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Excessive Burping

I am 28 years old and have Crohn's disease (eventhough I haven't had a flareup in over 10 years, since I had part of the lower intestine removed). But within the last 6 months or so, I have had the worst case of burping. Burping for no reason and can't stop. My family dr. and my gastroenterologist blame it on heartburn and have prescribed Prevacid (didn't work), Prilosec (a little better), then a combo of Prilosec and Propulsid. That combo has seemed to relieve the heartburn, but still no cure for the burping. I have been getting headaches too, but I will possibly blame that on anxiety/stress for not knowing what is actually wrong. I used to like going out and doing things, but now that I have this problem, I prefer to lay on the couch with the least amount of stress possible. My Gastroenterologist recommended possibly going on a mild anti-depressant, but I am looking for more than taking 3 pills a day. I want a cure and pills haven't worked. I have been reading this site and finding it extremely informative. I thought I may have been unique in my problem, but from reading other people's submissions, it seems others have the same symptoms as I do and its driving us up a wall. If anyone is suffering from the same symptoms as me, please feel free to let me know or if someone has an answer I would like to know (***@****)...Thanks for your time.
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I have been suffering with heartburn and excessive burping for quite some time.  I first complained of chest pain and shortness of breath, my doctor would rule out heart attack and lung problems.  This went on for over 2 years then finally in the emergency room a doctor told me to discuss GIRD with my doctor.  I did and he prescribed prolosic and a GI series.  The GI series showed nothing wrong and no real indication of reflux disease.  My doctor told me everything is fine but yet I am still on prolosic.  I can't tell if I'm normal anymore.  I have anxiety and feelings of depression; I think it's because I don't know what is wrong with me, and my doctor don't seem to know for sure either.  But I can't take it anymore everyone in my family thinks I'm a hyperchondria because I run back and forth to the doctor with the same problem but this feeling is real.  My friends are wondering why I don't hang out with them anymore.  This condition is depressing me, I feel as though I can't breath at times and it makes me feel confused like I'm loosing control, my throat gets tight and I can't seem to swallow, sometimes I feel nauseas.   PLEASE HELP - I COULD REALLY USE SOME ADVICE.
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Recently I was looking for causes for my burping when I ran across this forum. I was surprised to see the number of people complaining of this burping problem without getting any help from their doctors.

I think I may have come to a conclusion as to what is causing mine. Perhaps this relates to you, too.

My burping started a little over a year ago when I came down with Hepatitis A, contracted from a local restaurant. At that time my health had been "perfect." Three weeks later I came down with an ear infection and had to go on antibiotics. The burping has continued. Eleven doctors (GPs, hematologist, and GIs) I've seen haven't been able to explain it or the other symptoms I've continued to experience related to the Hepatitis.

A month ago I had a colonoscopy done. The solution I took beforehand was a laxative which illiminated everything from my gi track. Since then the burping has been gone. However, I just got another ear infection and am on antibiotics. The burping has started again.

My conclusion is the burping is related to an upset in the balance of good/bad bacteria in my intestines. (Could this possibly be related to a malabsorption problem, too??) I'm not sure what to do to fix the upset in the bacteria besides eating lots of yogurt and taking acidophilus.

I'm no doctor, but I think I may be on to something here, for my own problem of burping anyway. Maybe it will help you, too.
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WOW! I'm 28 and having alot of the same problems it has been 6 weeks and the doctors keep putting me on all kinds of meds. I get these episodes where i burp excessivily my chest gets tight I get lightheaded and numb around the throat area. I have had test for galstones and reflux whicth came back ok. Any one got a idea. The doctors are telling me i'm having panic attacks but the paxil i'm on now for 5 weeks has not helped.***@****
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I have been suffering with heartburn and excessive burping for quite some time.  I first complained of chest pain and shortness of breath, my doctor would rule out heart attack and lung problems.  This went on for over 2 years then finally in the emergency room a doctor told me to discuss GIRD with my doctor.  I did and he prescribed prolosic and a GI series.  The GI series showed nothing wrong and no real indication of reflux disease.  My doctor told me everything is fine but yet I am still on prolosic.  I can't tell if I'm normal anymore.  I have anxiety and feelings of depression; I think it's because I don't know what is wrong with me, and my doctor don't seem to know for sure either.  But I can't take it anymore everyone in my family thinks I'm a hyperchondria because I run back and forth to the doctor with the same problem but this feeling is real.  My friends are wondering why I don't hang out with them anymore.  This condition is depressing me, I feel as though I can't breath at times and it makes me feel confused like I'm loosing control, my throat gets tight and I can't seem to swallow, sometimes I feel nauseas.   PLEASE HELP - I COULD REALLY USE SOME ADVICE.
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Dear Jason,
Most people with excessive burping and bloating are air swallowers.  Air enters the gastrointestinal tract when mouth breathing or talking/drinking while eating.  A second frequent cause of gas is a change indiet such that gas forming foods are now eaten in greater amounts e.g. cabbage, beans, milk for many people.  A third explanation (and one that is unusual in those with an intact GI tract) is malabsorption.  Given that you have Crohn's disease, you may have an increased possibility of having malabsorption.

