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Surgery to correct reflux

I would like to hear from patients who underwent surgery to  correct the acid reflux problems. My Dr. informs me that I can eliminate all my reflux problems by having this surgery and that it can be done liposcopically. Comments can be posted in this forum - thank you all for this forum!

Mary from Texas
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I had this surgery 16 years ago. It spopped all heartburn and refulx but reduced ability to burp has caused a lot of problems. Each person will have a different outcome unfortunately.
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My four year-old son, Luke, had the surgury done 9 months ago and is doing wonderful.  Prior to surgury he was having trouble with food coming back up after eating.  Since the operation that has totally gone away.  He doesn't complain about heartburn and seems "normal".      

I am hopeful the proceedure will work long-term.  I can only cross my fingers because it seems there are a lot of people who have had bad luck too.  

As far as the surgury itself, Luke spent five days in the hospital followed by a month of eating soft foods.  Since then he eats what he wants and has no problem.  

Good luck to all of you.  If you live in Minneapolis, MN I can recommend a good surgeon.  

                         Daniel J. Pecka
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I had the surgery 5 days ago.  So far, so good.  I am only eating liquid foods so far.  The surgeon asked me to keep taking my Prilosec for a week as a precaution to ensure acid doesn't irritate the surgery site.  As others in the forum have indicated, be sure to have the motility test.  Mine indicated that my overall esophagal strength was good but my LES was extremely week.  I did not have the ph test as there was no question of my reflux - I have had it for > 15 years and have been scoped at least 8 times.

I'll post again in a month or so.

My only observation is that the surgery is more painful and I am more weak than I thought I would be.  (I am a 46 year old male).

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I have had acid reflux for years.  For years I vomited after eating meals.  I was in agony for hours on end with acid reflux.  I would take anything and everything I could to try to stop the burning, but nothing worked.Last January, I noticed that more and more I was waking up choking at night, for a long time I was suffering while eating.  Food did not want to go down well. Hurt to swallow.  I would wake up choking and it was scaring the living daylights out of me.  I went to a gastroenterologist. He started performing many tests on me.  The first was a scope. It showed in December,  that my tissue in my esophagus had changed. He said it was called barretts esophagus and told me right after the procedure that it was a serious condition.  He gave me many medicines.  Starting with prevacid.  No results!  I went back
complaining, the second medicine was prilosec.  No results!  He then was going to put me on propulsid.  But studies showed that this medicine was causing heart valve problems so he tried
a different drug, which was supposed to push the food out of my stomach.  I felt sick as a dog on this medicine.  My face felt wierd sensations.  I couldn't take it.  So back to the doctor I
went again!  He did a second scope in April.  This time my esophagus had developed lesions.  The condition was getting worse.  So now I was off doing more tests.  
This time it was a 24 hr. ph probe, a motility test.  I suffered with the 24 hr. probe, 167 acid refluxes.  Which I did not record.  I was feeling well on that day!  It had been so long since I knew what good was like, I actually was unaware of the 167 refluxes.The motility test was HORRIBLE!  I couldn't believe how bad that test was.  I was ready to say "enough" was enough!  But then realized that if I didn't do something about this, I was
going to suffer for the remainder of my life and never be able to eat well again.  I was choking while eating.  Twice an ambulance was called for me at work for choking. I was a good candidate for the fundoplication wrap.  I had it done May 4th, 2000. The doctor also fixed a hiatel hernia during this procedure. I am having some minor problems from this, but hopeful that I will get over them soon.  I woke up once choking, have had some heartburn. Also burping constantly. Is this normal?  But I am going to give it time.I think I have got myself into a mode of feeling so poorly, that I have forgotten what normal is.  I do however feel a tugging sensation in my chest.  Possibly where the wrap was done. Today when I swallowed the pain swallowing was just about where the stomach was wrapped. Very uncomfortable. I went today for a barium xray.  I have not heard the results of this yet.  I am so tired of feeling poorly.  As far as the lesions go, my doctor said now that the stomach is wrapped, the lesions should go away. Will there be further tests to watch these lesions?  I hope so.  I spent two nights in the hospital.  I was in a lot of discomfort after this surgery.  The doctor told me that I would feel weak for a long while after this procedure.  I do get tired fast. I have had some nausea, pain in my chest while swallowing. It is a new type of pain. Probaly where the wrap is stitched. The quality of life before was terrible. I am going to pray it gets better.  I am off work longer than I thought I would be.  The misery had been forever.  I am not pushing this!  I am going to pray this heals what ailed me!  Also, I am still on pureed foods.  When I swallow I feel that pain in my chest, like a tugging feeling. What is this?
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I have been told I have Barrets Esophagus and cancer at the junction of esophagus and stomach plus 2 stomach hernias. I have had what seems to be every imaginable test,[CAT scan, upper G.I.,EGD,Breathing strength, echogram, Ekg, thyroid , and soon will have the motility study. I am currently on Prilosec, Lassix, and Vasotec.] I have had rhumatic fever long ago,so they are trying to strengthen my heart, and I think the surgery will soon be rescheduled. First I have to retake some of the tests, as it has been more than 30 days before surgery as more things keep needing tested. I will be 70 on June 27th 2000 and I wonder if what I will go through will be worth it.  Any suggestions?
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My husband has had acid reflux for 13 years or more.  He is very uncomfortable and has tried everything.  He has been on prilosec and it does not even touch his heartburn.  He has been contemplating on having the surgery, but is very apprehensive.  Any comments would be very helpful, He is very concerned of how His condition will be after the surgery!
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