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Gallbladder removal surgery

I am a new mother, had my son about 3 months ago.  Just before I became pregnant last year I was diagnosed with gallstones.  I had an "attack" while I was pregnant, and another one just recently.  I am scheduled to have my gallbladder removed at the end of this week.

I am terrified of hospitals and "procedures" due to my Obstetrician scaring me to death while I was pregnant.  I am a type II diabetic and have  gotten my sugar under very good control while pregnant.  I have gone down from about 250 lbs to 175. I still have periods where I feel very hungry and feel as if I'm going to pass out if I don't eat.  

Lately I have been very sick after I eat.  I have been watching fat  intake, but yet my stomach often has this "burning sensation" and I feel very nauseous, I often throw up repeatedly until I'm throwing up yellow bile.  It doesn't happen after every meal, but it does happen alot.  Also, if I press down on the center of my stomach--upper region, it feels very tender.

When I was at the hospital, they did blood tests, and none of my liver enzymes were elevated or anything, but they did say that based on the ultrasound my gallbladder should come out, and that more than likely these "attacks" were gallbladder based.

Since then I have been reading extensively about gallbladder surgery and its potential outcome, I have several questions:

I have heard of developing heart problems, possibly due to cholesterol?  after this procedure, and I have also heard of "sphincter of oddi dysfunction, and a possibility of cutting the "biliary duct" during this procedure.  How commonly do these things occur, and how easily are they treated/corrected?

I have been told that the gallbladder is only a repository for bile, and that afer its removal, the liver will just continuously "drip" bile into the digestive system.  Does the surgeon have to cut out the gallbladder, and then redirect the liver to the intestine?  (In other words, how does the digestive system function both with, and without the gallbladder?)

What are the risks assessed with not having the surgery, and are there any other resources that completely list the pros and cons to this procedure?

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233190 tn?1278549801
I am not a surgeon, so I have limited insight into the surgical questions you ask.  

It is certainly possible that the symptoms can be related to the gallbladder.  Removing the gallbladder is not an unreasonable option.  Your symptoms can also be caused by other upper GI diseases - such as GERD, an ulcer, or inflammation of the upper digestive tract.  An upper endoscopy or upper GI series can be considered to evaluate these possibilities.  

Although possible, I am not aware of specific cardiac side effects from the procedure.  Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction is a relatively rare occurance - and can lead to continued symptoms post-op.

The risks of not having the surgery include continued pain and discomfort, as well as the possibility of infection and inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis).  

These options and questions should be discussed with your personal physician.

Followup with your personal physician is essential.

This answer is not intended as and does not substitute for medical advice - the information presented is for patient education only. Please see your personal physician for further evaluation of your individual case.

Kevin, M.D.
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I'm a surgeon who's done around a thousand gallbladder operations. There's no asssociation between gallbladder removal and heart problems; people with heart problems can have trouble with any operation.

Gallbladder removal requires no reattachments of bile duct or liver. The gallbladder is a pouch connected to the bile duct, like a ballon connected to the side of a hose. Remove the ballon, the hose remains intact.

Most people have no side effects whatever after gallbladder removal; the gallbladder stores bile, but since we eat regularly, we don't need storage. I think the gallbladder was designed for the days when people starved for days between killing their next meal: when you starve, your gallbladder gets quite full.

Sphincter of oddi dysfunction is somewhat mysterious. It's hard to diagnose, but not hard to treat when it's sure that's what the problem is.

