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To Jenn and JCLingo - Biopsy Rpt

Doctor's office called - the biopsy report showed negative for
H-pylori.  I have chronic gastritis, no cause stated.

So, I'm sort of back at square one again.  Feeling better but not great.  If I had to compare it to how I feel today to how I felt last month, I am better.

We talked about the next step and after talking for quite awhile, she feels I'm a canddiate for Protonix and perhaps Paxil to calm the anxiety this has caused.  I know you take Protonix Jenn and like it.  The nurse did explain that what works for one may not work for another.  She herself takes Protonix and likes it alot.  She has bad reflux and the Protonix has improved her quality of life.  

I'm confused about the Paxil though - never took anything like this but she outlined why doctors are prescribing this now for stomach disorders.  Briefly explained, she said that patient complaints such as stomach disorders, joint pain, headaches, etc are sometimes triggered by the seritonin in your brain and these SSSI's (Paxil, etc) intercept this to put a wall up against the anxiety so it helps in the healing process.  If you don't feel the anxiety, you'll heal faster.  Of course, I'm explaining this in layperson's terms and she was more indepth in the explanation but this is the way I understand it.

So, I can incorporate a good diet and try the Protonix but I'm on the fence with the Paxil.  Oh, and he won't prescribe Paxil directly.  He siad I either see my primary doctor or he can refer me to a phychiatrist. What do you guys think?
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To my mind because of my experience...
(10 years of dealing with HepC, 2 liver biospies-actually 3 because one of them got a piece of bone instead of liver! and I didnt even know about it until 3 yrs later when I read the lab report. And 2 rounds of the medical doctor's treatment, interferon then Interferon Ribaviron combo-which gave me a huge head pain that the docs thought was a migrane and then I stroked right there in the ER!! Thank goodness I've recovered almost 100%and it was through my own efforts and searches for holistic treatments that I accomplished this.)
Well, my comment: Doctors are the last hold out of "God outside", meaning we have to start taking resposibility for ourselves and realize we create our own destiny. Remember that old saying when the patient says to the doc-it hurts when I do this and the doc says-then dont do it! We with stomach problems must take responsibility for what we eat and thats a real difficult thing when the American diet. My opinion anyway!
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When you have questions about a prescription drug, usually a pharmacist is the best source of information.  They know a lot more about the drugs than a doctor.  And of course you can enter the name of the drug on google.com  to learn all about it.  Keep in mind they have to list all reported possible side effects, even if it occurred in one person in a million.
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I don't mind at all.  I'll be 34 this week.  
Most of my problems started last October.  I had a short bilary colic attack, and then the rest of it started.  I'd never had any real problems with heartburn/gas/upper abdominal pain in my life before that.  At first,the problem wasn't too bad, but it got progressively worse every day, and by January I had a diagnoses.  
Since the gastritis started immediately after the bilary colic episode, maybe whatever started it off was better before I started taking the charcoal.  I really don't know, but I do know the disappearance of the symptoms started about two weeks after I dropped the Prevacid and started taking the charcoal for the gas.
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Now I feel silly - I thought you were referring to real cats!  And soft paws is a covering for cat claws.  What a riot, at least we still have a sense of humor.

BTW, I spoke to my daughter who is closer to your age, she's 33 and I asked her about the anti-anxiety stuff.  Now she has a masters in exercise physiology and won't even take asprin.  She doesn't believe in supplements or herbs - her attitude is if any label reads "do not take while pregnant" then it means it can do harm to a fetus so as she says, what do you think it does to you!  So, she gets her nutrients and vitamins from food, exercise and a heathly life style.  Plus she has a hubby and 2-yr old active child.  Anyway we spoke and she said that to her, it seems everything bothers me, I'm constantly on edge, etc.  When I asked why she didn't say anything, her reply was it would have done no good unless I recognized I was having a problem.  She felt I would have become defensive (which I would have), etc.
Her opinion was to try it, even though she doesn't advocate medication, one should get to the root of the problem, she feels that sometimes, conventional medicine has a place and sometimes one may need it to get a balance, calm down and then look at options with a clear head. But, not to take any one medication longer than 3-6 months.

