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Hi,I have posted here in the past and appreciate you service its
been a great help.I have had ideopathic gastroparesis for over
2 yrs now and have progressivly lost aprox 20lbs.My weight now
is 100-104 flux. Every time I get sick it drops and after some time it will get back to 104.I can not seem to progress beyond this status. I have been on disability since 11/99.
My doctor said if I dont see improvement in June,
when I was going to return to work,he will just continue the
disability.I feel weak most of the time and have been having
episodes of hypoglycemia due to what I eat or if Im not able
to eat enough.This is getting very upsetting for me.

*If I dont see any improvement do I just have to
"get by" like this?How long do I wait...........

*I am very concerned about the long term effect
of staying at my current weight and minimal activity level.
Is it harmfull to my body?

*Any suggestions as to what might be a "benificial next step"
would be greatly appreciated.I feel like I need to do something,
I cant stand watching my life go by..........

Thank you for your time!
99 Responses
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Now I have a question for all of you. I have had severe problems the past few months keeping any food down (I've had very severe regurgitation).  My doctor
checked for blockages last time I was in the hospital, as well as other problems.  Basically, what he discovered was an excessive amount of acid in my stomach...
no suprise.  He also did the gastric emptying test which, of course, came back positive as it always has.  There was not much change except a slight decrease in my
emptying speed (2-3%) which he was not all that concerned about.  He started me back on nutritional support (TPN)and I began taking Prilosec.  I've heard all these
great things about Prilosec, but haven't had much success myself with it.  It has been helpful in that now when I regurgitate it is usually just undigested food
and not as acidic as it was in the past.  My food usually comes back up after around an hour after I have eaten it and lasts up to six or twelve hours later. It doesn't
seem to be affected at all by what I eat...everything I eat comes back up.  It is like vomiting, only it's not.  It's that amount though.  Depending on how delayed it is,
it will come back up in the form of bile.  I am on 20mg of Prilsec twice a day.  Even on this dosage (which my doctor will not increase) I am still losing everything I eat.
Five weeks ago I took some medication for diarrhea (which is caused by the TPN...I've never had problems before) and it made me sick, so I only took it that once.  I know it
was five weeks ago.  Twice this week when I have regurgitated my food back up, large remains of that medication have been in it.  It's really disgusting.  I KNOW without a
doubt that it is that medication because nothing else would look like that.  It has not dissolved or digested in all that time.  It really made me nervous.  I am going to talk
to my doctor at Hershey Med about this, but I doubt he'll have any answers for me.  He's scoped everything he can think of out.  He's thinking about sending me down to Johns
Hopkins for another opinion.  My questions are:

Is it possible that the Prilosec would not do the trick for me?  Why would everything (even six hours later) be undigested food and not acidic if my problem is acid reflux?
Also, if it's acid reflux, why would the Prilosec not help much?

Second of all...why would this medication sit in my stomach for five weeks without being dissolved or digested.  Is that possible?  I KNOW it was that medication, and I know
my stomach is slow, but that's ridiculous.  

Also, why would this regurgitation problem just show up five months ago when I have had gastroparesis for six years, and my gastric emptying has not changed much?

Oh yeah...besides the Prilosec, I am also taking Domperidone and Tenormin (for prolonged QT...a heart complication).

