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Afrin Nose Spray & Smell Loss

I've got a bit of a cold and it's allergy/pollen season here in Atlanta so that's not helping either, but I have used Afrin very sparingly over the past couple of days to help with symptoms. I have not used Zicam spray, I've read those can cause damage to olfactory nerves. I did notice yesterday that my sense of smell was gone although I could still breathe through my nose (still a bit congested, but able to breathe). My question is, has Afrin ever been known to cause loss of smell? Is this a temporary thing just due to sinus inflammation or has the Afrin permanently damaged something? I'm a 28 year old male and I've never experienced such a drastic loss of smell. Any help?
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I used Afrin over the weekend and can't smell or taste anything. I put my nose in a bottle of nail polish remover and also bleach- nothing! I put a dollop of WASABI on my tounge- nothing but a slight burn. I have never had a cold do this to me so I know that's it's afrin related. I can't believe this stuff is on the market! This is awful! I sure hope that it returns.
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I was wondering if you ever regained your sense of smell. I am experiencing the same thing now. While suffering from a very bad respiratory bug, I used Afrin once per day for 2 days. That was a week ago and since then my sense of smell and taste have disappeared. I'm really afraid the loss will be permanent. I'm hoping your outcome was positive.
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I use Afrin once during a bad sinus infection. 2 sprays each nostril as directed, once. Only one use and I could breathe! Later that day, I realized that while I could breathe, I couldn't smell anything. Not coffee, not orange, nothing. It was extremely scary, and so I came across this page while looking for afrin and loss of smell. It isn't listed as a side effect and I would never have taken it had I known I would lose my smell. I couldn't smell a single thing for two straight days, and it drove me nuts. Nothing tasted the same and I was miserable because I love food.  I did try some saline drops with aloe on day two. Not sure if that worked or if Afrin effects finally wore off, bit I am happy to report that on day three my sense of smell did return (although so did the congestion). I will definitely take dealing with congestion over loss of smell!
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I used Afrin one time when I had very bad cold. My sinus was stuffed and my ears were plugged. I couldn't hear very well at all for days. I got so tired of my ears. No matter what I did, they wouldn't unplug for me to hear clearly. So, I went to a local store and got Afrin after reading reviews online about it. This was back in 2009 and I sparingly used in my nasals. Ever since, I can't smell very well. Either the smell has to be very strong or I have to be very close to the source of the oder to smell anything. My smell never used to be this bad before. What's worse is that I also used this product on my 5 year old son around about the same time. It makes sense why he hardly wants to eat anything. That's because he can't smell very well just like me. I believe, they have something in the Afrin product that destroys your smelling nerves.
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I used Afrin one time when I had very bad cold. My sinus was stuffed and my ears were plugged. I couldn't hear very well at all for days. I got so tired of my ears. No matter what I did, they wouldn't unplug for me to hear clearly. So, I went to a local store and got Afrin after reading reviews online about it. This was back in 2009 and I sparingly used in my nasals. Ever since, I can't smell very well. Either the smell has to be very strong or I have to be very close to the source of the oder to smell anything. My smell never used to be this bad before. What's worse is that I also used this product on my 5 year old son around about the same time. It makes sense why he hardly wants to eat anything. That's because he can't smell very well just like me. I believe, they have something in the Afrin product that destroys your smelling nerves.
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I've been using Afrin for 35 years and while I know it's bad for you due to dependency issues, I don't think it has anything to do with the taste/smell issues you're all having; this us the first time I've read about other people having this issue, until now people have looked at me like I was crazy! About 5 years ago I came down with the flu, and it was pretty bad. I started Tamiflu but it was too late. My fever went up to 106!! When I was over it it took a while to feel normal again. When the fever broke I also experienced smell and taste issues. Bathroom wipes smelled like ammonia, as did shampoo and other soaps; I remember grape juice smelling/tasting like sulfur, the same for orange juice. Taste and smell are linked, so it's hard to tell which was effected more (if you hold your nose you can't experience certain tastes). It was very annoying and I was afraid the high fever had caused damage. But after a few days I woke up and I was back to normal. I never stopped using the Afrin. My opinion is that it's not the Afrin but the illness/fever that caused the problem. Although Afrin can cause vasoconstriction and therefore is bad if you have blood pressure issues, it's effects are mainly irritating to the nasal septum and wouldn't effect perception of taste and smell. That is probably a brain issue; the way your brain processes the information it gets is screwed up. So an ENT is the wrong doctor to see. I realize now how lucky I was that it got better so fast, but I would recommend that you all make an appointment with a neurologist. The common thing we all experienced was an illness if some kind, and my gut tells me that some neural pathway(s) have been effected. Keep me posted!
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I had the same experience years ago with Afrin , still sufferin the effects 15 years later, went to an ENT who prescribed an MRA I believe is called from my head.  The result was that the blood vessels in my nasal system were burned.  He told me that if after a period of time, no more than 1 year my taste and smell did not come back I was probably never going to recuperate them.  Afrin can really damage you physically, I have the proof in that test result.

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