I was told on another board to check out what intestional metaplasia means - it may be a concern and that was in my biopsy so now I'm worrying that I may have a prelude to something more serious!  I feel like I'm on a merry go round!
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If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? I too agree, if anxiety was an issue before the gastritis, than perhaps that is what brought it on and yes, anxiety meds just might help. However, if the anxiety came on as a "result" of suffering with the condition in the first place and not being able to find the source, than anxiety meds aren't the solution, but rather finding the problem is. I've never had anxiety nor do I have depression, but if I find that I'm being plagued by one of the two or both, it is becuase of the gastritis, not the reason for it. It's more of a "Why haven't they found the problem yet" anxiety. For me anyway. At any rate, one just has to do what one feels they have to. I do have faith in my doctor though and it's something I've never been able to find prior to him. Maybe it's because he young and renowned.

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That was what I was trying to say when I wrote that.  When a doctor can't figure out what's wrong, they seem to automatically suggest 'anxiety' and 'depression' as a part of the problem that can be addressed.

But I do agree that if I actually had a problem with anxiety or depression, then the medication could do wonders.  Especially in a problem where stomach acid affects it.  Stress does create higher levels of acid.  
I've been very lucky.  I haven't been dealing with this for seven years.  I'd probably be unbelievably stressed out after two years.  I only had the gastritis symptoms on and off for 8 months.
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It's under JCLINGO's post. You replied two days ago about having four cats and than I replied again.
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I think you were asking me about the parasite test, since I'm the one who posted that.
It's a simple test they run on a stool specimen to rule out parasites.  It was one of the first tests the gastroenterologist ran on me.  If you think you may have a problem with parasites, let your doctor know.  They're usually happy to find a problem they can solve.
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I do not have GERD, I have a gallstones,a hiatal hernia, and 'mild'(ha!) gastritis.
About the people with bad antidepressant experiences?  My best friend took Prozac (SSRI) for 9 months, it virtually turned her into a zombie.  She wasn't depressed to begin with, and while on the drug she was not happy.  In fact, she seemed miserable.  She tapered off, feels much better, and has been very happy with her decision to quit taking it.
My sister had a really bad experience with Wellbutrin (not an SSRI).  She had seizures, and could have died because the first one hit her while she was driving.  Luckily she wasn't alone.
So yes, I know people who've had bad experiences.  I also know a few who've had good ones.  The main difference appears to be in the medicine prescribed and the level of anxiety or depression involved.
I agree with you completely.  I have nothing against taking a medication when you need it, and if you are actually suffering from depression or anxiety in connection to your illness then the medicine may very well help you.  Stress and anxiety definitely affect acid levels, and reducing them may help you heal.  
I won't take antidepressants simply because I am not stressed, anxious, upset, or depressed.  I do not believe they would be of any help to me, and I know that they can cause problems that are much more severe than what is wrong with me now.  In fact, I have been asymptomatic (for gastritis) for over a month now.
I don't know if it was the activated charcoal, or if my body just altered the level of acid it produced, or what...I just know that I'm much better.

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where's the part about the cats???
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Did you see my reply regarding the cats below? Still laughing ;-)
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I'm sorry, but I agree fully with nanci9138 (I think that's it)
I honestly believe the reason for the anxiety meds, is simply to get you out of the doctors hair sort of speak. He has no clue as to what is causing the problem and hears the frustration. Well, he's just as "Frustrated" with not knowing himself and not knowing what to tell you, therefore he prescribes the
"anti-mood" pill, to calm you down and to basically, in my opinion, "get you out of his hair". Otherwise they know we will be calling tomorrow, and the day after and the day after that and so on and so forth. It's the doctors nice way of saying, "I haven't a clue anymore". I believe it's an allergic reaction that is going on in the body, being caused by "Something" the body doesn't like. Trying to find the culprit can be hard, but anxiety meds are NOT going to solve the problem, but more or less bandaid it. Cover it up. There has to be a doctor out there that knows and I'll find him!! I'm calling an allergist and a new internist and I am NOT letting up!

