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Pain Upper Left Quadrant - have had every test - DOC stumped as usual ..

Same old story gang---recently had ABDOMINAL
SCAN, endoscope down the throat, didn't have colonoscopy this time...ahhhhh  lets see anything else.... DOC is stumped---constant pain in upper left side,,,,, everything looks ok I keep hearing.....pain is always there and sometimes gets REALLLLLLLLLLL  uncomfy...
On the prilosec which I guess is OK for heartburn etc;;; not really a problem with that anymore.... but not this mysterious pain..... ahhh about 5 years of frustration now----with no end in sight-----kinda like  gurgling, pulled muscle, twitching feeling inside that drives me crazy....I'd like to reach in & grab it out if I could....
something is being missed.... some pancreas inflammation type thing ?? spleen ???  scan says all is fine and blood readings OK...
hmmmmm  DOCTORS   you are missing something...
arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh  !!
frustrated Rob ....take care all.....
someday  maybe someday I just wanna double over real bad & not get up & say SEE DOCTORS  I told you there was something wrong---ya just couldn't find it....!!!!!!!

take care
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WOW! this is crazy information, and I am right there with you. mine has been 4 yrs now, 16 different doctors/surgeons/specialists. I play college bask etball and the pain was so intense I would feel like I could pass out any second! the pain is a sharp stabbing pain that constantly is under my left ribs. feels like my stomach and in between my ribs all the way from front to back. I tried kineso tape and many diff tapings to try and dull the pain so I could play but if I taped the left and it felt good I would feel it on the right. needless to say, nothing helped. yes maybe I shouldve stoppedplaying but rest didnt help either. 4 months off was the same pains, figured I still should work out if I am getting the pains if I wasnt training. suffered through it alll...for the love of the game. 16 doctors, all stumped. bloodtests, mri, bone scan, ekg, ct scan, with and without dye,ultradounds on heart, ovaries, gall bladder and entire left side, diaphragm and lung tests, im probably missing somethingbut all negative. im 22 yrs old trying to deal with this pain and live life work have fun. sleep with a pillow under my side if I even want to walk the next day. pain makes me throw up, I have fallen down from the pain, left side goes numb...under my eye my left side ribs, around my shoulder blade, elbow, fingers...all numb. told my last doctor everything even cried to get his attention to the amount of pain I am in. all his response was....u have had every test it is all up here (as he points to his head). again i am 22 in a few years I want children, will I be able to? i cant live like this for the rest of my life. please someone find the cure!
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I am tired of dr's myself. I've had ct scans, mri, blood work, ultrasound, endoscopy, colonoscopy and was told gerd, gastroitis or something like that. I have left side pain under my ribs and nothing makes it go away. Labs came back with elevated ast or alt they said gallstones but that's the otherside ugh!
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I'm sitting here incredulous, having just found this board, that so many other people are having the same pack of symptoms that I've been having for almost a year now. I've suffered with ULQ pain under my ribs which often wraps around my side and back. My own personal "alien". The pain is mostly dull and gnawing but will occasionally become sharp (mostly associated with gas in my colon, I've noted). I've had the same pains and numbness in the left side of my chest and down my left arm. I can almost feel exactly where my organs are on the left side as the pain sometimes fairly corruscates around them like paths of nerve lightning. Like many on this board, I've had gobs of tests (blood tests, endoscopy, palps, scheduled for a barium enema in two weeks) all of which came out both hearteningly and depressingly normal. I have been diagnosed with GERD, gastritis and a small hiatal hernia which are being treated fairly successfully with Ranitidine but that doesn't account for the rest of the pain I've been experiencing. I've had off and on bouts of constipation and diarrhea with the pain as well as gassy cramping and bloating in my colon. I've been doing pretty well until recently when my grandfather died (of pancreatic cancer which didn't help my state of mind any!) and then I had the flu. Whee. The pain came back with a vengeance on the tail end of the flu and has persisted for days now. I am encouraged by the discussions of Zoster Sine Herpete and plan to call my gastroenterologist tomorrow to request a prescription of Elavil. I had chicken pox at the age of eight with no major problems since, but I do develop the occasional pus-filled "zit" around my waistline (which I have always put down to heat or the like) and have had a recent major itch-fest on the back of my left thigh (with no visible cause). The more I read about the travails of others with this particular Zoster virus, the more it sounds like what I've been going through. Thanks all of you for sharing your experiences. It's really given me some peace of mind and a new avenue of treatment to investigate with my doctors.

