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Click when swallowing


I was wondering if someone could help me.  For a few weeks now I have this click in my throat when I swallow.  Not when I am drinking water or eating, but just during normal swallowing.  It doesn't click when my head is down or up, but it clicks when I am looking straight.  If I put my fingers just above adams apple I can feel a click.

Please help me to identify what it could be.

Thank you,
183 Responses
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FIXED!!  (for now at least)

I've had this problem for a few weeks now and I just discovered that it definitely has something to do with my ears rather than my throat.  I first pulled my ear lobes down and outward and kind of stretched out my ear hole.  Then I put my index fingers in my ear holes and pushed the flappy part forward (towards my face) to open up my ear hole.  I can't believe it but this has actually worked so far!!  I'm not sure if this is a permanent fix or not, but at least now I know my ears are the problem, which I definitely did not think was the case given that the click was in my lower throat when I swallowed.  Hope this helps!
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FIXED!!  (for now at least)

I've had this problem for a few weeks now and I just discovered that it definitely has something to do with my ears rather than my throat.  I first pulled my ear lobes down and outward and kind of stretched out my ear hole.  Then I put my index fingers in my ear holes and pushed the flappy part forward (towards my face) to open up my ear hole.  I can't believe it but this has actually worked so far!!  I'm not sure if this is a permanent fix or not, but at least now I know my ears are the problem, which I definitely did not think was the case given that the click was in my lower throat when I swallowed.  Hope this helps!
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FIXED!!  (for now at least)

I've had this problem for a few weeks now and I just discovered that it definitely has something to do with my ears rather than my throat.  I first pulled my ear lobes down and outward and kind of stretched out my ear hole.  Then I put my index fingers in my ear holes and pushed the flappy part forward (towards my face) to open up my ear hole.  I can't believe it but this has actually worked so far!!  I'm not sure if this is a permanent fix or not, but at least now I know my ears are the problem, which I definitely did not think was the case given that the click was in my lower throat when I swallowed.  Hope this helps!
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Anyone do any holistic therapy to remedy the problem?
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Anyone find any relief? Anything that helps? Any one diagnosed with anything? Any updates?
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Please please and please... I am begging anyone on this forum.. please has anyone found any cure or solution to the clicking adam's apple.. i've read everything on the forum and am still currently experiencing it. It's more annoying and frustrating when the ENT doctor says there's nothing when we're the one experiencing it. At this point i'm down for hyoid bone excision (surgery).. Now my thyroid cartilage feels swollen.. i've never experienced this before.. I hate myself so much right now idk why this is happening. Haven't been able to sing in forever because of this.. please please and please if anyone has any solution to this i'd be eternally grateful.. please don't just scroll past it.. please.... i'm desperate...we're all in this together.
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Curious how everyone is doing on this "clicking throat" thread ... I have same issue - 6 weeks now - ENT stumped and made me feel like I was crazy.  Anyone have it go away ? Get any real answers ?
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I am 36 yr old female
I too have experienced this for the first time a few months ago. I saw an ENT and they told me that as we get older this can happen. In addition He mentioned if you suffer from neck pain, which I do, that it can cause it.  He also said sometimes our cartilage presses a certain way and this can happen. he examined and felt my neck and looked at my vocal cord with that camera and hose up my nose.. surprising it didn't hurt.  He had me say Hee; and he said everything looked and felt fine. I did find out I have a slight deviated septum and rhinitis.  
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I am super glad to have found this because I am having a similar problem and was wondering if you have figured this out yet?  I am a female and its very similar to your situation but with a few differences.

I am a 34 year old female and about 9 months ago experienced a "clicking" in my throat.  It only happened once or twice at first when I swallowed and I was not eating or drinking.  It didn't hurt either.  It was lower in the throat and more to my left side.  If I pushed on my throat I could actually feel the click but no lumps or anything.  By this time however it now happens atleast 7 out of 10 times I swallow and this includes eating/drinking or not.  Again, it doesn't hurt per se but by the end of the day if it has happened many times it becomes a little sore akin to a sore muscle.  I also recently noticed that when I would sing ad hit higher notes it would click.  This is now happening every time I sing and go up in pitch.  This led me to the thinking that it could be nodules but I have no other symptoms.  I don't put my vocal cords through any kind of abuse.  I don't sing all the time which is why I didn't notice that till recently (I was singing along to the radio..he!)