Anxiety my ***. I'll show them anxiety. YEAH, I wouldn't have ANXIETY if I weren't in pain 24/7 you ***.......ROTFLMAO  

OOOOh, I crack myself up! Too funny.
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Hi Nanci.  I'm sorry you are having so many problems with the dr.'s office, that is why I just threw my hands up and said to "heck with them".  This GI just gave me this prescription and didn't tell me how to take it or how it would affect me or anything.  Just gave it to me and told to follow up in 6 weeks.  Sometimes, I think if they don't find anything definitive in a scope or anything major, they don't want to waste time with you. That is how my GI made ME feel anyway. I will tell you that the prescrip. he gave me was for 30 pills.  So that is only a month.  Maybe he wanted me to try it and see how it worked, I have no idea and don't even want to attempt to call them.  Looks like I'm on my own.  I'm going to wait another week.  Maybe try the DGL again.  I tried it and it was so gross tasting I couldn't hardly chew it.  I couldn't tell it helped either, but I only used it for a few days, so I probably didn't give it enough time.  I don't think my sinus drainage is allergies.  It only happens when I'm having the GERD symptoms.  Maybe we can try this together.  It will help to have someone to talk to about it.  Keep me updated.
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I just took the breath test and found out I still have h. Pylori from when I was told in April from the Endoscopy that was performed then. What I don't understand is that the doc says h. pylori doesn't cause any symptoms and I probably had it ever since I was a kid.

As for parasites, how were you tested? I think I may have that problem but won't tell you how I know that because you'll think I'm nuts but I have a strong suspicion.
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Thanks for your comments and I may agree some but not completely.  I do know people who have benefited from anti-anxiety medication with no side effects.  There is always the exception I guess.  And, you sound just the way I did up until about a month ago when I began to realize that maybe I can't lick this alone.  

I don't know anything about charcoal but will do a search.  Gastritis is a different disease (if it can be called that) from GERD or hiatal hernia.  Some of the treatment protocols are similar but not entirely.  I tried DGL and that didn't help at all and may have made me worse.  GERD sufferers swear by it!

I have family members who have taken anti-anxiety meds on a short term basis (3-6 months) and they told me it helps, not an eye opener sort of help but a vague overall feeling of well being.  And, SSRI's are non addictive from what I've read.  
Did you have a bad experience or know someone who has?
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I'm right up there with you!  What the hell do I do now.  I know nothing about Celexa but I'll do some searches.  The office did say that this doesn't have to be a long term thing - 3 months is fine.  Some people take this stuff for years with no issues.

My daughter in law took Paxil for three months after she lost her twins to a premature delivery.  She said it helped alot but the mistake she made was abruptly stopping it.  So, that's very important.

I talked to my husband about it and he thinks I should try it but I sure don't want side effects.

Could your sinus draining be from allergies?  I have alot of drainage in the AM but I have four cats and even the expensive in house air filter system we put in doesn't help completely

I have a dull pain on my right side and the nurse said it was my stomach, it's a winding tube so your discomfort is surely the after affects of the scope.

Let me know what you decide - maybe we can do this together!
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I asked that same question.  What causes this condition to be chronic!  No answer to that, they don't know.  Her best guess is that if it isn't caused by a bacteria, most likely it's anxiety related, meaning I have the condition and I can be symptom free until some stressful issues activiates it!  Sounds simplistic but in essence, that's what she was telling me.  I asked if this condition is precancerous and she said probably not.  I asked her what I can do for the future and she said Protonix to heal it; diet for awhile until I'm healed and eliminate the trigger foods for life.  She added that if I take the Protonix in the AM and say I'm going out to dinner that night and don't want to pay attention to what I'm eating or drinking, I can take two OTC acid blockers but only in these types of situations, not as a routine thing.

