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I'm a sixtish male with a history of mitral prolapse/systolic functional murmur, PVCs and PACs. I take very low dose Atenolol. I was told that I have mild acid reflux, but decided to restrict diet rather than take a prescription for that.

I often get what I call "lurches" that seem to be centered in the area of my diaphraghm. These lurches (spasms?) seem to correspond to the old phrase "my heart leaped into my throat." When they were first noticed about 25-30 years ago they were closely correlated with eating spicy food, but were quite infrequent.  Over the years they have varied in frequency of occurence, from a good many days with none, to several a day, to several an hour, to one every few minutes. (Generally, more often as I aged.) About 18 years ago I had them more or less continuously for about 4 hours. A Holter monitor test about that time indicated PVCs and PACs, but no treatment other than the minimum dose Atenolol, and I have never had activity/exercise restrictions.

I have long been convinced that most, if not almost all, of the lurches are STOMACH SPASMS. Doctors have seemed very sceptical of that, insisting they were irregular heart beats. This week I had left arm pain that occurred while having fairly frequent lurches. In the emergency room, bloodwork and EKGs were normal. The doctor (an internist) indicated that the left arm pain might have come from a nerve problem in my neck, and when discussing my "stomach spasms as cause" theory said that the vagus nerve could possibly transfer stomach spasms to the heart.

What is the possibility that my theory is at least somewhat accurate? I would worry a lot less about stomach lurches than if the lurches were from a heart problem!! I have asked several doctors if I could try having my heart monitored aftr eating known "too spicy" foods such as mustard or hot sauce, but got no agreement.

Could the stomach/vagus nerve be a significant source of the lurches? If so, could the lurches  be mistaken for irregular heartbeats? Or, would they almost always/always trigger irregular heartbeats? If the irregular beats are triggered by stomach/vagus, does that mean less cause for anxiety than if they  originate solely in the heart itself? I'd greatly appreciate any information/suggestions/referrals to other info sources, etc. Thanks.  Pete

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I have had a very similar set of symptoms to those described.

This began around 2 years ago.  The main symptom is a lurching/wobbling sensation in the stomach/lower sternum.  Initially I was getting several a day, and they were very scary.  Now I often go for a couple of weeks without them.

They seem to happen more often just after drinking water, when stooping, or occasionally during bowel movements.

I would also have hot flushes, esp. neck and face before having them, and feel very washed-out after.

A gastroscopy has recently shown that I have a sliding hiatus hernia, but little else.  I have chronically low folate, though my diet is healthy and I do not drink alcohol.

I am amazed by how many people are describing the same or similar symptoms.  I really feel for those who are describing the severe impact this has on their lives.
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I found this site doing research for my husband who suffers from
these spasms of his heart.  I cant wait for him to come home and read the comments here of people who understand what he is feeling.  My question is to anyone who can explain why when he has an irregular heart beat or feels it coming he has to constantly burp.  Sometimes he burps a couple times and the feeling goes away.  The food allergy idea was interesting as well.
He lifts weights and does cardio regularly and this never happens during the exercise.  A few times this has occured at the gym following his workout.  Sometimes the bearing down works but not always.  All tests have shown no heart damage but he says it if very scary.  
He refuses to take drugs and over all is very healthy.
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I`m so glad I found this site .
I had been feeling that I was going crazy , the doctors here are not much help .
I too ended up in casualty with severe chest pains but all the heart tests were negative .
The doctor told me the pain was caused by severe spasms and the only treatment was the spray used by angina sufferers . I don`t want to use this though .
My latest trip to the doctors resulted in him prescribing me Prozac !
I`m so glad to have found people who can relate to what I have been going through .
Iwas told my dizziness was down to me hyperventilating even though I knew I wasn`t .
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I just stumbled across all of your posts.  I too have all the symptoms you have.  This has really scared me but I am still here to tell you about it.  

I went to acupuncture last Friday and he has done wonders to help my pain in the back, the swallowing problems I am having, the feeling of the roof of my mouth and throat being pulled down to my stomach, the spasms of the stomach and spasms all along the inside of the vertebral column, the sternum pain and left reaching movement pain, etc.

Also have had intermittent slow heart rate.  Sleeping is a challenge as well.

I drink out of a lot of plastic.  I have my favorite plastic 20 ounce glass that I constantly refill, etc.  I also buy bottled water and use a Brita filter pitcher to clean my water.

Maybe we all need to go to distilled water?  How to get this in non-plastic bottle?  Anyone have a distiller they can recommend?


Gerda, Hemet, CA
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Hi fellow suffers

Out of blue in May - started getting retrosternal pain and PVCs (+ awareness of heart beat most of the time + short runs of PSVT (although never caught on ECG)) with lightheadedness.  Also had panic attacks (was told it was vasovagal)and sleep starts (zapping in head when trying to get to sleep). Out of interest - I am 44 & have menopausal hormone levels.  

Lost weight - stopped exercising - scared to eat a lot.  Now 6 months down line I have more a feeling of spasm behind sternum - often this is connected to a 'missed beat' sensation and it seems to be worse after I have eaten.  I have a feeling there is something still in my oesophagus - I drink herb tea to try and shift this to no effect.

Had various tests - endoscopy clear (slight gastritis)- ECG clear.  Been into casualty a number of times with chest pain/dysphagia. But no-one interested. Pain is often retrosternal but also in back and diffuse intermittent & stabbing.  I been told a variety of things - from wind to spasm to anxiety to GERD. PVCs are benign apparently.  

Drs have tried to get me on anti-depressants.  I have been on Gaviscon (short term relief), Ranitidine (didnt help much)Omeprazole (made discomfort worse), Nexium (only had it a week and couldnt stand the discomfort in stomach). Am now eating bland diet - small meals - mostly semi-solid and lots of herb tea.    

I have been trying to find connection between symptoms and also came up with vagus nerve. Will keep a look out to see how you are all getting on - I am a pale reflection of self prior to May and want to get my life back!

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It has been very helpful to read these comments and find out others have had the exact same problem I have.  I have been having PVC's off and on for several years, but lately they have really been acting up.  After reading other stories, I came to the conclusion that these were related to things other than just cardio.  Most of the time, stomach distress has accompanied the worst episodes and that led me to believe that excessive stomach acid and possibly food allergies were contributing to the problem.  I started taking  a product called "Acid Ease" by Prevail, (find it at your health food store) before and after meals.  The PVC's stopped.  I've taken it another step and eliminated my most common food items (yeast, wheat, dairy, POULTRY OF ANY KIND) and caffeine and the episodes have stopped.  This diet is low in acid...almost vegetarian, but I can eat fish and beef, but rarely for the beef.  This is a little restrictive, but beats the heck out of trying to live with a thumping, jumping heart.  I have had food allergies in the past (dairy) and after 3 mos of abstaining was able to add some dairy products back in.  Give this a try and see if it helps anyone you  PS cut out the sugar, too.
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