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Blood/Mucus in Stool

I am a 27 yr old female with 3 children (I am sure I have hemorroids), for about the past 6 months I have noticed blood and sometimes mucus in my stool.  I had my gallbladder removed about 2 years ago, so I have diarrhea also.  Lately, I have had some nausea and cramps.  So I was wondering, what does this sound like?  All my symptoms are as follows:  blood in stool, mucus in stool, narrower stools, cramping, nausea, diarrhea.
Thanks for your help!!
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Hi I am 31 almost 32 year old female.  About 3 months ago I had an episode that lasted about 2 weeks in which I was constipated with very painful stomach cramping and pains in the area where my gallbladder is located with gas and bloating as well as stomach spasms (you could actually see my stomach jumping). Went back and forth to the doctor, she did some blood work up and told me it was IBS.  I finally got her to refer me to a gastro specialist and all he did was listen to my symptoms and listen and press on my abdomen and give me medication for IBS.  Well, now I have Dark green stools with mucous which looks a little red (blood).  I no longer have the cramping or constipation but I do have to go to the bathroom sometimes right after eating.  If the blood is on the surface of the stool where you can see it, should the water in the bowl turn somewhat red?  There is no blood on the toilet paper or in the bowl but it looks like it is in my stool.  Could it be the foods I eat or could it really be something more serious?  Please help if you know anything.  I am really scared!!!!
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I am so sorry to hear this for you.I am worried now as well.PLease keep eveyone up to date.I have to say this I am on this Tuesday the 28 of October going to get a colonoscopy done in July of this year I had a laparotomy done for adhesions and remove my ovaries.But this is what I wanted to say I have had blood in my stools for over 3 years and finally when I got the nerve up to go in my Dr said it was an ulcer.I am 26 female with 2 kids.And now the blood it comes at least every other week and have noticed like I do not know what you mean by mucous but it looks kinda like a saliva like thing sorry.But kinda makes me ill and quite a few times now when I have to go to the bathroom really bad a Bm you know it is only blood and alot of it.I decided to go in and have lived this long with it thinking it is a ulcer now my doc says no it can not be an ulcer he says maybe this maybe that  you know!! But I have been feeling not hungry lately and I have lost about 10-15 pounds in about 3 months I thought it was all the adhesions but now reading your post..I am wqorried what do you think??Blood in the stools maybe mucous not sure exactly what it is and fatigue losing weight.loss of appetite!My grandma had pollips.I know that is not how you speel it!!But does it sound like it could be colon cancer.I have also started moving my bowels more frequently and it makes my belly inside sometime pain when I move them.And no hemroids found.I am worried as well!!Please I hope someone reads this!!God wioll be with oyu and take care of you!!I wish you the best of luck!!God bless!!
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Best wishes with this - so glad you followed up and hopefully caught it early. You are in my prayers.
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I could use any information I can get. I have been havinng a variety of symptoms over the last six months. It began with constipation and some very foul gas. After a while I was having bouts of constipation alternating with diarhhea. At this time I started having a lot of mucus mixed in with stools and sometimes that's all that would come out. Also at that time I started having sharp,short pains in no caertain location in my my stomach. Now the diarhhea is better but that's about it. I have been to doctors and all insist it could be nothing nore than IBS, because of my age, physical fitness and no family history of serious disease. Although they have done no tests to rule out any thing more serious? I have taken medication for parasites with no luck. Sorry about the detailed info but does this sound like anything to anyone?
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My 17 year old son has been experiencing diarria and with blood for the last 5 days.  The Doctor treating him believes accutane is the cause.  He is off it now but has lost 12 pounds and is still weak.  He is on new medication to treat the inflamation of the colon.  He has not improved much today and my Wife and feel he may end up in the hospital tommorrow after we talk to the Doctor.  I will keep this forum posted.


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c diff is clostridium difficile.  its a bacteria in your stomach that,if overgrown, can cause you to be sick.  its usually a result of taking certain antibiotics as the antibiotics can kill the 'good' bacteria in your stomach.  when the good bacteria is killed off the c diff bacteria produces a toxin that can cause mucous in stools, diarrhea as well as severe cramping.  not pleasant but the mojority of the time its treatable.   i had a hard time getting rid of it and i still do not feel 100%.
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