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Vibrating eardrum, pulsating sensation, on and off.

Hi there,
about 5 or 6 weeks ago I started getting a vibrating feeling in my right ear. I thought it would pass but it soon got to the point of real annoyance, flaring up at night and lasting til the morning where I would get up and it would go away.
I got sick of it so I went to the doctor who checked my ears and said that it did look sore in there and perhaps I had an infection so they prescribed a low dose of amoxicillin.

I took about 1/3 of the dose and stopped because the symptoms went away. I didnt like the side effects (bad stomach) so I stopped taking it since the vibrating had stopped.

The vibrating came back though after a few days, and it became a constant sense of vibrating. I was back to the doctor and he prescribed a greater dose of amoxicillin and advised me to finish it, which I did this time. Great, no symptoms for the last week.

A couple of days ago however, the symptoms started again, and yet again, only at night. I went to bed with the annoying banging and awoke to it, only for it to go away during the day.

The doctor did tell me that it would take maybe 6 weeks to clear up, and since that time period has not yet passed, should I still be experiencing those vibrations? I think it has been about 4 weeks since I last went to the doctor. Things were going ok until it flared up again; is this to be expected?
Could this issue be an anxiety issue, since everytime I think 'hey, my eardrum hasnt bothered me at all recently',
it starts flaring up again?
214 Responses
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If you have high blood pressure, you should see a doctor about getting put on medication, and also let him know about the thumping in your ear you are experiencing and how it happens when your heart is beating hard.  He may want to run further tests because it could actually be something causing pressure on an artery or vein near the eardrum.  While the fan may seem to work, it could be mostly because it causes a relaxing type of state within you which can lower a person blood pressure if it is caused by stress. Just because the fan works, doesn't mean that it isn't hiding or masking a serious problem.
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Mental stress ...high bp... And sinusitis...if you have some stregthen muscle and less sleep...ask your doctor for some steroid or muscle relaxant. And he may then dosing you for the smooth nasal flow... Hope this helps.
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I'm 72 and have had tinnitus ring in my left ear for over 40 years. The ringing was slight and I learned to just ignore it.  I'm just getting over a TMJ problem on my left side and the fix was to balance my left and right teeth bite. This consisted of 4 lower crowns on left lower molars. It worked. As soon as the crowns were installed, the TMJ problem stopped and I was again a happy camper. 4 months later and now the tinnitus is much louder and have a rapid 6 beat thumping on average 30 seconds apart in my left ear. I can't sleep and this is why I'm writing this at 4 am. I hope what I've read in this thread is usable. I will wait a few days to see if it stops. And, meanwhile take Ibuprofen  to see if that helps me. Thank to all who have responded over the years on this thread.
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1033121 tn?1270187446
no its not anxiety but that can worsen it, ive suffered with tinnitus for over 10 years and there is NO CURE whatsoever, all you can do is make sure you have TV on and in bed a radio on low with either music or sounds like rain & thunder etc..loads on youtube to help you sleep - i get the low deep hum AND high pitched ringing and sometimes both at the same time, its the ear drum vibrating when theres no sound, im sure if specialists looked into it more it could possibly be cured, but its not classed as "important" thing to do R&D on.
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Ear fluttering is caused by one of four muscles.  Two are inside your ear and two are throat muscles (one of your throat muscles actually ends inside your ear, and the other ends right next to it).

For me, I had an episode six years ago which lasted several months and disappeared by itself.  And unfortunately  a new episode started two days ago.  I've been very stuffy lately and noticed my ears struggling to pop with pain and occasional fullness, so I think that's what brought it back.

Other causes include jaw/TMJ problems, as the nerves controlling those muscles gets pinched.  Stress causes you to grind and clench more (even in your sleep) which flares up your TMJ.  Sinus problems, allergies: same reason, pressure on a nerve controlling the muscle.

