499339 tn?1258561077

My dog (Peanut) died a few nights ago

Last Thursday night around 1:15 am my dog (Peanut) had one of her seizures.but this one lasted around 30 to 45 mins. long. She has a few in the past, they lasted a min or two at the most.They would happen,maybe one every two months,,if that even.  Took her to the vets,,did blood work etc. everything looked normal. But this one on Thursday killed her. She seemed to have one ,then it would slow down,then it would pick up again. There was nothing I could do. I talked to her, patted her, told her everything was going to be alright, said we would go out after, just me and her. I can't stop crying,,I'm hurting so bad ,I miss her . Life is not the same.Can you please help me, I have to know what was wrong with her? Why her? She was only a year and a half.
Thanks, Mike Boom
20 Responses
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212161 tn?1599427282
am so sorry for your loss i feel yoour pain i just put my baby to rest 4 weeks ago he was 17 years old so my house is very empty and lonley. it takes part of your heart with you , but you need to think what a great life peanut had with you , was she on meds for the seizures ?  plz know you was a great mom and gave her lots love, where lots others didnt have what she did , i know it dont help but she was a loved and happy peanut.
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I come to this site looking for answers.  Ours was nearly two when she died over a month ago.  It happened so fast, we never found out what casued her seizures.  I feel life is unfair when I see other dogs on the street and ours isn't.  My heart doesn't SWELL anymore with love and joy . I cry reading your post.  I have no answers but want to reach out and let you know that you are not alone.   Your beautiful baby was very lucky to have you holding her, comforting her and love love and love her until the very end.    

"Peace I leave with you.  My peace I give to you; not as the world gives to you, let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid"  John 14:27
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460185 tn?1326077772
I am so sorry to hear about your dog.  Words are inadequate to say what I would like to convey.  You made Peanut's life a happy one and I have no doubt that she knew you loved her and cared for her.  I'd like to be able just to reach through the computer screen and give you a big hug.  Peanut was a family member, not "just" a dog.

We've had dogs who have passed on and we still grieve for them.  But we also can remember all the good times we had with them.  That quote above by blackdiamond says it all and I too had to hold back tears, especially seeing her picture.

She left this world being held and comforted by someone she loved - you.  I know it hurts. There's nothing wrong with crying.  When my Siberian husky passed on I couldn't stop crying, even in public.

Please know that the Dog Community and all us "dog people" are here to care and support you.  You don't have to be alone - we've all lost our best friends and feel and understand your pain.


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514916 tn?1224518087
I am so very tremendously sorry for your pain, I lost my friend 6 months ago, I had to take tranquilizers and honestly wanted to die, but I had other pup who would follow and stay right there....now I have another pup on her way to doggie heaven it looks.
There no words for you....I named a star in the sky after my pup and look up there for that star and just know its my babies star, and talk to him and I know hes somehow with me when I am weak, the tears stop streaming so bad over time, but, it doesn't take much to start the tears up, you never forget, my husband bought me a new baby pup who also almost died, I fought for lil guy life, so if you can bear get another pup, we named ours after the senior who died and called him #2, lots of love to you...
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460185 tn?1326077772
chihuahuagrandma -

That's a wonderful idea - naming a star after your friend.  It honors him and lets him "light up the sky" and in his own way, he is always around.

It's incredibly difficult to lose a "friend" or "baby" which is why I'm writing this - to see how h2owner is dealing with his loss.  It isn't easy; in fact, it can be debillitating.  But you have people here who have gone through the same thing and can offer you caring and support.

Sending lots of good thoughts to you ....


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499339 tn?1258561077
I just to say thank you for everything that was said. I still cry (I'am now) about her. It seams to get a little easier some days without her, but things here are still and never going to be the same. A few times I thought I heard her ( the rattling of her dog tags) then realize that she's not here. I see other dogs that sort of look like her around and think about her and how much I miss her and loved her.
Sorry, I can't write anymore, I'm still very upset about it all.
I really like the idea of naming a star after Peanut.
I'm going to look into it.
Thank you,
From Mike ,,Peanut's Dad
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I am so very very sorry...I am also crying after reading your post.  One reason because your pup was so very young, and two, I KNOW all too well the pain that you are feeling.  My Tiffy was put down in December...some days are fine and some days it just hurts so much.  I do want you to know that the pain will subside.  As days go by the pain will lesson, but it does take a long, very long time.  Just try to take comfort in knowing that you were there for Peanut and loved her tremendously...trust me, she knows that.  God gave you her for a reason and knew that you would be the best for her life.  Though it wasn't long, I am sure her life was very full..full  of all good things.  Please try to take comfort in knowing that Peanut is in peace and you will be with her again, one sweet day.

