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Gas/Bloat Syndrome

Hello I was diagnosed with gas/bloat syndrome s/p nissen Fundoplication two years ago. My abdomen distention was comparable to a ninth month pregnancy, Doctors were amazed. September 29th I had the surgery taken down. Since the take down my symptoms are less severe and less frequent. I tend to distend to a sixth month size now and it happens every week and a half to two instead of daily. I also have been told I have colonic inertia to chronic pseudo-obstruction. I take 3-4 ducolax and 17gr. of miralax nightly. I have a movement daily but after a week and a half I distend. On xray the large and small bowel has some stool and gas throughout but basically unremarkable while I am extremely distended. I take cytotec 200mcg four tabs at hs when this happens along with my regular meds to get releif. It seems as if I have to have diarrhea daily be very cleaned out in order to avoid this bloating. My Doctor wants me to cut back on the laxatives and stopped the cytotec a month or so ago. I only take it now when I need relief from the distention. I do distend somewhat nightly, but tollerable. When I distend very large I have pressure in the rectum and low back pain and even breathing tends to be slightly labored. My meds are also propulsid 20mg four times a day, prilosec 20mg twice a day. I do have reflux back with mainly throat symptoms since the Nissen take down. Have you ever heard of Gas/ bloat syndrome? Can diet help? If so what kind. I need help . My doctor says there are no answers for this. It is rare and not much treatment. Is there any information on this or support groups for this. I really want information on what I can try to help me. Please help with any insight on this you can and any direction you can give me. Thankyou ever so much
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I get really bad gas and bloating about 2 weeks before I menstrate and it continues until i do.  It is so uncomfortable and nothing seems to - at least over the counter medication does not.  is there anything i can do to reduce this - dietary wise or prescriptions - anything!?  im sick of feeling so miserable for two weeks out of the month.
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i had a beign polyp removed from my uterus on the 7th of jan.  the next am i woke up with a fever of 102 and my gyn dr called in cipro.  friday am i woke up with my stomach swollen until i look nine months pregnant.  the gyn dr said it had nothing to do with my surgery.  my pcp sent me to a gastro specialist.  i have had a ct scan, upper gi and scheduled for lower gi next week.  they have found nothing.  he said as a shot in the dark he prescribed flagyl thinking that the cipro might have caused an adverse reaction.  it doesn't matter what  i eat or how much my stomach is so swollen i am miserable.  my esophagus has spasms and i am on prevacid and imdur.  does anyone have any suggestions?
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Can anyone help us?  I have a swollen belly, constant gas, severe bloating after eating.  It's miserable.  Should I see a  doctor, try the charcoal, or just continue to suffer?  My e-mail address is ***@****.
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Hi I am a 33 year old female mother of two. I have chronic pancreatitis. I have been in and out of the hospital now for about 2 years. I had to have a port put in my chest due to having so many iv's. My problem now is my stomach stays swollen like I am 6 months pregeant all the time. It gets really bad when I stand on my feet. When I had my last cat scan done. My doctor told me that my tissues and  intesetines were 4 times bigger then they should be. I was put on one more time a bunch of meds. We live in a very small town. My doctor seems not to worried about my swelling . However I cannot stand on my feet without feeling like I can not breath right. My heart rate stays about 120 and blood pressure stays low around 90/60 . If anyone can help please  let me know. I am so deppresed with all of this. I cannot even have a normal life. Thank you Michelle
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How glad I am to have found this site. Perhaps this posting will begin to help me find a solution(s) for what ails me. I too was told by several doctors that I tend to swallow air. I have no idea when I am swallowing the air. Lactose intolerance is also a problem. Milk and milk products wreak havoc with my system. I also suffer from constipation and chronic halitosis  More often than not, I cannot smell my breath, but judging from the reactions of those around me, I believe my halitosis to be extremely offensive. You can imagine how stressful this condition is for me professionally and personally. It is, at times, almost debillitating. My stomach, as I compose this posting, resembles that of a woman at least six months pregnant.
Several postings mentioned the benefits of charcoal tablets.  I will investigate those further. At this point I am so frustrated. I have poured good money after bad going from dentists, to allergists, to endocrinologists to so-called bad breath specialists looking for answers to no avail. Please, please, please is there anyone out there who has found answers they are willing to share with me? I AM ATTEMPTING TO GET ON WITH MY LIFE.

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For as long as I can remember, I have had constant gas. It is very uncomfortable and it causes much stress.  I am not constipated; I actually have a BM twice a day.  I eat a lot of sugar and fatty foods...this could be the cause. Is there something that I can take?  I also have a feeling that I need to burp, but it never comes.  Is this related? It's all uncomfortable.
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