Eustachian tube dysfunction can cause it: your muscles are trying to pop your ears but can't and get confused.  Your body tries to pop them when you swallow, burp, hiccup, yawn, or perform a full body stretch.

Generally speaking, if noises cause it than it's an ear muscle.  If burping, yawning, etc. cause it it's a throat muscle.  But there are many exceptions to that.

For me, a foam earplug stops it or sometimes constant noise will stop it.  Riding in a car pauses it (is it the motion or the radio?).  During a flare up, burping, yawning, etc. will trigger it as will eating and swallowing hard, crunchy foods.  I've had TMJ issues in the past and wear a night guard, and during my flare up clenching my teeth really hard can also trigger it.  

My fluttering episodes last from 5 minutes to 20 hours.  And they drive me crazy.  Until I discovered the foam earplug trick, I was going crazy.

The ear muscles are the tensor tympani and stapedius.  A simple surgery cuts these muscles you don't really anyway and your problem is gone.  You just have to wear earplugs when loud noises are around as your ears are no longer protected from them.  

For the two throat muscles, Botox injections every few months calms things down for most people.  You'll have a little trouble swallowing the first few days after the injection.

You may want to try non-surgical methods for muscle stretching, relaxation, and trigger point therapy for the head/neck area or treat the root cause (treat TMJ, get rid of stuffiness in your head) before resorting to surgery.

