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Please help me...

ok, I am only 15 years old, and I have been sick for about a month. At first, I had a low grade temp and a whole day of alot of diarhea. My docter told me that I had the rota virus. Then I still wasn't getting better, and he said that it was probably just the end of it. I have still had a low grade temp for one month now. I do not have diarhea at all, it was only that one day. I don't think I had the rota virus at all. I have really bad pains in my abdominials and alot in my back as well. I have alot of gas, I can feel it, but it won't come out. Im having a lot of bowol movments, but only a little bit comes out each time, and I really have to strain to get it out. I feel worse when I stand up also. I feel very dizzy and very nauseas and I really don't want to it because it makes me sick and I have really bad headaches. I do not know what is wrong. Can you please help me!!
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my nephew is 5 yrs oid and in the hospital. the doctors said his large intestine has swallowed his small intestine. has any one heard of this and what causes it?
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Thanks to everyone for a great board. I could not post this question seperately so I hope you don't mind...What other tests can I ask for concerning rectal bleeding? I have had all kinds of scopes and exams which can find nothing. If anyone has had further tests that they could tell me about, I would greatly appreciate it. Take Care! I hope everyone finds relief and gets the answers that they need.
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Dear Feelbetter--

Look at holistic books at health food stores, and at bookstores, to find natural treatments for endometriosis. I don't know of any specific good websites, but you may find some, if you type in "holistic treatments for endometriosis" into the address bar of several search engines, like http://www.google.com  etc.

If I were you, I'd try to get off the dangerous birth control pills as soon as you safely can. Find out how you can safely get off these synthetic hormones.

Have you seen a good Endocrinologist, to look for connections between the monthly cycle and the endometriosis?

You may need a 2nd and 3rd opinion (M.D.'s) to help you find the cause of your rectal bleeding. This needs to be CORRECTLY diagnosed!

Good luck! I hope you get better fast! I hope you'll try ALL the gastric reflux tips listed above, and do get tested from time to time, to make sure that you don't have any "silent" GERD, later on.

Sincerely, Concerned lady

To Cheng:

We use "Enzymatic Therapy" brand of CHEWABLE "DGL" tablets (De-Glycyrrhizinated Licorice). We buy these at a good health food store.

I urge you to find a better doctor, who can help you find out exactly what your diagnosis is! Do you think you might have an ulcer? Pain should not be ignored. Find out what is causing the pain!!! YOU MAY NEED AN EXPERT GASTRO-INTESTINAL SPECIALIST DOCTOR!--to help you find out what you have that needs to be treated.

Once you have an accurate diagnosis, you will have CHOICES of treatments. (including maybe natural treatments!!)

Please also read all the GASTRIC REFLUX TIPS, above here in this topic. These "tips" also help ulcers.

Do you maybe have CELIAC DISEASE? Ask your doctor about this, too.

Good luck to you.

I also recommend finding a good acupuncturist.

Good luck to you!

Sincerely, Concerned lady

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I bought the DGL Dr. Michael Murray suggested. Even though it does not raise blood pressure alot, It can if you have current issues, So I was directed to take 1/2 dosage. Natural factors makes a chewable at Henry's, 400mg. each tablet.
Extreme heartburn with 1/2 a piece of white toast, Can't gain weight with the diet I am on for this past 7 months. Thankful for Choice. I use many diabetics diets due to my heart and it helps keep the blood sugar regulated.
Miss protein, meals, Tortilla chips work as a saltine cracker effect if out and have extreme hunger, pain.Wonder if too much consumption of water?
HAve you had any tests on your saliva or urine for output ?
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Dear Feelbetter,

Good for you for taking some control back, over your own body and life! There usually ARE choices of treatments for most conditions!!!

I urge you to also look for an alternative method of treating endometriosis (THERE ARE OTHER NATURAL METHODS!), other than "The Pill", because there are so many bad side effects of "The Pill", such as strokes, cancer, etc.

I hope you will continue to have good results, and I hope you'll try ALL the gastric reflux tips! I'm very glad you're off the acid blocker(Prilosec)! :-)

Why don't you help teach your doc that there ARE other medically sound ways to fight gastric reflux, other than acid blockers! Will your doc listen to your experiences? Or, if it's not in his or her medical book, will your doc reject learning new things?