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18954 tn?1314298117
same exact problem as above, starting to feel a little insane...
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18954 tn?1314298117
same strange problem as above........imaginary? pain upper left quadrant- abdomen, had all the tests, doctor finds nothing, am beginning to think i am crazy - a constant, dull, burning pain, also tender skin in afflicted area - will flare up when i get some sort of infection or virus, hasnt hurt for 6 months, had a stomach/upper respiratory infection, pain is back.........help
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I have recently acquired the same symptoms.  I ma going nuts to say the least.  I hope to find out something because it is driving me nuts!!!
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I am 38 and have recently been plagued with the same upper left abdomen pain.  And about 4 months ago I had a very sharp and very painful ache in my lower left abdomen.  I couldn't sit up right and it lasted for nearly 2 days.  I was experiencing the same upper left pain prior and also had some really bad acid reflux.  This was more evident after drinking alcohol and eating fried food.  I have read (a lot) about this and all the posts here and I have found that my symptons are found in several different disorders and diseases.  From pancreatitis, to cholecystitis, to hiatal hernia and biliary colic, liver disease, enlarged spleen and more.  But I also learned that some of these are related and one often affects the other.  It is likely that some of you are like me and are suffering from a sequence of one or more of these symptoms.  I am planning to visit an endocrinologist and run some tests but I wanted to research as much as possible first.  I expect that I have a problem with my gallbladder and have stones.  This explains the severe pain in my small intestine 4 months ago, ie. lodged stone and trying to pass it.  Also, I think that I have damaged my pancreas from poor diet and alcohol. Because it really is uncomfortable after drinking and eating fatty foods. Also, gallstones can block the bile duct and cause problems with the pancreas where the pancreas cannot push the digestive enzymes to the stomach. One more very distinct symptom of pancreatitis is an oily stool sometimes followed by an oily liquid.  Gross, I know.  The last thing is I get a very bad case of acid indigestion. This is probably from GERD.  That is the reflux that occurs when the valve at the top of the stomach (LUS?)doesn't shutin and let's bile move up.  That really hurts and I've been told can burn all the way to your back.  I have an immediate remedy for that.  If you get this really bad acid reflux and you don't want to wait for the prilosic or zantac to kick in then take 2 teaspoons of baking powder and stir in 2 ounces of water and gulp it down.  Tastes awful but you will get relief in less that 5 seconds.  Well, that is enough.  I will try to remember to post again after I visit the doctor.  Wish me luck on finding a good one.
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I can understand you, I have the same pain- had colonoscopy, a couple of MRI's, CT scan and name it all and the doctors say I am healthy. I am still searching for answer on this... I will post it when God will finally help the doctors figure it out.
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I am 33 and have had the same kind of pain all my life. Whem I was 15 doctors found that my large and small intestine had not moved into their proper places while I was developing in my mothers womb. This alone was not thought to be the cause. I had surgery then to release a section of my small intestine that they thought was ocassionally getting kinked up.This didnt help.
Then I had to have a second surgery after scar tissue from the first surgery caused my small intestine to twist and become totally blocked. They said another 30 minutes and it would have ruptured and I might have died from the infection it would have caused. No sooner than  I went home from that, I was back with pain and unstoppable vomiting. This time they said the 2nd surgery had irritated my pancreas and caused pancreatitis.
Things went ok for a few months, then the pain came back.
This time they were thinking pancreas again. Ultrasound showed what looked like calcium deposits on it comparable to a person who had drank booze for 30 years! They wanted to put me through
an exploritory surgery to check it out. I refused and my parents did too. I still get the pain . several years ago , I had a cat scan done of my pancreas and gall bladder. It showed perfectly
normal! I know we all want the docs to do something for us.
But maybe sometimes nothing is better. I hope you can find out what it is but if you can't, try to find ways to handle the pain or lessen it. I gave up on any kind of antacid type treatment.
I dont think it has anything to do with it.I take pain relievers
and it may sound strange but I have found that a big glass of almost hot water drank all at once and then laying down on my stomach for about an hour sometimes helps.
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i am writing this in a sense of calm that i havnt had in months..after seeing that others are experiencing similar problems.....Im a 37 year old male, and for me , well...I had an undiscribable tickle under my left rib for years...it usually meant a bad cold was coming on...(my doctor in puzzlement said it was probably a gland thing??)..well about 6 months ago i had terrible diarreaha and after my gp sent me to a specialist and a colonoscopy with no results..i was sent home..guessing..shortly after i developed a rash on my penis and i was told it was a yeast infection...then it was jock itch and now its still there after numerous cremes  etc...then on top of which...my symptoms.....fatigue,constant diarreaha, stomach pain , acid reflux, pain that starts under my rib cage on the left and radiates to my lower back..(although sometimes more painful that others)..and now what feels like a bubble directly to the left of my solarplexis and bulging out from under my rib(especially if i sit down over a table or desk)..my most recent symptom..hives and itching on my forearms...
the medications i have taken...cipro( for prostititus)
                               flagellen for a misdiagnosed infection, prilosec for the upset stomach and hiatal hernia, and now protonix for the diagnosed hiatal hernia....
on top of it all my doctor checked my liver enzymes and said they were high enough to warrent a revisit to the internist/ gastro doctor(possibly for a liver biopsy)....I AM JUST SO FED UP WITH IT ALL ....AND MY WIFE THINKS IM CRAZY AND AND JUST BEING A HYPOCHONDRIAC...AND IM WONDERING THAT MYSELF.....ANY COMMENTS WOULD BE WELCOME EITHER HERE OR TO MY EMAIL ADDRESS POSTED IN MY HEADING...THANX
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All I can say is wow all of us having the same type of probs and none of us can seem to find a doctor to say whats going on.I am 28 year old male been  to the ER about 10 times last 3-4 months pain in middle of chest radiating through to back pain moves around alot sometimes in right chest sometimes under left rib area.Have had 4-6 EKGS,Chest X rays,Blood work,Echo on heart and stomach baruim swallow and still no clear cut dianosis besides they want to bring uo anxity,I love how docs want to say anxiety when they cannot find something out pisses me off to no end I know that I am probly have some anxiety and stress but like I told the docs who the hell wouldn't be anxious and worried when you have so much pain and no one knows whats going on tomm I go to Baptist Hospital in N.C. to see a cardiologist as bad as I hate to say it I hope they find something that way atleast they might be able to treat it.