I didn't have to do any of these things the first time, but maybe this time I'll have to.  I just wanted people to know that it's real, you're not alone, and there is treatment for it.
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Fluttering in my ear when I burp
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I sometimes get the fluttering/thumping eardrums and have found that it is related to anxiety for me. When it happens, I focus on relaxation and I'm able to get it to stop. I can now control it. I can voluntarily make the vibrations happen or stop happening now. When I'm anxious (and this usually happens at night when I'm in bed trying to sleep), sometimes I have to make it stop over and over because it stubbornly starts back up again right away, but that just means im not relaxed enough. . eventually I win by focusing on relaxing my inner ears.
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19380224 tn?1476707048
Hello!  I have only recently started with the fluttering/thumping eardrum thing.  I have had tinnitus in both ears for many years and learned to live with it but THIS!  This is driving me nuts.  I saw the Doctor and she said my ears were clean, no wax, no sign of infection.  At first it was happening only at night (left ear only) but today it's started and has been drumming for over an hour and it's the middle of the day.  The sleepless nights are driving me crazy - some are saying it's anxiety.  Well - I have had anxiety issues in the past but lately been feeling really good, looking forward to  holiday next week etc.  Nothing to worry about, so WHY has this started?  I am seeing another Doc on Thursday but expect no help as it seems clear that there could be many reasons for this affliction.  In the meantime I am hoping that it will just "go away", although from what some people on here are saying that's a big ask.
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I sometimes get the fluttering/thumping eardrums and have found that it is related to anxiety for me. When it happens, I focus on relaxation and I'm able to get it to stop. I can now control it. I can voluntarily make the vibrations happen or stop happening now. When I'm anxious (and this usually happens at night when I'm in bed trying to sleep), sometimes I have to make it stop over and over because it stubbornly starts back up again right away, but that just means im not relaxed enough. . eventually I win by focusing on relaxing my inner ears.
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There are a few things that can be causing the hand issues.  I have Raynaud's which is a nerve syndrome that affects my fingers and toes.  I also have osteoarthritis, and mild carpal tunnel.  Great Combination of disorders that affect my hands.  Typically my right hand is affected more than my left, but both will go numb sometimes without much warning, or while doing things I was used to doing.  The Raynaud's will actually make my fingertips and toes turn bluish when I am introduced to a climate that is cooler than the previous one, and when I am introduced to a warmer climate they turn an evil red color and start this painful burning tingling sensations.  Unfortunately the only thing that seems to help is putting on gloves sometimes, especially when I am going into the freezer.  That or compression gloves which are not only recommended for arthritis but some help alleviate the issues associated with Carpal Tunnel.  I always joke that I am too young to be falling apart this much, and honestly feel like I am the warning symptoms listed on most medications when I list off all the problems that I have.  I have also had it brought to my attention that I need to get tested for Lyme's Disease as it is the great imitator and can mimic several diseases and disorders...some of the effects are irreversible.  I know for sure that at the moment mine is probably due to sinus pressure either related to allergies or an infection and possibly and infection in my ears...the only reason I state this is because of the pain, and the complete tiredness and the agony of having to do something besides sleep.
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You should look into Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Most people with eds also have the symptoms you list and "fall apart" at a young age.
That should have said "fall apart" at a young age.
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You will want to get a mouth guard if you are grinding your teeth at night.  While you may think you have your TMJ aligned, teeth grinding can cause it to "flare" up.  TMJ can also cause your jaw to shift and rest on your ear canal.  It doesn't have to happen on both sides. my mother had it happen just to her right.  It actually started causing her to lose her hearing because of the pressure it had been putting on it for years had basically crushed her canal to a small tube.  You may want to ask your doctor who you should see about having xrays performed on your jaw to determine if your jaw has shifted on the left side.  The sound you are describing is the same sound and feeling my mother had for years and it progressively got worse. It wasn't until she noticed a slight hearing loss that the doctor took her seriously and had it checked out.  Unfortunately because they waited so long, most of the hearing that she lost she will not get back.  You seriously should have the TMJ looked into, and Seriously get a mouth guard for grinding teeth while sleeping.  It can also be what is causing the pain in your neck and tightness when you get up in the morning...if you are grinding those muscles are working all night...
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Your's sounds more like the tube in the ear being pressed by something causing it to not be able to drain properly.  Once the ears drain correctly the feeling goes away, and your symptoms will be alleviated.  Unfortunately if there is something wrong with that tube, and it doesn't right itself...surgery is typically the next response.  
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My mother has TMJ, she actually had to have her jaw broken and rewired because her jaw had slipped and was putting pressure on her right ear canal.  The problem you had with your hearing is the same problem she was having.  And even after it has been fixed, she still has issues hearing out of her right ear.
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Certain Minerals and Vitamins are only recommended in a specific amount for you age, weight, etc.  If you are taking too much of certain ones, instead of your body disposing of them like normal, it can actually start to poison you.  You may want to look into...especially since Magnesium is used in part by your body to regulate blood pressure.  If it is causing adverse effects due to having too much, it could be the pulsing of blood going through a vein or artery near your eardrum that is causing pressure and making the eardrum pound/vibrate.  Plus if there is anyway the makings of the area around your eardrum are putting pressure on the vein or artery near the eardrum, it is possible that is the vibrating sound you are hearing, and why when you turn your head to the left it goes away, weakens when looking straight ahead, and then gets worse when you are looking to the right.  The pressures is lessened when you are turning your head allowing the blood to flow smoothly.  Which is another possibility.  I would seriously ask my doctor if either of these are something they could look into for me, or send me to have testing done for.  Are you experiencing any pain with it, or is it just vibrating?  With Pain there are added risks...such as an aneurysm or an earache.  (Not all aneurysms are lethal, unless they are ignored and rupture.  My dad actually had three, but they were in his chest not brain.  So they were able to put a stint in to correct two of them, one of them kind of mended itself...which is good since the location was where they could not fix it.  But you should discuss all of this with your doctor. Because if it is something causing pressure only on the right side, there are other things that could be...but I don't want to scare you.  So best to ask your doctor to test for magnesium poisoning, infection, and ask if there is something causing pressure on either a vein or artery near your eardrum, that is alleviated by turning your head to the left.  Hope this helps some.  
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Thank you so much for your info. I have been take vitamin and also greens and protein powders in addition to biotin daily and applying natural herbal product on scalp to treat hair loss issue. Lately and notice this symptom occurring when i go to bed at night where my left ear starts a little pulsing pound every so often.  I thought it would go away in the morning but it continued to pound a little pulse every so often. I'll go see my Dr next week to see how to treat this and post some result to help out others when i see some result. For now, i stop using any vitamin and products to see if this symptom goes away. My left ear does not hurt. Just annoyed due to the pulsing pound.
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It could def be pulsatile tinnitus also could be caused by stress. I have the same issue and came across this in my research. My noise in my ear sounds like a deep base type drumming noise way off in the distance in my right ear. It as well completely ingulfs my hearing in my ear when it happens.
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Hi All. hear is I found out way (Answer)
It's because mental stress and Allergy not proper sleep at nights.
Every one's have lot's off Problems Take it easily, Main key things. Feeling Guilty, Done Mistake and Thinking over and mental pressure,  
Today I met the Doc for same reason she said the same things.