Please help me if you have any ideas.  I will talk to my doc about it, but I don't think he will have any new ideas either. My e-mail is: ***@****
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I posted this reply under another question but received no answers.  Can someone please help me?  Since I posted the reply, I have tried to eat and ended up so sick that I do not want to eat again.
"Hi, everyone! Sorry that you are all having these health problems. I do know what it is about.
What is gastroparesis and how is it diagnosed?
Here is my story. Started in January with the Flu which went to Bronchitis then Asthma. Next I had menstrual bleeding and a kidney stone at the same time which required a D & C and Cystoscopy/Ureterscopy (also at the same time). Came home from the hospital to find my dog sick (he was old), he collapsed outside and I picked him up to carry him in the house (did not want him to die out in the cold by himself) which was not a good idea because I popped a ventral hernia repair. I went to the doctor about the hernia and because I had diarrhea and nausea and vomiting since I had gotten the Flu.
Doc said he had to do a test and it turned out I had Pseudo Membranous Colitis. This came from taking antibiotics but the treatment is more antibiotics. Was given Flagyl which sent me to the emergency room with an allergic reaction. Then I was given Vancomycin in the dose of 125 mg a day. This did not work so I was given 500 mg a day.
Three months down the road, I still have pain in the upper left quadrant, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Cannot eat or drink. I have been in and out of the hospital about four times this year. Mostly for dehydration. I lost seventy-one pounds in less than three months.
Last week in the hospital, I had all kinds of tests. They did not really find much. The C-Diff test is now negative so it is not the colitis. I was told Gastritis and Irritable Bowel. Find it hard to believe that is the cause of all of this and my family doctor thinks it is something else, too.
On Saturday when I came home from the hospital and walked in my front door, I immediately had a sore throat, tightness in the chest and an upset stomach. The diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, pain and fever (low grade at about 99.6) were all back. Back to going to the bathroom, three to ten times a day and throwing up all I try to eat or drink.
Now my family doctor (as I do) thinks I am allergic to something in my house so next week I see an allergist. He thinks it is my new puppy but I only have him for one month and I have been sick for three months.
I live in a very old mobile home which could have lead paint, asbestos, formaldehyde, mold, mildew or who knows what.
One doctor made a comment to me that since I can stand to lose more weight (I was huge at 380 lb a year and a half ago. Lost the first 50 lb with diet and exercise over a year's time but lost the rest in the past two and a half months with still 100 lb to lose to be at a proper weight.), they will just wait until I lost weight down to a normal size and then see what is wrong with me. My appointment with the gastroenterologist is not until May 30.
Also, I was told that it could possibly be Eosiniphilic Esophagitis because there are Eosiniphils in my blood work. What is that?
If anyone can help me to get better or at least to get fluids down so I don't have to go to the hospital again, I will be ever so grateful for the advice.
Thanks everyone!"

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Hi Cindy-

All the symptoms you describe (except for the diarrhea) sound like gastroparesis.  Gastroparesis results in severe nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain (due to food sitting in the stomach for so long)after eating or drinking. It can be a complication of diabetes, post-surgical, or idiopathic (Unknown)  In some idiopathic cases, it can be linked to a virus or flu. Usually people with gastroparesis have more of a problem with constipation than diarrhea because food moves through so slowly.  I have heard of people having diarrhea with gastroparesis though...usually if they also have IBS.  It does seem weird though that the symptoms seem to worsen when you walk into your home...that would not be an indication of gastroparesis.  It does sound like something in the home might be making you sick.  

Gastroparesis is diagnosed by having a gastric emptying test done.  For this test, you will eat a meal (usually eggs, sometimes something else) with radioatctive material in it.  Then you will lie under a camera for two hours (or at some places they will put you under it every fifteen minutes for two hours).  The camera will trace the food as it goes out of your stomach and into your intestines.  At the end of the test, the radiologist will determine what percentage of food was left in your stomach after two hours. If there is an abnormally high amount left, it would indicate that your stomach is emptying slowly and would be an indicator of gastroparesis.   If the test comes back positive, your doctor will probably also do an endoscopy and possibly other tests to make sure that there is not a blockage or obstruction.  If there is no blockage, or anything keeping the food from emptying, then you would probably have gastroparesis.