Not all people with gallstones have symptoms, and some people with gallstones have stomach problems that turn out not to be related to the stones. People with stones and no symptoms are mostly ok leaving the gallbladder alone, but many will get symptoms later, and when they do they can have surgery. People who are having symptoms and who don't have surgery have a higher chance of getting more severe problems than people who have stones with no symptoms. In other words, various things can happen with gallstones: 1) nothing; 2) intermittant pain, nausea, etc, that goes away in a few minutes or hours; 3) infection of the gallbladder; 4) passing a stone from the gallbladder to the bile duct which can either a) cause lots of pain but pass without problems; b) get stuck causing jaundice, or severe infection in the bile and then the bloodstream; and/or c) cause pancreatitis. There's no way to predict who will get what -- except to say that it's somewhat uncommon to go from zero symptoms to severe complications without a period of having some symptoms first. It's a crystal ball thing, but most doctors agree that people with symptoms are better off having surgery. It's also true that if diabetics get gallbladder infections, they tend to be more severe than in non-diabetics, which is a reason some doctors recommend gallbladder surgery in diabetics even if they don't have symptoms.
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I have had my gallbladder out 1 mnth ago. Of course I was nervous going into the operation I think that that is only natural. I had the Key hole surgory and it was fine. Just like a walk in the park. up and walking around that night.

the surgon who answered your question is right - sometimes the symptoms you are having point towards the gallbladder but when you get it out you still have the same symptoms (this happened to me) guess I was unlucky to have to similar problems but the awfull pain from a gallstone attack I have not had since and I am glad I went and got it done.

as to the complications after the surgry. Cant say I have any. Maybe not digesting fats as well as I did. My wife had hers out more then 5 years ago and she does not have any problems just the odd trip to the tolet every now and then.

as to the increased risk for heart desease I think this is more so to the amount of colestorol in your systom. It would be the same if you had it in or out. raise your HDL by not smoking - exercise and staying away from processed foods as much as you can. Also eat your fiber like bran in the morning as this will soak up the colestrol the liver has processed so it wont go back into the system.

Best of luck (the op is not a problem you will do well)

God Bless

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Sorry to distract everyone from the original posting, but are there any travel restrictions post gall bladder surgery? I live in the US and my mom in India is planning to have her surgery done in the next 1-2 weeks..her ticket to US is booked for May 25th - wondering if its ok for her to travel after say 2 weeks rest. Or is it better that she comes here first and goes back (return trip July 5th), and then gets the surgery done?
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I am a 34 year old female, 5'4" 150LBS so a little over weight.
I started seeking medical attention for what I thought was heart related issues, my family has a long history of heart problems but those who have had problems have all smoked, I do not smoke or drink and for the most part eat very healthy and up until about 2 years ago exercised on a regular basis. Until a few years ago when I started having trouble while exercising, I started having trouble catching my breath, yawning constantly while working out and actually passed out twice while doing some low impact cardio exercises (stair stepper the first time and ski machine the second time) I was placed on Lisinopril for a slightly elevated blood pressure. Since then, I have not been exercising like I used to, I would try but just feel too exhausted and frankly, a little afraid after passing out twice. So, over the past few years, with the lack of exercise I have put on about 20 LBS, my normal weight is about 125/ 130LBS.  About maybe a year ago I started having bouts of crushing pains that left me struggling to breath and with my pulse racing. The pain seems to be worse when I am sitting or lying down, I would feel extremely bloated, as if my organs were being crushed in my chest and abdomen. This feeling would come on suddenly and after what seemed like forever but was probably only about 15 minutes or so it would go away just as suddenly. Some times this feeling is worse than others, on occasion feeling like I have heard heart attacks described sometimes just feeling bloated and causing pain that seems to be in the bottom of my ribcage.

