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Chronic Adbdominal Pain and Nausea

Hi, there.  I'm a 20-year-old male college student.  For the past ten months, I have been suffering from chronic abdominal pain and nausea.    The pain is a sort of dull ache in my stomach, not sharp or crampy.  I get intensely nauseated but do not vomit.  The intense episodes come in spells, but I operate with a low level of nausea  and general "squishiness," for lack of a better term, almost all the time.  Sometimes I get intestinal cramps, but this is not nearly as common as the other two symptoms.  Also, another odd little symptom that is worth mentioning is that I often suffer from canker sores in my mouth.

I have been tested for just about everything: ulcers, heliobacter, gallbladder, tumor and cancer, celiac disease, gastroparesis, etc.  So far, the doctor has found nothing.  These symptoms are making it hard to meet the demands placed on me by school and work.  I often call in sick at my job, and I've missed a lot of classes.  I don't mean to sound pitiful, as I know there are people who are worse off than I am, but being nauseated all the time is sapping my will to live.
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Did they find the  tumor in an ultrasound or xrays?
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I am no doc but canker sores in my opinion are caused from acidity, stomach pain causes nausea and increases acidity which can also end up causing holes in your stomach and esophgus. I had your symptoms and other symptoms The one that was the most constant was burping, burping that sounded as if someone was speaking as they loudly expelled. The pain is what would get me to the doctors. For 2 years I tried to find out what was the matter with me but if the syptoms don't follow the norm, throw in depression and lethargy in, it becomes an up hill battle of diagnosing yourself. Long story short, on good days I fought for myself and found I had a 3 inch round tumor in my large intestine.Best thing I can say to you, is don't give up on youeself, your body will speak to you. the symptoms can change because your body will keep trying to get you to listen. Careful of medicines that tend to hide the problem by masking the symptom.
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My gosh can someone maybe shed some light? Im so so desperate..
My daughter is 24 with a 10 month old baby. She has been in the hospital now for three weeks.
It all started with a pain just a smidge below the belly button a tad to the right. She already had the appendix removed when she was 14.
I am so scared for her life. She is down to 92 pounds with extreme wreching vomiting and this pain.
She cant even eat ice chips without thowing them up.
They have done evevy test known to man and all is negative.
ct scans endoscopy berium enama xrays blood ultra sound showed sludge. I asked if this can cause the constant pain below the belly button and the dr and surgeon said no.
She is begging me to help her especially when she is wretching for 20 minutes or more.
My daughter is so in love with her baby! But the drs are telling me she is sick from stress or having a crisis. Im so sad because i know this is not whats going on. She is really very very sick. tonight she told me she is desperate and pleaded for help. What do i do?? Im so worried for her.
Deb in calif
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Have you been tested for various bacteria that eat up your stomach - ask your doctor - have you been checked for Crohn's. Your symptoms sound a lot like what my sister has - Crohn's disease.

Hope you get better.

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I have a 14 year old son that has been diagnosed with gastric paresis.  We have tired all the treatments.  The raglan made him severely depressed. The erythromycin made him sick.  He missed 2/3rds of his school days last year and is three weeks into the school year and has missed 6 of the 13 days so far.  We would like to find a doctor in the Los Angeles area that would consider a gastric pacemaker but have been unable to fine one.  Any suggestions?
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I'm glad your wife feels better. Sounds like the same stuff I am going through. It seems like the only things that doctors test for are the acute problems. I've never heard of chronic appendicitis before and I am a nursing major. I was diagnosed with having appendicitis at the age of 15, that was 11 years ago. They didn't remove my appendix because I wasnt running a fever or vomiting. Anyways, since the age of 21 I have undergone 6 knee surgeries and have been on Darvocet for pain. Back to the subject, I have been having bouts of abdominal pain since Nov. 2005. The first gastro doc put me through the proverbial sonogram, CT, and not to mention an EGD and a colonoscopy that didnt work because the anesthesiologist couldnt start a central line because my veins were playing hide and seek. Then my IM guy ordered a CT, HIDA scan, and a sonogram that came back normal. He thought it was an infection, so he sent me home with Protonix which didnt work. Since Aug. 20th Ive been to ER twice and nothing. The gastro doc that I have now ordered a gastric emptying study, and some more bloodwork. I see him again Oct. 1st. Ill ask him if its possible I could have chronic appendicitis. Thank you. Wish you a speedy recovery.
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