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Gallbladder surgery

I had a laparoscopic cholecystectomy in 7/2005 because of gallstones. I had severe pain. The surgery did not go well, the doctor said I had alot of scar tissue and it was the worse gallbaldder surgery he had ever done. I spent 3 days in the hospital.

About 1 1/2 months later I began to get the same pain that I had before the surgery. I went to the doctor and had several test done. Bloodwork, ultrasound, ERCP, MRI, CT Scan. I found out that the doctor left part of my gallbladder with a stone in it.

In 1/2006 I had to have open surgery with a cut from my breast to my belly button.

My question  - is it common for a doctor to leave part of the gallbladder in? If so what would be the reason for this?

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So I had my Gallblatter out in April of 2003 due to two stones and a major infection in the gallblatter. Now 3 years later I have developed almost the same symptoms. They started in july of this year and this past thursday underwent an ercp after three ultrasounds and mri's showed nothing. The first initial report said that I had sedement build up in my bile duct. I have yet to speak to my surgeon since about the full extent of the procedure and what was found, but I want to know if this is a regular occurance and why people are not informed of this prior to having the gallblatter removed. I havent been in this much pain since. It's horrible. I've lived off of a diet of percocets and morphine. This is not a good thing that's happening.
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A related discussion, Gallbladder surgery was started.
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A related discussion, qall blatter was started.
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i had gallbladder surgery that consit of the 4 small scars about 3 weeks ago iam still having nausea and a burning in my stomic followed by alot of burping my lab work came back normal so they dont want to send me to a GI specialist my doctor keeps perscribing  me reglan which i cant stand because it makes me feel awful and she told me some people take longer to recover is this true, does any one know what can cause thease symptoms i just want to feel normal again.
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Hi everyone,
I had my gallbladder removed October, 2006. Maybe the first couple weeks after surgery were good but by November, December oh boy it hit the fan. I went to the emergency room twice since and have had blood work, urinalysis, ct scan, you name it and nothing. I feel very miserable. sometimes it feels like I still have my gallbladder. the pressure on the right side, in the rib cage area sometimes I even feel nauseas after eating. does anyone else have these after surgery symptoms and is there any advice anyone can give me to help me get over this. I am not going to be taking pain medicine all my life
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Hi everyone,
I had my gallbladder removed October, 2005. Maybe the first couple weeks after surgery were good but by November, December oh boy it hit the fan. I went to the emergency room twice since and have had blood work, urinalysis, ct scan, you name it and nothing. I feel very miserable. sometimes it feels like I still have my gallbladder. the pressure on the right side, in the rib cage area sometimes I even feel nauseas after eating. does anyone else have these after surgery symptoms and is there any advice anyone can give me to help me get over this. I am not going to be taking pain medicine all my life
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Well I see I am not alone.. I had my gallblatter remmoved 2 years ago.. I have had the same pain since I came out of surgery..They just pumped up the morphine... I kept asking the doctor when it would go away and she kept telling me it takes time.. Well here I am 2 years later and still in pain.She is so tired of seeing me and the same goes for me.. It is like someone is pinching me and wont let go.. I have also had all the tests ...some several times.. Nothing shows up.. So I asked to see my results and I took them home and looked them over.. come to find out there are several surgucial clips in me.. I am allergic to everything.. I have trouble wearing earrings.. Now they are telling me this is common..Can anyone tell me if this is common procedure to leave in the clips???? I am scheduled for another unlta sound.. grrrrrrrrrrrrr.. I am almost positive that they need to take these clips out.. I cant wear anything across my stomach.. which has blown up so I look like Im ready to deliver any minute...I have to wear a bra 5 times too big so it doesn't cause pressure.. I also cant eat much or the pain is severe.. I ended up in the hospital once and they sent me home with strong pain pills without doing anything because all my other test didnt show anything.. I was in shock...Now they have strengthened my pain pills..Like everyone else says I just want to feel human again..I hate to think I will have to suffer this pain the rest of my life.or until ,y liver gives out from all the meds... Thanks for listening...
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I didn't have gall stones.  I had an enlarged gall bladder filled with fluid.  Very sick and a ton of pain.  the HIDA scan was normal.  The ultrasound and CAT scan were extremely abnormal.  The gallbladder came out on 4/21/2006.  Its been three weeks.  I am still exhausted, I feel like I am retaining fluid.  Its just the bloated feeling.  The jeans feel tight!  I am eating a clean diet.  No processed foods and very little fat.  Can't drink alcohol because the liver enzymes were out of wack.  They are just now getting back to normal.  Nobody knows what the cause of this was.
Never had a gallbladder issue.  Has anyone heard of this.  After surgery I noticed the joints in my left hand started to swell.
I just want to get back to normal.They say it must be a viral infection that has to run its course.
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I have been diagnosed with gallbladder disease.  I'm scheduled for surgery, but am also trying to do a flush with herbs:Gall Bladder Formula, Hydrangea and a few other things.  I've been doing some research and have come to a point of not really knowing which way to go.  I have 4 days to make the final decision.  I have 1 large stone that is mobile.  I have been having pain, but no infections or blocks.  Evidently the Dr. suspects I've been having other symptoms for years.  I'm getting 50% testimonies for the surgery and that it is the best thing they have done. 50% that it is the worst thing they have done. Please I would like to hear more from those of you that have been there.  Thanks!
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I had been sick for six months before I had my gallbladder removed.  The doctors kept telling me I was fine, just had a viral infection.  So eventually I was diagnosed with gallbladder problems, my gallbladder wasn't contracting.  So about a year and a half ago I had it removed.  Then shortly after surgery I start having a lot of stomach problems.  Mainly on my left side, extremely sharp pains that make me curl up on the floor.  I have had a million tests done and nothing has came out of it.  I also have gained 20lbs since my surgery.  I was about 130lbs and now 150lbs.  I look like I could be pregnant just bulging of my stomach.  Sometimes a little bit and sometimes I look very big.  I am in the military so I work out regularly and eat right but I just continue to gain weight.  Since my doctors can't find anything thru tests they just think I am crazy.  Please does anyone have any advice to help me out
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i honestly think you should get checked out some of the symptoms that you mentioned are some that i had and i just had my gallbladder removed.
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i had laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgery to remove my gallbladder on friday 3/24 and i have had shortness of breath a slight fever and a blue tint to my legs and i have also had blurred vision has anyone else had any of these symptoms after surgury.
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Hoping someone can help me here.  Been sick for about 5 days.  Started with chills, headache, muscle aches and turned to throwing up and diareha.  After 2 days in and out of bed, I have no apitite and what I do eat comes through in diareha form (sp?).
A few weeks back I did have sharp quick pains in the rib area, wasn't sure what and never felt before.  I just got off the pot again with "D".  Is this possible gallblader symtoms?  I've also been doing alot of burping and threw up twice in the last 5 days.  What would someone recommend.  I don't like what I've rad above form having it removed...