I have recently been through a ton of testing, including
Blood/urine tests (all normal)
EKG(all well there),
x-rays (all good),
ultrasound of the gallbladder and pancreas(also fine),
ct scan with and without contrast( showed a thickening of the stomach lining,
had an EGD (Have a hiatal hernia everything else including biopsies were normal there Doc saw no thickening) so I have been taking Nexium which relieved some of the acid reflux which wasn
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To the last question, I have been having problems for over 2 years now.  Test after test, them kept saying it was  IBS, and maybe I had a bad gallbladder, all the test came up normal.  I couldnt eat, I live on protein shakes and cream of wheat, I would bloat so much that I could hardly breath.  Finally I went to see a surgeon, because I couldnt eat anything with out having several bloating, fullness I felt like I could feel food in my throat, nausea, and back pain.  Again the test came back normal.  2.5 weeks ago they took my gallbladder out inflammed and diseased.  No stones though.. I feel 110% better, still re-cooping.  Hope this helps somewhat.
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I have been having problems with digesting my food for about 6 months.I started just having bloating after a meal,then it turned into severe pain in my back.I had to go to the emergency room one night,scared to death that I was having a heart attack.I had the arm pain,the chest pain and was having trouble breathing.I think alot of times that anxiety of the unknown can make you have the typical heart attack symptoms.Anxiety attacks can come on quick when you are hurting and don't know why. In the E.R. they did the ultersound and said that my gallbladder was still constricted and and should'nt be after 5 hours without eating.They referred me to my general doctor that set me up for the test where the dye is run throught you.THAT HURT ! I am not good with needles at all. My gallbladder is hardly functioning at all.MY surgery is set up for next week and I am scared to death.I have never had any surgery of any kind so I am really scared.
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I can sympathize, my surgery is set for Monday a.m.
Just so many things go through your mind. My gallbladder is only functioning at 8% and I have experienced the exact symptoms you have described.  I will send out a post when I feel well enough to come back to the pc after surgery and tell you how it all went. Sorry you are dealing with this also, it is a horrible feeling.
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im only 17 years old and i have 3 large gallstones one is stuck which is causing my pain... the first time i have an "attack" it was late in the night and my mum had to call out for a doctor to come to our home and he said it was gasto   hahaha!

if i were to rate my pain on a scale of 1 to 10 i would say 11 the pain only ever happens of a night... when im trying to sleep... and its soo bad i have to take something to relax my whole body because i cant do anything... i let this go on for around 9 months before i went to the docs... i have an appointment to see a surgeon on the 4th of may and im so scared i have never even broken an arm and im so scared to even go and see him because of what he might say... and from what i have read on the net everyone who has had their gallbladder removed is always dashing to the toilet... and are still having problems... i will know more after i see the surgeon... but because i have a stone stuck he will remove my gallbladder... does anyone else know anyone my age who has had gallstones?
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Hello... Just wanted to post a comment and to assure natalie17 that what your going thru (anxiety and nervewrecked) is perfectly fine, but I knew of this one girl, 9 years of age going thru Gall Bladder removal around the same time I was having mine and she got through it w/o any problems... I am a 26 YO Male, who just gone thru Laparoscopic Choloecystectomy last February 11. It's been a very difficult 2 month for me as after I had my Gall Bladder removed. I found out that not all stones were taken cared-off. Good thing, my surgeon had the foresight to leave a tube (T-tube attached to my CBD) to deal with such complications as some gallstones were discovered in my CBD during the surgery. I had to go thru over a total of 7 weeks with it as he needed to dilate the tube diameter to a considerable size to accomodate the tools to help "fish-out" the stone. Dilating the tube went on over 3 weeks and I'd have to go thru several trips to the hospital a week and thru unconcivable pain as after the 2nd dilation, the doctor decided to try "fishing-out" the stone. During the 3rd Dilation, doc told me he could've might as well crushed the stone as he was doing the procedure - much to my discomfort. After the final Dilation, the final procedure was done - and thank God the little stinker is no longer there! Like I said its been really difficult for me - considering I've never gone thru any procedure in my life. Right now, I'm back at work - and the only thing I'm complaning are some difficult times when I visit the toilet. I've tried loading up on a High Fiber Diet, its helps a little. I've heard all the stories about how you get to visit the john often after you have your gall bladder removed, but I've never experienced that. Another thing is that, I know everyone experienced some pain around the incision area - my question is, when is this supposed to go away? I know I'm like getting paranoid but everyone says about 3 months after surgery the tenderness, numbness will be gone. I just want to ask ya'll, what was the longest anyone lasted with these? Thanks and hope everyone's gonna be fine.
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Just wanted to update.
Had the lap col done yesterday morning. Doc said everything went well, "everything went perfectly, only lost maybe a drop of blood" is what his exact words were. The incisions are tiny although there is quite a bit of swelling/bloating, there is no pain at the incision sites, all closed with steristrips. (I would share a pic but I do not see how to on the site)
One day and one night later and I am still feeling quite a bit of pain about 2" or so out from my belly button all around it, some pain in my right side that rounds into my back, walking/standing helps alot. Still have not had a bm but am passing gas,  I tend to think that having a bm would relieve a lot of the pain. Doc prescribed vicodin, it does its job, eases the pain pretty well for about 4 hours. All and all the whole thing went well.  This is my third surgery, the other two were unrelated to stomach issues (female issues) and this one by far was the most painful but nothing that can not be controled with a script. I was up and walking in less than an hour and had a bowl of jello about 30 min after surgery. And did fine with dinner that night 3 hours after surgery ( turkey, white bread, mashed pot and gravy, mixed veggies, pumkin cake and a sprite). My next update will be to let you know if having my gallbladder removed fixed my problems.
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I just had my gallbladder taken out five days ago.  Everything went well and I feel fine except my throat.  I was wondering if anyone experienced the same thing.  It feels like it is cut and it is so swollen I can't hardly swollow.  There are bruises on the back of my throat.  Salt burns my throat up and it hurts to eat or drink.
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I had the same thing, maybe not as bad as you but it was sore, I just assumed it was from them sticking the breathing tube down my throat?  My lip was also busted when I woke up. HA.. BTW I am doing great, so far bloating has gone down a bit and have started having fairly normal bowel movements. Still having a bit of trouble standing up from sitting or lying position but otherwise fine.  Oh, I had a strange reaction to the steri strips, there are blisters under them??  ANyone experience that? Really nasty looking.
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I did not have galstones...but my gallbladder was only working at 11%.  They removed it almost 2 weeks ago.  I was doing fine, now the last two days have had nausea.  Only nausea...not the flu, or anything like that.  

