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Side effects of Nexium

Has anyone experienced any side effects on Nexium?  I feel like it is making me more nasueas and queasy than Prevacid.  I was taking 40 mg of Nexium daily and have just switched to 30 mg daily of Prevacid.
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I have taken nexium and had to stop becasue it caused bad headaches and some vision imparment. But no nasuea that I can remember.
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I tried Nexium...Couldn't tolerate it...Stomach pains...even gave me minor chest pains...Previcid...I had no luck with at all...It worked  for maybe two days...I'm on Protonix now and even though its not perfect its better for me than the other two..Protonix gives me a slight headache but I can deal with that as long as I can eat..
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....................Had a 15 day free supply, decided to go back to priolesec. No help whatsoever.
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Acid blockers can cause MALABSORPTION problems, where no Vitamin B 12 (etc.) can be absorbed. This can cause NERVE DAMAGE (called "peripheral neuropathy"), with symptoms of numbness, pain, tingling, pins & needles, weird sensations, muscle weakness, etc.

But, there ARE OTHER METHODS to fight gastric reflux, and these other methods do NOT include acid blockers.

I'm going to do a "cut & paste" of Some GASTRIC REFLUX TIPS without acid blockers. My husband and I use these "tips" every day, and have never taken a dangerous acid blocker, like Nexium.

I apologize in advance, for the lengthiness of this posting.


Some GASTRIC REFLUX TIPS (without acid blockers):

GER=Gastro-Esophageal Reflux. (Gastro=stomach. Esophagus=food tube.)

LPR= Laryngeal-Pharyngeal Reflux. (Larynx=voice box, containing the 2 vocal cords. Pharynx=throat, above the larynx. The larynx is above the trachea/windpipe.)

Reflux=acidic or alkaline stomach material that backs up into the esophagus (food tube), causing any of these problems: VCD attacks, cough, voice problems, asthma, globus (feeling of lump in throat), constant need to clear throat, worsening of sinus condition, sore throat, pre-cancerous conditions of throat &/or esophagus, etc.

SOME GER/LPR CONTROL THINGS WE DO, that we learned from the excellent book: STOMACH AILMENTS AND DIGESTIVE DISTURBANCES, by Michael T. Murray, N.D. See page 9, References, in my website: http://cantbreathesuspectvcd.com   and, also see GER/LPR info on page 5, and on LINKS page.

PLEASE READ THIS GREAT BOOK. It may be available, on-line, from Michael T. Murray
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Good Tips, Concerned Lady!!!     Not to scare anyone, but I have been taking Prevacid (started out with Aciphex -- felt awful on it) for around 5 wks, off and then on, and have several side effects from it.  READ the insert and exactly what side effects it can cause like I did.  I found that my dry eyes, eye pain, hair loss, stomach pain, etc. are because of IT!!  It scares me enough to try getting off the Prevacid and using the natural tips from Concerned Lady (trust me, what she says, I've already read from other sources.  She's not making it up).  I'm in the process of weaning from the Prevacid and using the DGL, etc. AND, I must say, unless I have eaten something I shouldn't have, I feel pretty darn good right now....but, I, too, am a "little" skeptical, but I'm not about to give up yet!  So far, so good.  Also, I've found that stress DOES play a big role in my reflux problem...so have to try to understand and avoid that.  Good luck to all of you on the PPI's.          Needabreak  (How are you doing, "feelbetter"?
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I have been on Achifex, prevacid, prilosec and Nexium.  Achifex was the worst followed by Prilosec.  I complained to the gastro doc about the side effects of Achifex and prilosec. He informed me that in all of his 22 years of being a gastro do, I was the ONLY ONE that ever complained about side effects of a PPI.  Needless to say, i switched doctors.  He was a real loser.

I am going to take some of the advice here.  I have a stricture in the espohagus that the bad doc said he ballooned.  he did not. It was there one month later via a barium swallow.  i have to have another EGD to have this ballooned by a better doctor.