Hope helps some of you.....
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Hi All. hear is I found out way (Answer)
It's because mental stress and Allergy not proper sleep at nights.
Every one's have lot's off Problems Take it easily, Main key things. Feeling Guilty, Done Mistake and Thinking over and mental pressure,  
Today I met the Doc for same reason she said the same things.

Hope helps some of you.....
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I have a vibrating sound to my teeth only when I tip my head forward? It doesn't hurt just sounds like a drum
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For me, This is generally caused by unbalanced sound.. For instance, if you have a fan running all the time on one side of your head...  I had it happen to me. Then realized when I turn my head it stopped.. I moved the fan to the other side and it was fine.. then after a few weeks, it started in that ear..  
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I don't know what it is but I get the vibraton sound & feeling in my right ear all the time especially when i turn my head to the left! I've had it for three months ever since my last bad migraine. my mom says it could have something to do with my migraines but I haven't had one in two months and this vibration noise is driving my crazy to the point where I cry & put my finger in my ear to plug out the noise. I don't know what it is, some people say they had vibrations in their ear & muscle relaxants helped but I don't think muscle spasm is what this is since its been happening everyday fir three months! sometimes the vibration gets really loud in my ear when I stand up to fast or when I come out of the shower the vibration is super loud. I've dealt with it for a long time now & im very agitated!
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I have the same symptoms and I would have to agree that it's a lack of sleep issue. Low vitamin B12, Bc, and B6 (B complex, really) can cause adverse actions of the nerves, causing eye twitching, so I'm thinking maybe it's partly due to that. As for the retinal detachment - if you have an untreated inflammation, that can happen.
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I am having that same issue.  Has anyone found a cure for it?
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This annoying vibrations in my left ear drum started about half an hour ago. It's  10.35 PM here in India... temperature about 10deg C ... about 50deg F.... cool but not cold.

Never ever had it befote

Pulling the ear lobes and external parts of the era seem to help.... tho. .. the vibration restarts few minutes later.

I am scared, though. ... similar twitching/vibrations in my right eye few  years ago in similar weather led to detached retina of the right eye.

I am now 54 years and otherwise healthy except for chronic gas in my tummy and  body

Any clues or suggestions?
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I have been having this annoying vibrations in my ear for awhile now, it is only when I am laying down or I am around something I'm allergic too. It's like Chinese water torture! I have seen a lot of comments that it may be anxiety, it is not anxiety in my case!!! But, I am glad to hear that others have experienced this, so I know I am not alone! So, the question is... How do you make it stop!?
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Hello there,got the same same thing.in my situ
ation its caused by stress and anxiety. And I also
Suffer from sleep apnea.hope that helps.
I've had this condition for years and it doesn't
Worry me anymore ,it's only in the left year. It can
Also be caused by lack of sleep.


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All my life I've gotten this whenever I yawn, when I close my eyes and focus on the muscles I can make it start and stop as I please. It's very odd and I've always wondered if people experience the same thing. It sounds as if my eardrums are fluttering rapidly and causing a strange wind tunnel sound. I find it somewhat entertaining to see how long I can keep it going.
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