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i had gallbladder surgery one week ago. and im just concern about how the incisions are supose to look. 2 out of the 4 incisons are scabbing but 2 are kind of open looking still. is this normal? when will they close.
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I had my gallbladder out laproscopically in May of 2005. The pain in the shoulders that most of you describe comes from the gas they pump in you stomach...that is how is gets out of your body through your skin and it is rather uncomfortable. That is also why your doctor should have told you to WALK a couple of times a day right after your surgery so that you can work the gas out of your system.

  I had my gallbladder removed for a reason entirely other than Gall Stones..My gallbladder was not contracting properly and it took over a year for anyone to listen to me about the discomfort I was in and how everything I ate bloated me up to a painfill balloon and I would spend my nights with a heating pad plastered to my right lower rib cage and I chewed Maylanta Gas like it was going out of style. Finally, I switched my doctor and she did the HIDA scan to rule out the gallbladder as a problem - she is still convinced that I have IBS but at least they took the dang thing out.

My problem was with the incisions and scar tissue after the surgery.  I have insatiable hunger and yes...I have gained weight. I did not have these hunger pains that come on so strong I feel like I will pass out if I don't get food in me and soon before I had the gall bladder out...does anyone else experience these? I tried cutting back on the amount of food I was taking in and wound up in the hospital for mal-nutrition and dehydration and let me tell you -   I WAS Eating and this still happened.

Alot you describe discomfort, like constipation that come from the pain medications you are taking..Any narcotic blocks you up like rush hour traffic in NYC. The doctor should have warned you about this and advise you to take a mild stool softner while you were on the pain meds.

Another thing is that once the gall bladder is removed you will have difficulty digesting foods HIGH in FATS. So, think about what you are eating...if you just had a BIG hamburger with mash potatoes and gravy then you will probably have have a bout of diaherra very quickly after that meal. Try to minimize your intact of FRIED and heavy foods. I don't seem to have too bad a problem with this but I can tell you that Auntie Annies' pretzel stix are not a good idea.

  Anyone who has servere abdominal bloating with exterme weight gain should see their doctor immediately. My grandfather has a bad heart and he went off his directics cause they made him pee too much and he wound up retaining a dangerous amount of fluid and caused his heart to go into de-fib. He looked at least 8 mths pregnant. Are your ankles swollen too? that is another sign that you are retaining fluid.

A condition called perionsintous (something like that) can occur after abdominal surgery and that is an infection in your gasteronintestional lining - I looked this up on the web and that is why the details are fuzzy. The systems can sound like the ones mentioned above.