There are good alternative books at bookstores, healthfood stores, etc. that can give you ideas about natural treatments for endometriosis. Check some of the books I list on page 9 (reference page) of my website, http://cantbreathesuspectvcd.com

Thanks for planning to share what helps you, to conquer (or control) the gastric reflux, AND, when you succeed, the endometriosis!

Sincerely, Concerned lady
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Hope I am not bugging you too much :). I just wanted to let you know that I plan on telling my doc about my success with DGL after enough times has passed and I can be sure. Do you know a good (reliable) site where I can learn about natural ways to handle endometriosis? My GERD and rectal bleeding started about 3 years ago. The GERD was easily diagnosed but after colonoscopy and other tests, no cause could be found for the rectal bleeding which occurs mainly right before or during my period. My GASTRO doc never even considered endo as the cause. He wanted me to go to a surgeon. My GYN thinks I may have endo of the bowel altho she can't know for sure without doing the laproscopic surgery.(not sure I spelled that right) She out me on the Pill mainly to control bloating. I am tracking my symptoms faithfully until I go back in May. I do not care for the pill either. It makes me feel like the early months of pregnancy. I am only on my second month of taking it so I don't know, perhaps my body has not had enough time to fully adjust. By the way, my GERD is ALWAYS the worst in the week right before my period. Is that strange or what? Ok, thanks again for sharing.
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I have stomach problem for two years. And my doc can not
figure out what exactly wrong with me. I have a lot of gas
and stomach pain and some time feel very tired.
I want to try the DGL. Please tell me where I can buy them
and what brand name I choose.

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Thank you so much for the kind response. I am sorry...I meant the Birth Control pill (which I have just started to help control endometriosis) I have been off prilosec for about 7 weeks now. I did not know that I had to be weaned off slowly so I basically just stopped when my last scrip. ran out. I did experience acid in my throat which I never had in the past, I guess this may be from stopping the acid blocker too quickly. I am doing much better now and I do plan on trying some of the other tips that you discussed. I hope I can keep this thing under control and I sure will share my story with others. If you had not shared what you had learned, I still would be on prilosec and I would still be suffering anyway (and probably doing other damage to my body as you mentioned.) I had mentioned to my doc that I did not want to stay on prilosec forever and he basically said I had no choice. We as patients really do have to do our own research because you just can't count on the doctor to know about everything. And some of them don't bother to try to understand any possible natural solutions. Thank you again for sharing and keep up the good work. Take care!
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To Feelbetter--

The DGL label (Enzymatic Therapy brand) states that DGL does NOT cause blood pressure to rise. This is because the steroidal part of original licorice was removed, to make DGL (De-glycyrrhizinated licorice). I think that the doc just didn't do his homework, and so he is thinking about plain licorice, which DOES cause blood pressure to rise. DGL is plain licorice MINUS the bad part.

I'm glad the DGL chewable tablets are helping you! Try all the tips (if medically OK for you). If I were you, I would ask your doc & pharmacist for a tapering (slow weaning) schedule, to help you GET OFF THE PRILOSEC as soon as safely possible!! (before you get nerve damage from it!!--peripheral neuropathy)

I guess I should ask you what PILL you were referring to? Was it the Prilosec, or birth control pills, or WHAT???

I didn't invent these tips. I learned them from others who had good luck with them, with themselves & with their patients.

To Needabreak--

Don't overdo on the aloe vera. It's healing, but can cause diarrhea in some folks. I hope my other email to you was helpful!

To both Feelbetter and Needabreak,

I hope you will keep in touch with eachother, to compare notes, and give eachother support! Share what works for you, here, to help others! :-)