I suffer terribly when I have red sauce and choclate. I also have the coughing gerd and larnyx problems.  I do not want surgery and really hate the PPI's.  I think diet is a big factor and I know I do feel better at night with the bed elevated 6".
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I too was told by the doctor that it was rare to find a patient who had side-effects to Prevacid: racing heart,insomnia, dry mouth. Nexium: diareha,head-ache, stomach pain, dizziness: Tried 6 weeks. Zantac: racing heart, nervousness and no help with heartburn, If any helped me to gain the weight back and eat again then I would have tried longer. On DGL for 11 days now , Can't eat new foods yet, Still have bad days, But hoping to give it time.
Did you loose weight or find certain foodds aggrevate more?
What does blue finger nails mean? Thinking too much Vit A or not enough ? The tummy , heartburn dilema continues..........thanks
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I have not lost a pound.  I am still 15 lbs overweight. I can starve myself for 3 days and not lose anything.  I hope you are elevating the head of the bed.  This really helps and keeps the acid out of the esop, larnyx and throat.  We need to do everything to heal the espohagus that is being irritated by
the reflux.

Of all the vitamins I have taken and read about I heard (not a doctor) that one can become toxic on Vitamin A if taking too much. You may want to ask your doctor on this and see if there is a relationship to your blue fingernails.  I get a vitamin B12 shot every month.  Getting a B12 serum count is important becuz low B12 can cause stomach problems among other things.  I believe the normal range for B12 is between 200-900?  (in that range, I believe).  If one is below 200 to 150 it is in a low stage and if one is below 150, it is really low.  My first test was 158.  The doc was not happy with that reading.  My doctor wants my low not to go below 300.  You may want to ask your doctor about this also.  it is a simple blood test and he may also want to check other things to see about your nails.

Good Luck

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I have been taking nexium 2 times a day for about 2 months now, luckily with no side effects to speak of, unfortunately I also have the cough, it drives me nuts and needless to say I do not sleep well from it unless I take the prescription cough medicine. I do find diet and not eating or lying down after a certain time does help also along with the elevation of the bed.
Has your cough ever left you?
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Sure, Nexium (and all of the PPI's) have the side effect of Nausea, Headache, and loose stools.  It might be wise for you to switch PPI's until you find one that you tolerate the best. But rest assured that the PPI's are very safe and have fewer side effects and interactions than the older H2 receptor blockers (zantac,axid,tagamet,pepcid). The only exception is Prilosec which has the benefit of being the first PPI, but the drawback of having the most potential for interactions.

Just a little inside info: every single drug that you ingest has, as a side effect, headache or nausea.  This has really nothing to do with the medication, but how your body responds to the ingestion of this chemical.

Hope this helps,

John W. (RPh)
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YES....I still have the cough and at times I get white phelm (like egg whites) coming up...Then when this happens, I cough some more.  The 'egg whites" normally come when i am talking, especially on the phone.  I also get horse and know that I will start getting the 'egg whites" in my throat.  Gerd is suppose to have a dry cough associated with it.  i have both the dry cough and the muscus producing cough.  I feel when I go back in for the EGD with the new female gastro doc that is treating mwe with nexium. and she balloons the small stricture in the espohagus, this will help with the cough and the gagging.  I hate this cough and my daughter wonders when it will leave as it annoys her also (-:     I could not tolerate two 40 mgs. of Nexium (one in the AM and one in the PM) so the gastro doc told me to take only one and in the AM and not the PM.  John who posted below stated the PPI's are safe but my concern is that the literature the pateint receives, states take for 8 weeks.  It seems many are on PPI's a lot longer than 8 weeks.  I wonder if they have done research on long term usage of PPI's.

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Your cough sounds just like mine, I drive my husband nuts at night trying to sleep and my daughter and son know if I'm someplace they are by my cough.  I also gag, my doctor said to keep taking the nexium 2x's day and he wants to do another endoscopy next year.  Seems to me that is an awful long time to wait to see if it is helping.  I was diagnosed with esphophagatis (sorry for the spelling), and my stomach also has irration, and I have a hiatal hernia.  I just really would like some kind of relief from the cough.  Shortness of breath, I need to get deep breaths sometimes to feel like I am breathing right. I've had a chest exray done, and that was fine.  I feel like I'm heading for surgery, but I really want that to be my last resort! Please let me know how everything goes for you.
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I am also short of breath and have to try real deep to get the breath /sigh) completed.  I had a chest x-ray.  it only showed scarring at the top of the lung.  One x-ray showed this and the other one did not.  scarring can come from the acid, (I believe I read this soemtime)

I went to the pulmonolgist with a worseing cough in late January. He said GERD, Asthma, Bronchitis and who knows what else. Yes, I can hear the wheezing in my throat and think also in my chest.  I know or feel this is about of the GERD.  I will not have surgery unless they tell me that I will die without it.