Given your symptoms, I would recommend having this test done.  I don't know about why you get worse at home, but if nothing else, this test would at least rule out the possibility of gastroparesis.  Good Luck.
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My situation doesn't sound as severe as others and my sympathy goes out to everyone. I have been diagnosed with gastroparesis. My symptoms started about a month after I had a viral infection which caused my throat to feel tight due to the blisters in it. My left arm felt numb & I felt a tightness in my chest. I went to an urgent care facility & had an EKG(normal) &  a GI cocktail which didn't offer any relief. My family doc put me on tylenol (arm pain)& 30mg Prevacid. Driving home from a  stressful day at work, I felt an increased pressure in my chest(to the point where I didn't want my seatbelt or bra touching my chest) & I felt like passing out. I went to an urgent care facility where I had another EKG & GI cocktail. Still no relief. My family doc ordered an upper GI(normal.) She then decidied some anxiety must be involved (stressful job & getting married soon) & gave me Klonopin so I could relax & sleep at night (when my symptoms were worse.) At the 1 month follow up visit she referred me to a GI doc & did an upper chest xray. The following day I had another episode (again driving in the car, tightness in chest & left arm & feeling like passing out.) It was during office hours, I went to see my doc who did another EKG (normal like the chest xray.) She then ordered an ECHO (ultrasound of my heart) which was normal & gave me Serzone for anxiety. My GI doc ordered a gastroscopy & gastric emptying study. The gastroscopy showed mild irritaiton of the esophagus & the gastric emptying showed delayed. He diagnosed me with gastroparesis which was causing acid reflux & gave me Propulsid & upped the Prevacid to 2xday. He advised me to eat low fiber/fat diet w/ no dairy fat or raw fruits/vegs. I had a bad reaction to Propulsid & switched to Reglan. This helped but he was concerned about long term use & swithced me to liquid emycin. Which seemed to help. Then more chest, arm & shoulder pains (left side). Drs office sent me to ER where ultrasound of gallbladder came back ok. Then they referred me to cardiologist where I had another normal EKG. My GI doc then ordered a stress test for heart (normal) & HIDA scan on gallbladder (normal.) I have had good & bad periods since. My ob wanted a 2nd opinion before I tried getting pregnant. The new GI doc wanted me to go off emycin & repeat gastric emptying in 3 wks. I felt bad going totally off so took only 1xday instead of 4xday with none 2 days prior to test. Two more almost passing out episodes while driving where attributed to side effect of anxiety med Serzone (drop in blood pressure) & dosage reduced which helped. Last Friday my gastric emptying test was rescheduled to following Tuesday. Going off the emycin, I have noticed I do not have a bm everyday like I use to on it. Yesterday (Saturday), I had some of the ususal tightness in chest, shoulder & arm which I attributed to going off emycin. It got worse when I walked on treadmill but thought that was b/c I already did not feel 100%. Then driving I had another episode but much worse & called 911. They took me to ER & I had another EKG (normal). The ER doc was able to pull stress test and HIDA scan results.  He believes the attacks (though on the left side & not on right as most people have) are from gallbladder.  HIDA scan was actually borderline abnormal (emptied 33% with 35% up being normal.)  He gave me pain medicine for arm, sholder, chest & now back.  No relief.  GI cocktal. No relief. So a stronger pain med. No relief. So then he gave me nitroglycerin (even though he did not think it was my heart - normal tests, 31 years old, no family history.) All I could feel then was heart pounding & not sure if pain went away.  Then more pain medicine & everything else is fuzzy. He talked with my GI doc & a surgeon & they think I should have my gallbladder removed. I am a little hesitant to under go surgery if they cannot say definitely it is the gallbladder that causes these attacks & not the gastroparesis, acid reflux or esophageal spasms. I am at a loss & just hope they figure it out soon. These episodes are scary. Sorry my story is so long but I wanted to include as many details as possible to see if anyone else has had a similar experience. Thank you for letting me share my experience.
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Gastroparesis causes nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain (on left side from food sitting so long, usually in the stomach),
early satiety after eating, and bloating.
It does not cause a weird pain in your chest...at least I have never heard of that.  That can be caused from acid
reflux though because I have had it since my reflux got worse.  I actually feel food food getting trapped in my
throat and chest on the rare occasion it doesn't completely come back out (almost like vomiting). I have never had pain
in my arm or shoulder because of gastroparesis...the only reason I have pain there is because of some nerve damage that
was done during a major surgery four years ago.  Your symptoms don't sound typical of gastroparesis.  What was your emptying
percentage? Do you know?  It may be a mild case, but I would say that there is something else going on.  I don't know
if it's the gallbladder or not, but I would say if your symptoms don't completely match up, that I would have other
things checked out before you go to the extreme of having surgery...since there is no solid evidence that is the problem.]
Do you also have those symptoms I listed above of gastroparesis?  Have you tried taking Prilosec?  I've heard it's better
than Prevacid.  It's worth a shot.  Other than that, I don't really know what to tell you.  I've never had (or heard of)
those symptoms being caused by gastroparesis.  Good luck.
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Thanks for responding. My gastric emptying was delayed with T 1/2
greater than 120 minutes. I don't exactly know what that means but the nurse told me I did not pass any of the 1/2 egg sandwich in 2 hours. I have not had any nausea or vomiting and advised my doc of such. Early satiety - I just assumed I rarely got hungry and felt full because I ate too much and never mentioned it to a doctor until after the gastric emptying study. I have not tried Prilosac b/c my HMO won't cover it - just Prevacid. My GI doc says the tight pressure in my chest and numb arm are from acid reflux resulting from the gastroparesis but I've never had the acid taste which I am told is common with GERD.  He also cannot explain the passing out sensation I have had on occassion. I did feel better before I went off of the emycin. Hopefully the second gastric emptying study will help.  Thanks again for your time and input.  My best to you and everyone else.
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