Could this be from the surgery?  I am wondering if I am going to have to deal with this my whole life, or if this will ever go away?!
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hey, i went to see my surgeon and he said that i had to have my gallbladder out... i had no other option... i didnt like him explaining all the risk that can happen during the surgery... i kinda just wanted to tune out lol... and can anyone tell me how long their surgery took when they had their gallbladder out by Laparoscopic surgery...
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I had my gallbladder removed when I was 22. The pain was very severe. I had just had my baby and then I started having really bad stomach pains. I decided to take it out..and it has now been 8 years since the surgery.

I can say that I have never again had any pains like I used to feel, but I do have issues with going to the toilet at odd times.

This happens if you eat something heavy in the AM...high in grease. Try to eat fiber in the AM..and avoid coffee.

If you eat light, then this usually does not happen,, but if I eat something that is heavy such as grease...meat...etc...then this will happen and you do have this problem.

Other than that, I haven't noticed anything else. I am having other type of symptoms now like. 1. Very weak and tired, 2. Insomnia but I can't say that it is related to the gallbladder removal, at least that is what I am trying to find out. I am trying to find out if I have high cholesterol or maybe thyroid disease, but I don't think they are connected. I am going to go to the doctor and have myself checked out and I will keep you posted. Good luck to everyone having this surgery.

The actual surgery was not bad at all. I had mine done on a Thursday and was back at work on Monday.

Good luck!
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had surgery 2/24/06  went from keyhole to open because stones had traveled. The were found in the bile duct and they serched out the bilary tree.  be sure you have a surgeon that does the dye before and after to make sure everything is flowing right. my surgeon was very thorough and the surgery lasted 6 hrs.... my liver area is still sore, the covering to the liver is enriched with nerve endings and they had my liver retracted for 5 hrs  otherwise i eat anything i want and do not have any problems at all!!!! no indegestion and no rushed bthroom trips, everything is normal, just like before surgery except i am still experiencing sorenss if I cramp my liver up by too much sitting etc.  i tried to go back to my exercise class and i can do the aerobics but still cant do the floor exercises because my "liver gets sore".   it wasnt too bad but I never want to go back   5 days in the hospital with not so caring staff cured me
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I got my gall bladder removed 5 months ago due to several attacks. The constipation occured during 2 first weeks. the procedure itself took 45 minutes.The revovery time in hospital was 5 hours. I tool only 2 pain killer after the surgery!!!But I was extremely tired for the 3 first weeks. If you have any question do not hesitate to post a question.
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Your nausea can be related to your gall bladder removal.Try to avoid heavy meal. It will help alot.But if you have ever  experienced nausea before at this time of the year it can be related to allergy!I had mine removed 5 months ago and I am having nausea since two weeks ago.First I thought it is due to the gall badder removal but then i found out that is due to allery that I have at this time of the season.
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I had my gallbladder removed (laproscopic (sp?)) several years ago.  My experience:

