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Upper Right Quadrant Pain

I'm a 36 year old male who eats well, exercises regularly, and lives a reasonably healthy lifestyle.  Four month ago I started having pangs of pain in my right upper quadrant, just under my ribcage.  I couldn't indentify any obvious pattern (e.g. pain after eating a fatty meal), but I did notice I felt it often at night.  Concerned, I saw my primary care physician who suggested it might be a gall bladder problem.  I had a blood test done for liver function, it came back normal.  Next he referred me for an ultrasound.  The ultrasound found nothing unusual so my physician prescribed Nexium and said I was likely flirting with an ulcer or some persistant gastritis.  

Three months passed and I continued to have periodic pain, slowly becoming more persistant.  I checked in with my physician again and he set me up for an upper GI endoscopy.  Fortunately, that came back negative as well. I'm certainly happy that nothing was found, but am left with worsening (almost ever-present now) symptoms and no answers. The pain is typically under the lower right side of my ribcage, but sometimes radiates higher in my chest.  If I curl my fingers under my ribs it is usually quite tender, all the way down the length of my liver.

Two weeks ago my stools had an orange hue to them (I assume this is what is refered to as "clay colored"?).  This lasted for about ten days, but my stool color seems to have returned to normal.

My question is what conditions could be causing this pain if it didn't show up on an ultrasound or an upper GI endoscopy?  Since the ultrasound was performed very early on when I just started feeling the symptoms, is it possible that it could have missed something serious(i.e. small tumor that has since grown)?  I don't think my primary physician intends to do any more tests, so am wondering if I should insist on any others or whether I should see a specialist?  I'm trying not to be neurotic about it, but am growing increasingly concerned.  Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated.  Thank you.
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Jenxie:  I finally was sent to an infectious disease Dr.  Unlike you with all my pain and additional problems, they can't seem to find anything wrong with my blood nor my organs.  Yeah, but what is causing everything.  Like you the Infectious disease Dr. also believes I have Fibromyalgia/Chronic fatigue syndrome. I was actully physically sick while I was in his office and told me nothing looked wrong with my blood work. He told me to see a rheumotologist if I needed a second opionion.  Although I know I have alot of those symptoms, I am not convinced.  I know that there is no definite test to prove you have it. I also know that if you are sick with these multiple symptoms but nothing seems to be evident they are quick to put you in that category.  I am going to chalk it up that I don't have anything serious.  However, I know hormones can play a serious role on your body as well.  Since this all started over 2 years ago when I had my child I am going to deduct that it has to do with them.  I had never been on birth control before my pregnancy" am 34 now".  My doctor convinced me to go on after so I would not get pregnant immediately after.  I have been told by several friends including a nurse who deals with this, that alot of women have serious issues with birth control after having a child.  Some go mental and some go physical.  (I am not implying post pardum) Not to mention that some do this before a child too.  I took myself off since March. But since my PCP had put me on Lexapro I don't think I was getting any better.  Lexapro made me extremely worse.  I chose to take myself off of that as well.  Right at this moment, other than sinus issues I seem to be improving.  They say my pleaursys feeling is not that anymore.  I think they are calling it part of fibromyalgia, which would make my pain muscular.  Oh well, I guess I am just a crazy person and all that is going on with me is just in my head.  I guess I am mentally causing it all to be a reality.  At least I think that is what the Drs are thinking.
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I also have right upper quadrant (flank) pain.  I have had it for a couple months.  At first it was off and on but now it is constant and getting worse.  At first when I complained back in 2003 of upper right quadrant pain, they tested for gallbladder disease, I was told to have it removed.  While preparing to have my gallbladder removed I had blood in my bowel movements so my Gastroenteroligist did the colonoscopy and found the Crohn's.  He advised to take medication and not have the gallbladder surgery until the meds can take affect and the diseased area is better.  I had another test for gallbladder in 2005 and so far so good .. its ok .. don't need to come out.  
I still experience the pain in my upper right side but more on the side around the rib cage... slightly in the back area and travels around to the front towards the belly button and blood in my urine.  
In the process of countless tests since 2003, I found out I have Fibromyalgia and Crohn's disease and now I was just told I have lesions on my left Kidney and cyst on my right Kidney.  The doctor told me that the cyst is not causing my pain though. He told me its my Fibromyalgia causing me the pain.  I am not sure I agree with him so I keep going and going to try to find out what this is. I am 43 year old female and tired of feeling like I am 80 on some days.  I can't sleep on my right side, bend at the right side, can't sleep on my back and now I am having problems sitting because the pain that is going from the right side to the belly button.  The area where I have pain is so tender .. I can't lean across a table without it hurting. Can't walk through a mall or grocery shopping without it getting worse and causing me shortness of breath.  
Like I told my doctor .. I know something is wrong but don't know what.  I feel too bad to not have something wrong. Heeeeeeeeeelp  :)
