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Upper ab pain and burning

I have been having for about a week now upper abdominal pain with on/off burning in the middle. The pain somtimes goes into my back. Its not a constant pain it comes and goes. Its better now then what it was, but its still their on and off. Also a week ago I had the "flu" for 24 hours diarreaha and really bad stomach pains. my question is could this be just left over flu symptoms or somthing else?
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I have had upper ab pains for 8 days now and cant function properly. Its a burning kinda feeling that shoots down the side to my back. Lots of gas and indigestion also. I can almost feel something rolling under my right rib cage. Im dizzy and feel like Im going to vomit all the time. No appetite, cant even stand taking a drink, feels like Im going to vomit. The doctor did a ultrasound and came back normal. can someone please help me , Im ready to snap, cant sleep at night afraid to go to bed.
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I have been having periodic spells of nausea and lightheadedness over the past 6 months. I saw my Doctor on monday, and all the tests came back as normal. My liver is functioning normal, no H. Pylori bacteria (which causes ulcers) everything she tested for came back as normal. I'm really scared as to what this could be. I feel a little better today after taking pepcid twice a day for three days along with about 9 tums per day. I still feel a little faint, and slightly queezy but not as bad as it has been. Does anyone know what this could be??? Anyone had similar expiriences as me. If so, please e mail me at ***@****

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   I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV <G>, however, I've been in extreme pain under the lower part of my ribs for 10 months now (3 before gall bladder was removed and ever since).  Has your doctor ruled out esophagus sphinter muscle dysfunction?  (Sorry, the test includes, yet another scope down throat, and this time, while awake.  Not too bad once they get past your nose!)  Also, and this one you want to read up on on the Web first, because the side effects are frightening, it could be Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction.
    I know for sure I have the esophagus problem, and I'm pretty sure I have the Oddi Sphincter problem.  Because of the side effects of the doctors even testing that one (25-37% possibility of getting pancretitus, with the same percentages for each procedure done afterwards to maybe relieve the problem), I've been checking around for alternative ways of relaxing those two muscles.  Today I was told by an acupunturists, who is also a doctor, that she can probably relax them.  
     Just some ideas for you, that took my GI the longest time to consider.
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I've had the same problems since November.  Nausea, vomiting, and a burning sort of pain, sometimes feels like it starts at the back, but seems to be dead center under the sternum.  When it gets really bad, I vomit.  I've had two ultrasounds, a HIDA scan, a CT scan, several rounds of bloodwork, a gastroscope, urine test, a pair of rectal exams... everything normal except some bloodwork right after an attack (real high billirubin), when I was at the ER.  Mine were worse at night, but then it started up in the daytime too.  I reached the point in December where I couldn't hold down dry toast and ginger ale, and eventually all I could keep down was jello.  I changed doctors when my doctor's receptionist told me I shouldn't have had the toast.  I lost 20 lbs. when I couldn't hold down food.  After all the tests, all that's shown up is some gastritis, and a bit of acid reflux, but even my doctor admits acid reflux shouldn't cause that.  I've been on prilosec since the end of Decmeber,  and haven't vomited or had serious pain since, but was off for nearly two weeks when I had the gastroscope run.  The pain was the worst it had been since January, so I'm back on prilosec.  It seems to keep it to a minor pain that I can ignore if I have to, though I still feel it.  The full-fledged pain is debilitating.  I am unable to function, and it HURTS.  It's worse if I'm laying down than sitting up, and sitting down seems to be better than standing/pacing with it.  I've also started having sharp jabbing pains on the right side, under the rib, that only last a few seconds each.  They're thinking billiary colic now.
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Yes I too have had pain in middle of ribs thats starts slowly and builds to excrutiating pain. I have had ultra sound baruim meal and went under so doctor could put camera down my throat to inspect. All test including blood test came back normal. I was hospitalised with this pain and when it gets really bad I vomit.
It seems only to happen at night and certainly not every night.
I have had about three four attacks so far in about 2 months.
I am 8 stone and 37 years old . Help Im scared of the night!!!
Why cant they find the problem with all these expensive tests
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Man!  Can somebody tell me what's causing all this upper right rib pain and itching?  Yes, itching around my rib cage.  The pain radiates from a sharp pain just below my right rib cage, like you get after running sometimes, to a severe ache/pain almost under my right arm in my rib cage?  These pains are accompanied by itching.  There's no visible rash, I'm not under any stress, except for the stress of this pain. Like the knife-like pain that Chris talks about.
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