If you come across anything, let me know and I'll do the same.
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I'm ready to lose it!!!!  I called my primary and left a message as to the reason I was calling - to investigate the possibly of an SSRI for anxiety related gastritis.  Leave for lunch, come back, there's a voice mail from Amanda - a nurse at the office.
She is rattling about the doctor prescribing Celexa, takes a week to get into your system, take one a day, every day, etc., etc.  I was absolutely livid!  I called back, held on for 10 minutes and chatty Amanda gets on the phone is isn't even my doctor's nurse.  Doctor is out but he wants me to take Celexa and if that doesn't help, then to call a mental health number on the back of the card (whatever card that is).  I took a deep breath (why beat her up) and told her that I was very uncomfortable starting a drug without at least speaking to the doctor about it - I have a ton of questions, like side effects.  Her response, well, you may have some diarrhea; maybe some nausea, difficulty with sleep but it all should pass>  Okay, next question, why Celexa and not something else, how does this differ from other SSRI's.  She didn't know said that maybe the doctor took this from the top of his head.  Okay, so when can I talk to him - he's out of the office until 8-19 and he's booking into October.  I ask about stopping if I don't like it, should I stop abruptly, she said "I don't think so, you should wean off them".  And how do I do that!  Ummm, maybe you should take 10mg a day instead of 20mg.

See where I'm going with this!
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I refuse to take antidepressants.  This is not a 'nervous' problem,it's not all in my head, and the potential benefits aren't worth the risks.  Antidepressant are becoming the new valium...a panacea for all those agitated patients the doctors are having trouble finding a way to help.  The possible side effects of antidepressants are daunting.  I have enough going on now, without fiddling with my brain chemistry and possibly triggering more problems...like seizures.

A little background on me: I've had a sonogram, endoscopy w/biopsy for H pylori, and various other tests in the last six months.  I do not have GERD, H pylori, fungal or parasitic infection,IBS, etc. etc.  I do have a hiatal hernia, gallstones (with no reduction in function), and a wide variety of symptoms that make/made me miserable.  

On the advice of my family doctor, when none of the prescription meds the Gastroenterologist gave me were helping, I tried activated charcoal. It has really helped, and I've been able to stop taking the prescription meds the gastroenterologist had put me on.  The activated charcoal seems to absorb the excess acid, and it definitely prevents the horrible gas I had been dealing with for so long.  The pain/discomfort is almost gone.

It may not be of as much use to you, but have you tried activated charcoal?  It might be worth a shot.
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Wow, sorry to hear that it's chronic. Boy do I know how you feel :(  I think the protonix is "Definitely" going to stop the burn and help put you on the track to healing. When you first start it, try a liquid soft diet for like a week, just to give the stomach time to ajust and heal. Could they tell you "Anything" as to WHY it will not go away and perhaps when it will? Seven years is a long time, it's been two for me. Almost and I sure hope it's not five more....Yikes! Could they tell you anything as to why. Very disheartning.
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Hi Nanci. I'm glad your H Pylori was negative.  I'm still having some burning in the right side of my chest and this aggravating sinus drainage.  If the darn sinus drainage would stop I think I would feel better.  I stopped the Mylanta and the diarrhea stopped too..hahah.  I forgot my Zantac this morning and paying for it now.  I have some Tums here at office, but don't want to take those.  I know what you mean about the Paxil.  I'm still debating on whehter or not to fill my RX of Trazodone.  I got a few responses on the other board.  I saw your post there too.  I hope you get some answers about the Paxil.  If I'm not better by next week, then I'm seriously considering the Trazodone.
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