There was NO pain whatsuever.  I went right back to work the very next week ... and I had a job where I had to move around a lot.  Actually, I remember telling a co-worker that the most pain I had experienced was when I removed the bandage that had stuck to my skin!  There was no tenderness - - not even from day one.  The incisions healed very quickly.

Now, as to the bowel problems and weight gain issues ... WHEW!  I have never visited the bathroom so much inmy life!  To this day ... 6 years later, I have to RUN RUN RUN to the bathroom with diarhhea every morning immediately after I take my first sip/bite of anything ... water, tea, toast, it don't matter: it comes out faster than it went in!  My stomach cramps severely whenever I eat or drink anything.  This continues until about 3 or 4 o'clock in the afternoon ... at which time I am free to eat or drink whatever I like (which is good, because I can pour down some spicy stuff!)  In the evenings, I seem to have a cast iron stomach!  Weird, huh???

I have been gaining weight since I had the surgery.  I am now at somewhere around 230-240.  What's really strange is that because of the diarrhea, I hardly eat a thing.  My stomach has shrunk to the point where a kids burger fills me to the point where I feel like I will explode.  I hardly consume any calories every day... but I am blowing up like a whale!  I have never been able to get a doctor to listen to me ... I don't think they believe I hardly eat, even when my husband tells them!  I have gotten to where I have no energy whatsoever and do not even feel like taking a short walk, much less excercise!  I started out a size 10 at surgery, now I am a 20!  

Some people may not think this gallbladder surgery is to blame, but through the years I haved met several women who have had the same exact problems as me.  Both the diarrhea and the wieght.  To be exact, I personaly know four other women who had the surgery, and three of them are just like me.  Coincidence?  Maybe, but I don't think so.  I just wish I could get a doctor to listen/help!

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I wanted to direct my comment to you since you have had the same symptoms as I had. I recently had Gallbladder surgery (5 days ago) and I am curious as to when you started noticing the difference with your eating habits. I was just like you, in that I could only eat shakes, etc. because of extreme bloating and sense of fullness. I know that it has only been recent since my surgery but after just eating I am still having extreme bloating and back pain. I was curious as to if this was related to the 'healing' of the surgery of if I am in for the same situations as before the surgery.

Thank you so much for your attention!

~ Tzadia

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I am about to have my gall bladder remove on Monday 29/05/2006. I have heard that after the operation one can expect to loose weight. Is that true?
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I had my gall bladder taken out 4 months ago, I havd been suffering from gallstones for over 20 years and it finally took its toll.  One month prior to surgery I devolped what feels like a golf ball in my lower left abdomen by the hip, in the mornings it is not that noticeable but as the day goes on it seems to get bigger and bigger, the doctor has insisted that this is from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, however, I don't believe this.  I still have excessive bloating all the time, I cannot eat full meals anymore because of the bloating, I either have constipation or diarrhea.  Has anyone ever experienced this and if so what is it.  I have not yet gone back to the doctor as I took a very bad fall after the gall bladder removal and broke my kneecap and recovery is slow due to the severe break.  Any ideas would be appreciated.
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I am due to have my gallbladder removed in a month, due to very severe attacks which are becoming much more frequent as time goes on. I have since found out that i am pregnant, does anyone no if it is still ok to have the keyhole surgery. I have an appointment with my specialist to discuss it with him next week, but any info in the meantime would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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