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I also have right upper quadrant (flank) pain.  I have had it for a couple months.  At first it was off and on but now it is constant and getting worse.  At first when I complained back in 2003 of upper right quadrant pain, they tested for gallbladder disease, I was told to have it removed.  While preparing to have my gallbladder removed I had blood in my bowel movements so my Gastroenteroligist did the colonoscopy and found the Crohn's.  He advised to take medication and not have the gallbladder surgery until the meds can take affect and the diseased area is better.  I had another test for gallbladder in 2005 and so far so good .. its ok .. don't need to come out.  
I still experience the pain in my upper right side but more on the side around the rib cage... slightly in the back area and travels around to the front towards the belly button and blood in my urine.  
In the process of countless tests since 2003, I found out I have Fibromyalgia and Crohn's disease and now I was just told I have lesions on my left Kidney and cyst on my right Kidney.  The doctor told me that the cyst is not causing my pain though. He told me its my Fibromyalgia causing me the pain.  I am not sure I agree with him so I keep going and going to try to find out what this is. I am 43 year old female and tired of feeling like I am 80 on some days.  I can't sleep on my right side, bend at the right side, can't sleep on my back and now I am having problems sitting because the pain that is going from the right side to the belly button.  The area where I have pain is so tender .. I can't lean across a table without it hurting. Can't walk through a mall or grocery shopping without it getting worse and causing me shortness of breath.  
Like I told my doctor .. I know something is wrong but don't know what.  I feel too bad to not have something wrong. Heeeeeeeeeelp  :)
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Still waiting on an answer.  Gyn sent me to an infectious disease DR (Known to be the very best in this area). Saw him.  Great DR. He informed me that it was not an infection in my body.  He believes it is an autoimmune disease.  Leaning in the direction of a Collagen vascular disease.  I only can find 5 types under that.  Trying to figure out which one I fall under.  Sent out 5 viles of blood to test several things including my liver and heart.  None of them seem very kind diseases.  Have a follow up next thursday.  As much as I want to know whats wrong, I hope he is wrong.
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Saw my Gyn last night for a follow up.  He feels that there is some questionable underlying infection in my body that is not detecting.  He is sending me to an infectious desease DR.  By the way I am 33 and it should have been highly unlikely for me to get mono at age 32.  By then everyone should have some immune build up to it.
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I couldn' help but join in.  I have additional symptoms to add too.  A couple a months after having my baby in 2004  I had gotten sick.  The Drs. assumed it was my usual sinus infection.  After lingering on for 3 months they treated me for viral bronchitas.  Shortly after that my neck and head lymph nodes would swell up and I would attempt to get sick (sore throat) but never fully.  After the third time (each getting a little worse)of this and worried about cancer I got check.  The Dr. ruled out my seasonal allergies took blood work and said I was normal.  A month later I was sick again, could not get out of bed or open my eyes(sore throat and swollen again).  A couple of days later found out my co-worker had strep.  Went to Dr. same day.  Ruled out strep, suspected mono.  One week later got tonsilitis and was issued prednisone. Got results (by the way my earlier blood test showed some high monocytes) showed that I had tested positive for the Epstein Barrs Virus but in the old age stage of it(mono test).  Had to go back a month later for what seemed like bronchites or sinus issue, another Dr. in firm said that my information showed that I could have had the mono several years ago.  I switched DRS.  At this time I could only stay healthy for one week out of every month.  Went to new Dr. said I looked like I had mono before and then had recurring mono and then the tonsilites.  After a month ended up with the upper abdominal pain in right quadrant under front rib cage and around back.  Also had hard time breathing.  Dr. diagnosed Pleaursys.  Took motrin helped some.  Also gave medicine for allergies for leaukotrines (? if propper term) instead of antihistamines, helped a lot.   Went back to Dr. after several months because, pleaurysis never would get better.  In addition, during pregnancy and all the way to this point, had stomach (contraction like pain).  After preg. had bloating and a lot of weight loss and back and forth weight gain with no effort.  My stomach pain would get so bad it caused nausea, hot flashes and almost passing out symptoms.  This got worse with the pleaursys but the pain stopped being in my front and back of the rib and spine to only the back and spine.  The Dr. ruled it as stress and put me on lexapro.  Through this whole year I have had terrible exhaustion but it got worse with the lexapro and I also gained a concentration problem.  My stomach pain is better and I lost more weight.  However, my back pain which seems to be intermittant now will not go away and seems to be worsening again.  My gynocologyst says my immune is down and that antioxidants should help.  I have been on them for four days now and not even the slightest changes.  I now have lower back pain to boot.  Gyn also said that the first tests that should have been taken were a TB and a thyroid.  So meeting with him after he has pulled my blood work from my other DR to see it that was included with my tests.  By the way may Gen Prac did an x-ray which came out clear.  I am still waiting for an answer.  I think my GP thinks its in my head.
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