of all sorry it took so long for me to post my updated but I have just got the test results back on Tuesday 25/1/00.

Well the news is as suspected I have SOD. The next option is now the surgery and to this end i am off the see my Surgeon on the 8/2/00 to oganise that.
Christmas was ok not a lot of pain and i was abe to cope with the drugs.
The interesting thing was that during this whole time I did not show the classic signes of SOD in regard to the liver function test.
please everyone do not be afraid of your gp's or speciaists, you know what your problem is. I have to say that my specialist is a lot more sympathetic to me now.


How are you? has the pain Settled any ??

take care  


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This is so unusual to hear many of the systems that I am going through.  My pain is on the right side just below the rib cage. The pain is sharp at times and if I in one position to long I can feel it worse.  Sitting is the worse.  I like to lean back in the chair and am always pressing on my libs.  You can't believe how everyone tells me to stop.  My pain stometimes goes to my back should blade.  But the kicker is that across the top of my abdomen is feels like needles sticking in me.  It remines me when my foot goes to sleep and is numb.  I had my gallblader out since 1989.  Tests ran show everything is okay.  I am told I may have a hernia but the test showed none. I am 50 years old and in pretty good shape and have had this pain for several months.  Will be having a CATS scan according to my doctor and wife.  All my pains go away if I keep pressure on the top portion of my abdomen. Any other males have similar symptoms and found good results from something?
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I am a 32 year old woman who, up to this past year, has been healthy my whole life.  I have stuggled constantly with my weight, but always felt good with energy to spare.  I had a baby in March of 1999 with a rather uneventful pregnancy until 32 weeks, was then diagnosed with pre-eclampsia which developed into HELLP Syndrome by 34 weeks.  The baby was immediately delivered.  I was supposed to "bounce back" after the baby was delivered and for the most part I did until June 99 when I began having upper quadrant pain and nausea.  After many tests, they found gall stones.  July 99 I had my gall bladder removed with promises that I would "be back to my old self."  What a joke!  My URQ pain is worse now and the pain involves my right shoulder and arm.  I have had an upper GI, CT scans, sonogram, ERCP, and a liver biopsy (because my LFT's have been elevated - AST, ALT, and GGT)  Thankfully, all tests have come back normal except the liver biopsy says" non-specific liver inflammation."
My Primary Physician tells me not to worry, it's stress, it's my imagination, see a pshycologist.  I want to slap him!!  I have finally seen a GI specialist out of my area.  He wants to do a biliary scintography to help determine whether I have SOD.  If so, He will do an ERCP and cut my sphincter of Oddi.  I would like to hear from anyone who might have any thoughts  on my case.  I wish all of you health and answers to your problems.  I know how frustrating it is to see doctor after docter only to find no answers!
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I have had some of the same symptoms for over a year and a half now.  Going for an endoscopy Tues 1/18/00.  Diagnosed with H.Pylori in 1996.  Recently diagnosed with GERD and a slight hiatal hernia.  Pain in chest, midback and right shoulder still persists.  Chronic heartburn.  Taking Propulsid, Zantac,and Carafate.  Talked to others in forum and they seem to think that I have symptoms of Barrett's Esophagus.  Will find out Tuesday.  Has anyone tried an herbal digestive enzyme called Bromelain?  I stopped taking all medications above and started taking 2 Bromelain with every meal and most of my pain has disappeared.  Hope this might help some of you.  Good luck with your findings.  All the other doctors tell me that it is stress and try to put me on anti-depressants!  the only reason that I am depressed is because of the way these doctors keep treating me as if all of this is in my head!  Do they think that we enjoy going to all of these appts and getting poked at all the time and answering the same questions over and over again?!
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