However I doubt they will find anything.I also have the episodes of racing heart that some of you have described its a blessing to read that others have the same kinda problems and hope and pray that we can all recover one day if anyone would liek to chat email me at ***@**** sometimes it good to have someone to talk to that knows how ya feel and what you are going through.
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All I can say is wow all of us having the same type of probs and none of us can seem to find a doctor to say whats going on.I am 28 year old male been  to the ER about 10 times last 3-4 months pain in middle of chest radiating through to back pain moves around alot sometimes in right chest sometimes under left rib area.Have had 4-6 EKGS,Chest X rays,Blood work,Echo on heart and stomach baruim swallow and still no clear cut dianosis besides they want to bring uo anxity,I love how docs want to say anxiety when they cannot find something out pisses me off to no end I know that I am probly have some anxiety and stress but like I told the docs who the hell wouldn't be anxious and worried when you have so much pain and no one knows whats going on tomm I go to Baptist Hospital in N.C. to see a cardiologist as bad as I hate to say it I hope they find something that way atleast they might be able to treat it.

However I doubt they will find anything.I also have the episodes of racing heart that some of you have described its a blessing to read that others have the same kinda problems and hope and pray that we can all recover one day if anyone would liek to chat email me at ***@**** sometimes it good to have someone to talk to that knows how ya feel and what you are going through.
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I have had the same problem for thy last two years off and on pain under the right ribcage going through to my back like a knife going through me. amost like a lage lump that I want to reach in and pull out I get indigestion really bad somtimes it feels like heart attack but its mainly in the middle and to the right side of my chest going round the backthe pain feels almost muscular as it sometime hurts more with movement.I am waiting for  more test but it alll becoming to much to bare.
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I'm so glad I discovered this website.  I am going to the doctor tomorrow because of severe pain in my left ribcage radiating to my back.  I am terrified of a chest x-ray which may diagnose this problem as lung cancer.  I feel a little better now that I have read so many of your letters.  Has anyone with this pain been diagnosed with lung cancer?
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Debbie G.

I've read most of your posts concerning shingles and LUQ pain and the relief you've gotten with Elavil.  You say you did your own research on the net and learned of rashless shingles in that manner.  Will you please post the link?  You also say that  Elavil, besides being an antidepressant, is an antihistamine and is anti-nerve pain.  The PDR and RxList.com only characterize it as an antidepressent.  They caution it should not be used by people with cardiac problems as it's chief side effect is M.I. and stroke.  Since everyone on this thread is concerned about chest pain it would be prudent to carefully consider it's use.
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I am also a sufferer of pain and I was wondering if anyone else has had high enzyme levels of amylase and lypase?
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Sounds like me!! Pain is never severe with me,though,but gets very uncomfortable at times.This pain is located at the bottom of my ribcage,left side.Sometimes feels like a bruised rib,other times feels like it`s closer to the surface of the skin.Tight,pinching feeling inside.This side is more sensitive to water temperature when I take a shower,also.Changed bowel habits over last few years.Feel like Richard Pryor because I have to "wipe for like five hours" every time.That could not be normal.I`ve had colonoscopy and many x-rays and ct scan/mri done.No apparent problems.I sometimes have a general sick feeling,like my guts ache,but I definitely have not lost any appetite or weight.32 years old.6ft 230 pounds.Weight is creeping up on me.Maybe I just have diverticulosis,or something,although I don`t know if that causes stool change.No bleeding or anything,just pasty consistency.OK,LETS CHANGE THE SUBJECT,HERE.....how `bout that election,huh?! (This is my first "intimate details" kinda post!)
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My brother has had the same symptoms.  He has had numerous tests done.  The doctors can never really find anything wrong with him. He is a very nervous type person and is tense most of the time.
Your body reacts to stress in a negative way.  This can cause your body to work slowly and can cause a person to become
constipated.  Even though you may go to the bathroom daily, sometime the body does not rid itself of all bowel and can cause the sensation that you have mentioned.  Read comment on June 7 from Sheree.  Although this may be a problem for some, others may have other problems as well.  Check your family medical history and see if other's may have had the same problem.  
Talk to your primary care physician and if he/she can't resolve the problem he/she may refer you to someone that specializes in Gastroentology.  In this day in time it is very hard to live a stress free life.  Take time out of your daily routine for yourself and do something that you enjoy.  Take pleasure in the little things that life has to offer.  Good Luck and hope you feel better real soon.
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Hi i am also suffering from this in the upper left side of my chest. I had all the test related to heart and everything turned out to be normal the n i found a doc who diagonised me for having fibromyositis. A nerve pain u can get the details from my health.com. I am taking pain killers and am feeling fine now.
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Finally Ive found a group of people who all seem to suffer the same thing as I do, and as yet Doctors are still baffled as to what the hell it is!!