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

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501163 tn?1218076238
i know how losing your furbaby rips your heart out...3 years ago, i lost my boy, Popcorn, after having him for 19 years!  i still mourn his death....he was a Pomeranian, everytime i see a Pom on the street, it takes all my willpower to keep from crying....i had his picture tattoed on my shoulder...i am not a big tattoo person, but i had a great need to do it...i also own a great dane. i had her tattoo done at the same time beside Popcorn...she is going on 11 and b/c she is a giant breed i am expecting heartbreak to happen again soon for me and my family.
i can totally relate to your loss and i just want you to know i am very sorry for your loss.....Lisa
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514916 tn?1224518087
And one day you will write or talk with a dog lover regarding your experience
in a lost loved one, and give care, sympathy, support, understanding, ideas,
suggestions, as you've recieved from pet lovers. So, Peanut's memorial has already started, he will never be forgotten, his experience will always help another person's lost, just as me telling you my experience w/my lil' Noonnee's Star in the sky, yes, I cry like a pain so unbearable, even now sharing the feelings with you, the tears are a flood, but my Noonnee is living in his memorial to you and many others.
I came up w/the star, for my devestation was so bad, I would sit outside and mourn, and did this for a long time, I look up at sky and this one really bright star would twinkle, and I thought no, no way, but you know its always there when I need that comfort, and I named my star and I share w/others my Noonnee's Memorial of living and experiences of his next destination..
I kept memoirs of my guy, so when sad, go hug a blanket or collar, and smell his scent, and go do something nice for one of my other pets, or when a see a lost cat/dog, I try to rescue and help the best I can. This particular dog gave me a heart!!! Take care....
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Just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for your loss of Peanut.   I too think Your baby knew how much she was and always will be loved.  That has to mean a little something.   I am probably going to lose mine soon  and the love and comfort on this site  though painful to read  at least reinforce how much all little critters make the world a better place and how lucky we are to have them for any time though we always always want more.  My heart aches for you and for Peanut.    
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514916 tn?1224518087
How are you holding up??? My thoughts are for you....hope your coping okay...
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499339 tn?1258561077
I'm doing Ok I guess. I still miss her so much. I miss going for our walks, just me and her. That was our time. I use to call her "Peanut butter and jelly" and that would give her this spark. It made her so happy when I said that to her. I guess its the way I said it to her, in a funny voice way. I have pictures of her in every room I hang out in, even the garage , where I work on my motorcycles. I  look at the spot were she passed away (in my bedroom, she was always at my side) and I sit there and cry. I can't help it. And I say , Why her? I miss you Peanut, Love you, and I miss you so much!!!!. I hope she hears me. Here I go again,, getting upset. Just goes to show how much I miss my pup.
Thanks for asking how I'm doing,
How are you doing?
You take care of yourself,
Thanks again, Mike
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514916 tn?1224518087
Yea, its very hard, you do cry and mourn a lot.....and you will talk to him a lot, and thats the way it will be for a while...
I would just break down, I really believed a part of me died w/my dog, I was in shock for the 2 weeks, and stayed on medications, about the 3rd week, my husband bought me a new pup....I didn't want it,,,,but, pup was severly sick, and somehow I got pulled in...luckily for me it helped with my mourning...Loving a dog is unconditional, not like humans...so very sorry for your grieving,,,,,this will last a while...and you never forget or let go, I would search for my deceased's dog smell, he had his own smell....crazy...
I know your hurting....wish there was more for you I could express to help...
Stay in touch....when I read yours; I cry too...
You take care of yourself....maybe one day, there will be another pet wanting and needing your love, cause there is not too many people who have your love, and theres some little friend out there that needs you....
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My tears continue too, for my Tiffy....it just takes a lot of time.  Feel what you need to feel and one day you will be able to smile remembering all the happy memories.  God bless and know that you will see Peanut again one day.
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514916 tn?1224518087
Just checkin on you....
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499339 tn?1258561077
I'm up and down.I noticed I'm stressed out more. At least when she was around and I was stressed, she would make me forget everything. For awhile anyways.Her and I would go for a long walk. I just started taking her to this beautiful park about 2 miles away from our house.There is a small lake there and a real nice trail we would walk. I call the park,,Peanut Park, Because that was one of the last places we went together. How are you today?  I just want to say thank you, also. I still get upset still. Even right now, my eyes are filling up. I'll talk to you later,,Thanks again, Mike
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514916 tn?1224518087
Awwww, yes, you will tear up for a long time....I am not sure for any one person the time frame of a pet loss, most people, it never goes away....
Have you consider yet at looking into another pet to train like Peanut....or to be friends with....I got a another puppy, I wasn't ready, but the puppy forced me into paying attention to him cause he was a puppy, and pups have needs.....
I know Peanut was your friend, probably, no one ever know really just how much Peanut meant to you but you....I can remember when no one home to hear me, after my loss, screaming my pet's name and telling him I love him, and OH God, why????
Your welcome, stay in touch, I feel for you.....

Please consider a new friend, there are so many dogs just in need of a good pet owner like yourself, some little fella is just waiting on you....

Have a good day!!!
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When I read these posts, my eyes fill up also.  Heck, my eyes still fill up over my first poodle who is gone now 25 years!  What special souls they are to leave such imprints on our hearts.
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While reading these posts I find comfort  in knowing that I AM NOT ALONE. I hate it when one expresses love for animals people can make some stupid inconsiderate remarks.I can reverse the sentiment for the fact that they dont have that special softspot in THEIR hearts.

Thanks ya'll for being here.
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This has been said, but I'll say it again.

You can never replace a loved one, and Peanut will always be in your heart.  (Writing this, I'm shedding a few tears for my Lemma who was there for me for 16 years through so many hard times, even though it has been many years since I lost her.)  That said, please fill your heart and home as much as you can with a new friend.  You might look for a pet who has had losses of his or her own--abandoned, lost, hurt) to share this time with you and heal together.
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