You should discuss with your doctor whether an evaluation for malabsorption is needed,  If after the apperopriate evaluation, a cause is still not found, then you should take anti gas medications e.g. simethicone, charcoal etc.  These over-the-counter preparations will control your symptoms.
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I have the same problem. About two months ago, I had some form of
attack that landed me in hospital for a night. The doctors suspected gallstones. An ultrasound was booked for about a month and a half later, and since then, and prior to the attack, I've had these intense stages were I burp almost none stop. I even find breathing difficult at times. Sometimes I can't lie down, because it makes it worse, and other times they get worse when Im moving about. They are painful and become disgustingly smelly sometimes too. So bad that it makes me gag and I have to light incense for the sake of those around me. My spit seems thick at times too and i'm generally miserable.
The problem is, no one can tell me the problem. The results from the ultrasound are three weeks late, so im assuming they turned out normal. Anyway, if you receive any hope as to a proper diagnosis, please inform me. Thanks!
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My problem is a bit different i get nausiated and exesive belching after a meal i had an endoscopy and colonoscpy and still havent found anything but am real tired and desperate for answers since this has been going on for three years and lost 100lbs please help??
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hello everybody, i guess, exercise would help too to get rid about this problem..
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I doubt that my information will be of help, but let me say that I did a lot of belching during the day and at night, sometimes lasting thirty minutes to an hour or better, I labored with this nuisance for about 20, maybe 25 years.  I could get by with this being a bachelor.  Doctors during this period offered little guidance, other than telling me not to retire for at least an hour after eating, and other general suggestions.  A few years ago a doctor prescribed Zantac (I believe it is spelled that way,) but it was of no benefit.  Now Zantac is over the counter with reduced power.  I tried many over the counter digestive aids they all seemed to aggravate the situation rather than help.  By accident, I tried Pepcid AC chewable tablets a few months ago and after all those years my belching came to an abrupt halt, beginning with the first tablet.  I am now 'cured' although every few days or so I let out four or five belches.  My 'cure' may have been accidental, but I now consider myself cured.
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I doubt that my information will be of help, but let me say that I did a lot of belching during the day and at night, sometimes lasting thirty minutes to an hour or better, I labored with this nuisance for about 20, maybe 25 years.  I could get by with this being a bachelor.  Doctors during this period offered little guidance, other than telling me not to retire for at least an hour after eating, and other general suggestions.  A few years ago a doctor prescribed Zantac (I believe it is spelled that way,) but it was of no benefit.  Now Zantac is over the counter with reduced power.  I tried many over the counter digestive aids they all seemed to aggravate the situation rather than help.  By accident, I tried Pepcid AC chewable tablets a few months ago and after all those years my belching came to an abrupt halt, beginning with the first tablet.  I am now 'cured' although every few days or so I let out four or five belches.  My 'cure' may have been accidental, but I now consider myself cured.
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I have the same problem both Jason and Lisa have.  I start burping non-stop with difficulty breathing to the point I have had to go twice to the emergency room.  My doctor diagnosed acid reflex disorder and prescribed Prilosec and Propulsid.  Neither of them worked and at times made it worst.  Have any of you found a solution to this problem?  I feel miserable.  Your help will be appreciated.  Thanks!
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