Im not about to repeat the symptoms as you all have mentioned same.  All I can is that I hope somebody figures this out soon as people are starting to not believe the pain Im in, they say "Well if there is nothing major wrong with you, why are you whinging!"  ok so I'll stop whinging!  

Ive noted some of the medicines some you guys have taken and will be going to local pharmasist for more advice!


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I did not have time to read all the mails on this board (there are so many, I could not believe how many people actually suffer from bowel problems!). Anyway, I thought I tell you my story in short version. I am an IBS sufferer (diarrhea). Same story, everything okay physically but nothing seemed to work. However, being from Europe where homeopathy is quite big, I thought I give it a go. That worked wonder. Anyone tried that as well? Would be interested to hear about it.

You all take care.
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Dear Lisa,
      I have had shingles twice...once at age 36 and the other at age 42...both times without the rash.  It even has a name..it's called Zoster Sine Herpete (I think that's it).
Anyway, don't let the absence of blisters keep you from trying the Elavil.  I continue to be amazed at the lack of info doctors have on shingles.  Some of them don't have a clue.  Yes, shingles is usually seen in the older population, but I'm living proof (as well as many others that have posted on this board) that young people get it too.  Especially with the level of stress that we are all living with in this fast paced world.
Good luck.  I hope the Elavil works!  Don't be afraid to ask for a bigger dose if a smaller amount doesn't work.  50mg does it for me.
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This is very interesting.  Mine has been going on for 1 year now.  Had all tests run and everything comes up a big negative.  Very frustrating.  I've been to my general practician about 3 times with this.  On my last visit I went because the night before I thought I was having a heart attach. No heart attach.  It's interesting that everyone is mentioning the "shingles". My doctor mentioned it but decided that I am too young (37).  She still suggested that I watch my wasteline to see if blisters come up.  From what I'm gathering reading all of this, you don't have to have blisters.  Is this true?  If so, I'm calling my doctor and asking her to prescribe Elavil!  I'll keep you posted as to if my pain goes away.  I want to confirm first though that blisters do not have to show around your waistline for you to have shingles.  Please reply!  I'll keep all of you posted.

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Hello again,
I've posted before a few entries up.  I am still having the same ol pain.  Under the left ribcage and around to my left middle back.  Since I posted last I have had an endoscopy which was as clean as a whistle.  Ultrasound of abdominal area ...negative...imagine that. This week I had a Cat scan of my abdominal area. I don't know the results of it yet.  My symptoms are not only pain, but as another poster stated, I seem to get anxious when the pain is peaking. Does anyone else have this?
When I get up in the morning, I tend to feel the best and as the day goes by pain gets worse.  I have also been prescribed alproloxm (sp?) or xanax.  It does temper the pain somewhat but it doesn't cure the problem. My gastro doctor seems to be a very understanding doctor and is trying his best to figure out the problem.  He did say the elavil is a very good medication and that it is a tranquilizer of some sort.  As much as I have dissagreed with anxiety as the cause I am starting to have second thoughts that maybe all this is just tied to anxiety.  It seems like when I wake up that I feel so calm, and generally no pain.  I'm not saying the pain isn't real, but the problem might have manifested itself thru stress.  The last year and half my life has had much change.  Have a New baby, New house, job is somewhat stressful ect.  None of this **** started before all those changes.  Also the pain in my abdomin travels to my chest, back and sometimes arms.  I also have experience some depression due to this.  I feel as if I'll never be cured of this.  MAYBE all this is STRESS related. Does anyone else think this?
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