I just found out that there is a syndrome out there for post-gall bladder removal surgery survivors and it refers to 90% of most of your discomforts. It is called post-cholestectomy (that word for gallbladder) syndrome. Look it up....it may help relieve some of your concerns that your doctors think you are crazy.

I have the most trouble excercising since the surgery. It has been a year almost now and my stamina is nil and I hurt for days after I try to do sit ups. Does anyone out there have this problem? Man, they should form self-help groups for the Gallbladder free...
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i recently had my gallbladder out 1 week ago this coming Wednesday.  It was done laproscopically.  i was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this symptom?  I have a weight gain of 20lbs since my surgery!!  I have no real syptoms.  I still have a tiny bit of discomfort-nothing that even requires pain meds at all.  I do not have a post appt until Thursday but I am not sure if this normal.

Any input at all will be helpful
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Maybe since your 3 weeks out & I'm two weeks out from gall bladder surgery...we're just having "surgical complications" that are taking a toll.  I have to hope they will calm down soon.  Heck people used to be hospitalized for two weeks with that & then have another couple months to totally heal.  It may take 6-8 weeks for our bodies to recover from the invasive shock of the surgery itself.  Your not alone.  Our stories are identical (I was already on an antidepressant going in) up to the CAT Scan.  I'm not ready to deal with any more of those Dr's acting like I'm nuts & I don't want their damn tests.  I just want to recover.  Apparently it's going to take longer than I thought.  Please write again so I can know what they find in your CAT Scan & just to compare "stages of recovery" notes.  I thought I WAS nuts until I read your entry.  My God...there's tons of us.  And yes... why didn't they tell us what the trade off was?  Did they just start yanking out body parts to shut us up from our prior complaints?  Short sided view if it makes matters worse...
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First Bloat41.  I took Elavil a number of years ago for depression.  It made me gain weight like crazy.  I compared notes with a number of people & found they all experienced the gain.  It may not be all of your problem..but it isn't helping.  Try Lexapro for a while or ask your DR for something where weight gain isn't a side effect.

Second.  I had gallbladder removal surgery 2.5 weeks ago.  I'm having severe pains (can't take a deep breath when it's happening) after I eat always.. and if I sleep on my right side.  It's in my right rib area mid way & many times penetrates into my back.  About now I'm wondering why I had the damn surgery.  I'm about ready to cry.  I took two weeks off & today was my first day back at work.  I came home feeling terrible & then the pains started.  I'm so frustrated.  Then to make matters worse, during surgery they screwed up my IV causing the fluid to kick back into my right hand/arm.  Now I'm left with at least two clots.  One in my hand & one in my wrist.  The top of my right hand into my wrist & forearm are swollen & oh so tender.  Anyone have any helpful ideas for any of this.  Everyone said the lapro surgery "was so much easier" than the old way.  I honestly can't imagine that right now.  Thanks for listening.
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I am sorry to hear that you have had all these problems.  I had GB surgery 3 weeks ago and I am having lots of bloating, fullnes, lower rt rib pain, rt side pain at sight of gb removal.  the destintion makes me look 6 months pregnant.  i also have constipation.  None of these symptoms were present prior to surgery and now I had to go for a ct scan.  I want to know if this is common and if not what other steps i should take since my surgeon looks at me like I am crazy and my gp states that a lot of people have these syptoms.  Well I'm sorry I havent found a lot of people.  I have been on fortamet for glucose intolerant for 3 months and elavil for over a year.  my liver enzymes are elevated.  This is driving my nuts.  I wonder sometimes if it is stress that causes all of these problems and we should just give up or continue to find a physician that will listen to us that we know our bodies and what is not normal. I know this doesnt help but maybe you will take comfort in that you are not alone.
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How long does a doctor have to dictate your records from surgery? My opperative report is not available from 7/1/05.
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If anyone has had this happen, please let me know.
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Hi, this sounds like he did not want to cut your main bile duct (perhaps he could not see well due to the inflammation and scar tissue), so he left half of it in there to avoid ....killing you maybe?!?!? I definately think this needs further investigation. Good Luck
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233190 tn?1278549801
It is difficult to say without examining the records - also, I am not a surgeon, so my experience with this question is going to be limited.

The surgical procedure would depend on the amount of scar tissue, as well as the anatomy of the stone and gallbladder.  There may be situations where part of the gallbladder would have to be left in.

Another condition to consider would be Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction.  This can lead to some of the symptoms you are describing.  A Sphincter of Oddi manometry done during an ERCP can be considered to evaluate this condition.

This option can be discussed with your personal physician.

Followup with your personal physician is essential.

This answer is not intended as and does not substitute for medical advice - the information presented is for patient education only. Please see your personal physician for further evaluation of your individual case.

Kevin, M.D.
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