Well, I have never posted anything on the internet before (I don't even do facebook or anything) so this was just an attempt to get someone's opinion before I have to go to the doctor for this  Its difficult for me to go the doctor for this because I have other health issues that take up all of my time, money and affect y mobility so I was hoping to get an idea how serious this might be before I make a costly appointment.  
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My clicking started 4 days ago. I been struggling with a throat infection for a 3 weeks. Its defiantly a throat infection that caused the clicking.. Now im wondering if it will go away on its own. This really *****. Docs need to fix this problem ASAP. I will pay you $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
okay maybe not that much but. you know...
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My clicking started 4 days ago. I been struggling with a throat infection for a 3 weeks. Its defiantly a throat infection that caused the clicking.. Now im wondering if it will go away on its own. This really *****. Docs need to fix this problem ASAP. I will pay you $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
okay maybe not that much but. you know...
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I like your comment since I have anxiety and the click... Drives me freaking nuts... And I have heartburn. But I take a pill for that
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I have something and going to a dr next week
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How does no one have a cure for this? IT IS SO ANNOYINGGGG
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I've had the same clicking for over a year now and have not been to see a dr yet... I'd go to ucla in a minute if I knew threw would fix me up lol. Seems to be a lot of ppl with the same issue. I also had been dealing with heartburn for a while until I took a pill for that. Click is still there .  I hear stress plays a roll in this and I for sure have stress in my life.  I noticed it first when I was in the shower and I sneezed , I swallowed and there was the click for the first time. It went away but later came back with a sneeze. Now it's there most of the time. Not while eating or drinking tho. aim going to see a dr to find out what they have to say... Any new news with anyone else?
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I've had the same clicking for over a year now and have not been to see a dr yet... I'd go to ucla in a minute if I knew threw would fix me up lol. Seems to be a lot of ppl with the same issue. I also had been dealing with heartburn for a while until I took a pill for that. Click is still there .  I hear stress plays a roll in this and I for sure have stress in my life.  I noticed it first when I was in the shower and I sneezed , I swallowed and there was the click for the first time. It went away but later came back with a sneeze. Now it's there most of the time. Not while eating or drinking tho. aim going to see a dr to find out what they have to say... Any new news with anyone else?
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I have the same clicking problem when swallowing. Not happening with fluids or food. I have read all the comments above but noone seems to find a root cause.
When I eat I feel like some of the food is stuck in my throat, it does go away after a while. Plus this clicking problem while swallowing. It has gone for almost over a month now and it started after a night out. I had few drinks and some food. Got indigestion the next day but got some pills and it stopped. Clicking occured at the evening. Not sure what could have caused this. Just a coincident or GERD? My thyroid has 2cm bump, but it was diagnosed 2 weeks before the clicking has started. So this should not be related.
What are your thoughts? Any suggestions?
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Can u please help me? i have the same thing and am severly depressed. I am only 26 and it ruined my life. i lost my job and about to lose my house because of of all my doctor bills.
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did u ever figure your throat click out?? it's killing me
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did u ever figure this out i am really stressed out about it pease help
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here: more about anxiety, scroll down to: Mouth/Stomach (anxiety symptoms)

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I have the same problem and the cause is stress/anxiety, is like over swallowing, also neck pain,  the muscle there get really tense. the more you think about it the more you start to swallow, but if you busy doing others things the clicking disappear, try this: when feeling like swallowing turn you head to the left, right or sides, whichever side is not clicking, maybe a few times while you feel anxious about the clicking and it will stop,
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Hi Jilldai. DId you ever figure this out?? I have the exact same thing and trouble swallowing for three months now with 11 negative tests including ct and mri and blood and two barium swallows and upper GI. Thank u!
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Why does pulling up on that area towards the ear work?  What does it mean???  Is it a muscle or jaw thing?!? I've already seen 2 doctors. 1 thought I had a sinus infection since my ears felt full/ were popping and I was congested.  The other doctor sent me for an X-ray of my sinuses saying she isn't sure I have a sinus infection (awaiting results of X-ray).  

My RMT said she felt fluid under my ear/ near my jaw line.  Told me to go to the dentist...maybe a tooth abcess?  My gum is swollen behind my last molar but I'm still waiting for my dentist appointment.

Background: My symptoms all started 3 days after a gastroscopy and have not stopped for 2 months.  Any suggestions or explanation would be appreciated...need the ear popping to stop!
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I have had the crackling, clicking sound in my throat for many years, usually after I swallow it happens a few seconds later. I also have a grinding gravel sound in my c-spine when I turn my head in any direction. In the last few months I have developed a never ending and getting worse, pain that runs from just behind my right ear, down my neck across the top of my shoulder, into my shoulder blade, sometimes down my right arm and sometimes into my right breast. Also, any finger pressure on the right side of my thyroid causes great pain.

I was recently diagnosed with Relapsing Polychondritis, which causes cartilage in one's body to become inflamed and deteriorate. There are symptoms to the disease that are visible, such as one's ears turning red and feeling very hot, except for the ear lobe. I have had the disease for about 10 years, but no doctor that I described my symptoms to could put the symptoms with a disease. This is not uncommon with this disease. It is a very rare disease, with only 3 to 5 out of a million ever being diagnosed. There may be many more people than this that have the disease and just haven't been able to get a diagnosis.

I am going to Mayo Clinic in January for them to conduct some testing to determine how much cartilage damage has already been done and try to find a treatment plan, as RP has no known cure. I have reached the point with mine that I actually feel the heat on the outside of my trachea when I am either in a visible flare or in a flare but not visible at the ears. I have lost some hearing in my right ear due to Eustachian tube partial collapse. As time has gone by, my throat has been getting worse, as well as more and more frequent bouts of hoarseness.

Another symptom of the disease is fatigue; often debilitating fatigue that can only be improved my getting in my soft, quiet, cool and dark bedroom and resting for a while.

Many posts back, in this thread, I saw comments about sinus problems and swollen sinuses. I suffered with my sinuses most of my life. I had a deviated septum which was taken care of by surgery almost 20 years ago. That helped a lot, but I still suffered from sinus congestion until my diagnosis with the Polychondritis and my Rheumatologist placing me on Colcrys. Within 3 days my sinuses cleared up and have been clear for 5 months. I haven't gone that long without some kind of allergy med or decongestant since I was a teen; I am 59.

I don't know if RP could be the cause of any of the issues on this thread, but since so few doctors and even fewer people seem to have ever heard of it, I felt that it was worth taking the time to post some information about it. There is a lot of information on the internet about the disease. Start at the Mayo Clinic website and work out from there if you can identify with the symptoms given there.

Best Wishes to All...MIke
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