I do not trust surgeons like I use to.  One really messed my tummy up when they took my gallbladder out 15 years ago.  I also have a hiatel hernia. Some information on hiatal hernia lists it can cause shortness of breath.  

Dock, you may want to see in between waiting for the EGD, ask for a barium swallow.  This is what showed that the stricture was still there and this is what showed the hiatal hernia.  I paid a lot of money for the OLD Gastro guy (the word doc is too good for him) to do an EDG in December of 2000. I was suppose to not know or feel anything during the procedure.  He gave me Fentynal which is a very strong Narcotic and I was crying as he was really hurting me.He told me to shut up in the procedure room. I was allergic to this medication and to Opiods as it causes severe ductal spasms after I had the gallbladder out. I know I am rambling but I now shop docs.  Ask nurses and other patients which docs are the best.Docs will refer to their buddies who they golf with and socialize and attend conventions with.  Many are not aware how a doc treats his/her patients behind closed doors.

I have swore off all choclates and my favoite Italian dishes with red sauce.  Another thing is the more we cough the more we are irritating the GERD.  It is a vicious circle.  

We do have a large medical teaching school/hospital here but one still has to be aware.  I will keep you posted Dock, and please do the same.

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Hi Everyone. I want to tell you that I have been on DGL for about 8 weeks now and I have never felt better! I no longer take any acid blockers after 3 years and I feel like a new person. I do still watch what I eat and I follow several other tips that Concerned Lady mentioned. For example, bending over can bring on an attack. I was "spring cleaning" for a sick friend today and after bending to reach her baseboard, I had a bad attack of pain. I chewed 2 DGL tablets and it went right away and I was able to get back to work! I did eat some chocolate at Easter time and I had some pain that even the DGL did not help but it really was my own fault for eating a "no no food." I certainly cannot say that I am cured but I feel that I am finally managing this thing instead of being managed by "IT". I feel like I can plan normal activities and not worry about being in pain for hours on end. I also take the acidophilus and I find that helps as well. I hope everyone finds relief for their pain. And by the way, HI to Needabreak. Thanks for thinking of me. I wish you and everyone all the best.
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several years ago they put me on prilosec and it seemed to work ok for the regurging problem but still had stomach aches.  well insurance decided they would not pay anymore, so i had to swith to prevacis---it was useless. no help what so ever.  i had been off these meds for 1/1/2 yrs now.  august had gallbladder out, and felt ok for 2month.s  now it feel like the same problems as before gallbladder surgery. docs think i am crazy and too nervous and bring this on myself.  i got out of the hospital this friday and they put me on protonix, but insurance wont pay for it, so i do not know what to do know.  i have 4-5 other new meds they gave me to take that i am weary about doing so.does anyone else have a doctor that thinks they bring this on themselves?
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What is DGL?  Over the counter?

Thanks, Lisa
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Why is your insurance company not paying for your medicine.  My doctor told me if I had a problem which I haven't, to refer the insurance company to him.  He had, enough proof from the tests that were done to prove to them I need what he prescribed.  Can you try that with your insurance?  If not can you switch carriers?  Good luck!
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Hi. DGL is short for Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice. I use Enzymatic Therapy brand which you can get at healthfood stores. If you go to their website, you can put in your address and it will come up with stores near you that carry it. (www.enzy.com) It is a chewable form of licorice that has had the "bad" part removed so it does not cause high blood pressure. (Regular whole licorice can cause high blood pressure) The directions say to chew 2 tables 20 minutes before meals. See a Concerned Lady post for more info on DGL and other natural ways of dealing with GERD. As I mentioned, I do not feel "cured" I am managing my symptoms better than ever before. I still have some throat clearing especially in the morning but I have not had the pain. My relux always involved severe pain more than actually feeling any acid backing up in my throat. I hope DGL helps you if you decide to try it. It does not taste that good (in my opinion) but the results have been well worth it. Best Wishes!
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I took 40 mg of Aciphex for 5 months and I have been on Nexium for the last year.  40 mg of both caused bad side effects (worse than the actual Gastritis).  Joint pains and swelling, worse nausea, tachycardia, increased dehydration.  I finally discovered that I could dump out half the Nexium.  I now take about 15-20 mg of Nexium and it is much more tolerable.  I don't know why doctors will not acknowledge this, but they need to.  I think it could have caused serious problems had I stayed with the 40 mg.
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My sister got a tiny little funnel from an apothacary shoppe and also bought clear unfilled capsules, the size meds come in.  She opened up the 40mg. PPI and placed 1/2 in the funnel that was sitting in the blank clear capsules, thus making a 20mg. capsule.