Sincerely, Concerned lady

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The same goes for me!  I would much rather try the natural products and am now using the DGL, aloe vera juice, and today, purchased the Pro-Biotics.  I KNOW the Pro-Biotics will help my stomach pain because the acidophilus I had taken in the past always seemed to get rid of stomach aches for me...at the time, having GERD never entered my mind.  Now I wonder how many of my problems were actually GERD all along.  I am still taking the Prevacid...have about 12 or so left.  Should I try weaning myself off of these now? or see the doctor again to let him know what I'm doing?  Do you take the DGL daily or just as needed?  I'd love to correspond with you (and you, too, feelbetter) because I feel we are on the same wavelength.   Where do I find the Acid-Ease?  I'm very limited here as the only "near-by" nutrition store is 40 miles away and is a GNC, (I had to set them straight today about the DGL...which they don't carry.)  I have a great book called "Natural Healing", which has a lot in it about these products.   I'm still not feeling great, but I'm trying most of the tips you gave.  I just think it's going to take time to heal...I also found that having a lot of stress the last week or so has caused a flare up...or so I think.  Does that sound like a reasonable explanation for feeling "lousy" again after feeling pretty good finally???  Any advice is much appreciated!    Thanks,  needabreak
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Hi! I just wanted to thank you for coming to this board and sharing what you know about natural remedies for reflux. I have been on DGL for about 6 weeks now and I have been PAIN FREE! I have occasional trouble with feeling acid in the evening (which is usually relieved with a TUMS) Before the DGL I would have horrible pain 6 to 8 times per month which would just ruin my day. (I was taking prilosec for about 3 years) I have much better relief with the DGL than I ever had with the acid blockers. I plan to add more natural "helpers" to really control this thing. I never would have known about DGL if you had not shared on this board so Thank you so much! I was just wondering, do you know if it is ok for me to take the DGL while on the pill? I would ask my doctor but I don't really trust him as he told me not to take DGL anyway because it would raise my blood pressure. Others on this board were also told that DGL would raise their blood pressure too. Do you think the Doc's just don't know or they would rather keep you on acid blockers? Thanks again for all of your helpful info!
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I agree with everything the others said! I'm going to put some GASTRIC REFLUX TIPS in here, because there are a lot of useful ideas in them (including those important PRO-BIOTICS!!!).

Even if you DON'T have "gastric reflux", try these tips, and see if they help! I apologize ahead of time for the lengthiness of these tips:

GER=Gastro-Esophageal Reflux. (Gastro=stomach. Esophagus=food tube.)

LPR= Laryngeal-Pharyngeal Reflux. (Larynx=voice box, containing the 2 vocal cords. Pharynx=throat, above the larynx. The larynx is above the trachea/windpipe.)

Reflux=acidic or alkaline stomach material that backs up into the esophagus (food tube), causing any of these problems: VCD attacks, cough, voice problems, asthma, globus (feeling of lump in throat), constant need to clear throat, worsening of sinus condition, sore throat, pre-cancerous conditions of throat &/or esophagus, etc.

SOME GER/LPR CONTROL THINGS WE DO, that we learned from the excellent book: STOMACH AILMENTS AND DIGESTIVE DISTURBANCES, by Michael T. Murray, N.D. See page 9, References, in my website: http://cantbreathesuspectvcd.com   and, also see GER/LPR info on page 5, and on LINKS page.

PLEASE READ THIS GREAT BOOK. It can be bought on-line, from Michael T. Murray
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I'm glad to hear everything's ok. If your symptoms don't go away, you really should see a gastroenterologist aside for your regular physician.
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thank you all very much! I think you are both right, I think perhaps i do have alot of gas trapped. I went to my docter and he said that nothing was wrong! I will do what you to said tho, thank you very much, I am glad I am not alone.
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It could be a lot of gas building up and being costipated WILL NOT help. I feel the exact same way you do at times. Steve above posted almost the same symptoms. Did you go to your family physician for this? I would tell your parents that the pain is that bad, and perhaps see a gastroenterologist.
Fell better ;)
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I have had the same symptoms as you have for about the last month. In my case, it appears that it was caused by an imbalance of digestive bacteria due to taking antibiotics (apparently this can also be caused by aspirin, bacterial or vial infections, poor diet, or stress). I have felt dizzy, nauseas, had headaches and other signs of dehydration although I am clearly not dehydrated. The pains I had were greatly eased taking probiotic supplements to replace the good bacteria in my gut. I too had gas pains, chest pains, etc. and nothing helped (eg antacids, gas remedies, antispasmodics, pain killers, etc.) until I took those probiotic supplements. I used to scoff at health food things, but I was at my wit's end and I would have tried ANYTHING to feel better... and it did really help. Also, for the dizziness, etc. it was recommended that I drink Gatorade or other sports drinks.  Although the pain is better, I am so tired all I can do is sleep most of the day which is really frustrating. Even if my suggestions don't help you, it may be reassuring to know that you are not alone. All the best, I hope you feel better soon.
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and also, like I have these really weird stomach feelings, and when I take a deep breathe in, it feels like tight and no room and it hurts like its stretching it out or something. I also have pains in my chest...
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