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Chronic Pancreatitis; Gastroparesis; IBS

I have recently (finally) been diagnosed with Chronic Pancreatitis.  The diagnosis was not made until I underwent a secretin (spelling?) test in March.  At that time I was told that my bicarbonate level was within normal range, but that the amount digestive enzymes I produce is well below the normal range.  Unfortunately I cannot remember the amount I was told and I have not actually seen the doctor since I had the test done.  I don't go back to see him until 6/17.

I have also previously been diagnosed with gastroparesis; gastritis; IBS and a small hiatal hernia.  I am currently taking the following medications:

Librax (4X a day)
Nexium (40 mgs 2X a day)
Fibercon (3 pills 4X a day)
Viokase 16 (4 pills 4X a day)
Darvocet or Ultracet for the pain (Darvocet when I have a break
                                    through attack)
Ambien (as needed)
Erythromycin (1 and 1/2 Tsp - 4X a day)

Since beginning the Viokase approximately four weeks ago I have found that I have some relief with the pain in my back and my overall day to day pain/discomfort has improved.

My question is does chronic pancreatitis eventually lead to diabetes or is it possible that only one function of the pancrease is impaired?  

Any information or web pages with good research would be greatly appreciated.  I have been doing research off and on for the past 9 and 1/2 months since having an acute pancreatitis attack and having my gallbladder removed.  My liver and pancreas enzymes have pretty much returned to normal.  My liver enzymes ocassionally run over the high end of the scale, but not by much (a few points) and my surgeon explained that it may be that I am just one of the people who fall outside the standard scale.

I have not had an abnormal blood sugar test in more than 6 years and back then it was low.

I have never been a heavy drinker.  Until last June I probably had 12 drinks a year total.  I have had NO alcoholic beverages since June of 2002.  The doctor has told me that to the best of his knowledge my pancreatitis is ideopathic.  My tryglicerides are within normal range.  My trypsin level is outside the normal range, but not in the chronic range that is why I had the secretin test done.

If anyone can tell me any other possible "companion diseases/conditions" related to chronic pancreatitis I would appreciate it.  I'm trying to get a better picture of what to expect in the future before I go back to the doctor so I can ask him educated questions.

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My name is Conner. My guitar teacher got diagnosed with Chronic Pancreatitis; Gastroparesis a while ago.

He doesn't have insurance, he coughed up a glassful of blood last friday, and the doctor wants to take out 1/2 of his pancresis and then he would become diabetic. He would then need to take insulin every day.

He really needs help, and I'm his best friend and his student. I don't know what to do to help him. The doctor says that he could live off Ensure, but he doesn't buy it. And he has to take pills so he could digest his food.

Please help.

Conner Huff
conner.***@**** (work)
***@****  (personal)
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Interested in comment from aliciac27. I have had steady bloating,indigestion & nausea with UR abdominal pain radiating to back going back 2 1/2 years now. Had all the tests: G.I. upper & lower, Ultrasound, blood, CT Scan & Endoscopy but am feeling worse as each month goes by. As per aliciac comments, my wife has been suffering identically with the same symptoms. Let me know if you here of any spore or something that can affect people in two's.
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Hello everyone!  This is my second time on the board.  How do I get any comments or questions answered?  I spent last Monday night in the hospital. Disabling pain, Amylase was 525.  After a couple rounds of Demerol and IV fluids, I was released the next eve, basically to wait on the next "attack"!  What is "idiopathic"?  If anyone would like to email to chit chat or help answer any questions, PLEASE do!  ***@****.
Look forward to hearing from anyone that could offer advice, or that I can help!! Take Care!
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I'm new to the board...  pretty new to the subject, but if anyone could help I'd be greatly appreciative!!!
  A couple of months ago my husband was admitted into the hopital suddenly with pancreatitis.  We had never heard of this before, but they sure told us quickly how dangerous it is.  Problem is, he had none of the symptoms they described: drinking, gallstones, etc, he won't even take aspirin.  He was in the hospital for 34 days straight, two surgeries to remove psuedo-psysts, and then they removed his gall bladder just hoping that would solve the problem...  although they found no sign of gallstones.  He has been back in the hospital with the pancreatitis twice since then.
  A little over a month ago I started getting very severe pain in my abdomen.  I went to the walk in clinic at my doctor's office, where they did blood work.  A few days later I began vomiting on a daily basis, still having the constant abdominal pain.  I saw my doctor.  My husband and I told him our concerns about the possibility of my having pancreatitis, as I had the exact same symptoms.  My doctor quickly dismissed it and sent me home with phenergan saying I more than likely had a virus and it would pass.  After vomiting 14 days straight, I was back at my doctor's office...  again, phenergan and go home.  
  I got home late that afternoon and there was a letter from my doctor's office in the mail (from the first time I had gone in), saying I needed to contact them about my blood work.  I called them first thing the following morning and was told that my enzymes were high and they suspected that I had pancreatitis.  I drove the 45 minutes back to my doctor's office, where the doctor doing the walk-in clinic sent me directly to the Emergency Room.  When I arrived at the ER, they immediately did the testing and confirmed that I did have pancreatitis.  I also had a very large gall stone that required emergency surgery.  I had this emergency surgery last night, and I came home this morning (by choice), because I HAVE to find some answers.  Every doctor there wants to believe this is just some huge coincidence, but I really do not believe that.  Neither of us drink or do drugs, and were perfectly healthy before our pancreatitis occured.  Is there something that we could be exposed to that would cause this in both of us?  By the way, I am 30 and he is 31.  We lived pretty healthy lifestyles up until this occurred.  Any advice?????
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Hi!  I have been "battling" chronic pancreatitis since July.  What are you referring to as a "secretion test"?  Is it the pipida scan?  This is the same pain I remember from gallstones years ago.  Like others, My enzymes will skyrocket during a sever attack, and after a couple days or so, will go back to normal. I have been hospitalized for 5 days with the worse attack. Does anyone know if this is a common problem that could be associated with having gastric by-pass surgery?   Thanks for your help!
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When a physician you are seeing becomes locked into one way of looking at your situation, and that perspective doesn't comport with your experience, or common sense, it's time to get another opinion.

I had two different GI doctors tell me that the excruciating, disabling pain, unlike any pain I'd ever had before, that occured every single day, 2-3 hours after every meal, and that began literally the day after I had my gall bladder removed, was "stress."  When I asked why my stress level would change so dramatically in only one day, they just shrugged.

A third doctor at a major medical center who wasn't locked into one way of looking at the problem had a different idea that has helped a lot.
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