She also had problems with her doc i.e. side effects and also, the medication caused great swelling in her feet and ankles.

She is doing better now that she went down to 20mgs. per day.
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My sister got a tiny little funnel from an apothacary shoppe and also bought clear unfilled capsules, the size meds come in.  She opened up the 40mg. PPI and placed 1/2 in the funnel that was sitting in the blank clear capsules, thus making a 20mg. capsule.

She also had problems with her doc i.e. side effects and also, the medication caused great swelling in her feet and ankles.

She is doing better now that she went down to 20mgs. per day.
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I have been on DGL for 16 days, Told to stop due to other symptoms I have pending: blue nails, bleeding gums.
The DGL helped with stomach pain, and none of the side effects like the PPI"S But I could still not introduce anything new in my diet. I bought DGL: Natural Factors and spoke with the makers.
IF concerned lady reads this Please let me know if 16 days is enough to heal my symptoms. Since directed to obstain for a while, and the endoscopy showed no ulcer; Dr. Weil said 6 weeks if ulcer is present, What about GERD and upset stomach ?
Here to well tummies and healthy patients
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Dear Karie,

You may have SEVERAL things going on, so it's good you'll be tested at the hospital today. I can't say that it would take a certain number of days to "cure" you, since I don't know what you have, and I'm not a doc!

I'll put some GASTRIC REFLUX TIPS here, that help many (but not all) reflux & ulcer patients.

Have your favorite doc look at these tips, and ask the doc to read the DGL bottle label, so that he or she will see that DGL isn't the same as regular licorice. DGL does NOT cause a rise in blood pressure, like plain licorice does.

But, if you have other problems (or some especially severe form of gastric reflux), you would need to do other things too, to get better.

For example, if you have CELIAC DISEASE, you need to avoid GLUTEN. GLUTEN is found in WHEAT, RYE, OATS, BARLEY, AND BUCKWHEAT. Avoid all of these for at least a month, to see if this helps. If yes, you may have Celiac Disease. Then, you might need to always avoid gluten. Avoid milk products for a while.

Brown rice has no gluten. You might need to temporarily avoid ALL GRAINS, if you have Celiac Disease, until the small intestine heals.

Good luck to you. Below are the GASTRIC REFLUX TIPS, that don't include any dangerous acid-blocking meds:


Some GASTRIC REFLUX TIPS (without acid blockers):

GER=Gastro-Esophageal Reflux. (Gastro=stomach. Esophagus=food tube.)

LPR= Laryngeal-Pharyngeal Reflux. (Larynx=voice box, containing the 2 vocal cords. Pharynx=throat, above the larynx. The larynx is above the trachea/windpipe.)

Reflux=acidic or alkaline stomach material that backs up into the esophagus (food tube), causing any of these problems: VCD attacks, cough, voice problems, asthma, globus (feeling of lump in throat), constant need to clear throat, worsening of sinus condition, sore throat, pre-cancerous conditions of throat &/or esophagus, etc.

SOME GER/LPR CONTROL THINGS WE DO, that we learned from the excellent book: STOMACH AILMENTS AND DIGESTIVE DISTURBANCES, by Michael T. Murray, N.D. See page 9, References, in my website: http://cantbreathesuspectvcd.com   and, also see GER/LPR info on page 5, and on LINKS page.

PLEASE READ THIS GREAT BOOK. It can be bought on-line, from Michael T. Murray
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I will show the DGL to my doctor, I have not used it 2 days.
Do you know what specific test is for Celiac ?Trying to read the Lab Order forms ?
Can stomach ailments lead to other health issues  Hope to locate my cause.
I must learn to read lab orders . Thanks for you support here at this board.
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